Module LazyCodeCore

module LazyCodeCore: sig .. end

Core definitions for the LCT oracle


module IM: Stdlib.Map.Make(Stdlib.Int)
type ci64 = 

Coq Int64 type

type lct_predicates = {
   mutable transp : Bitv.t option;
   mutable ncomp : Bitv.t option;
   mutable xcomp : Bitv.t option;
   mutable injured : Bitv.t option;
   mutable update : Bitv.t option;
   mutable ndsafe : Bitv.t option;
   mutable xdsafe : Bitv.t option;
   mutable nusafe : Bitv.t option;
   mutable xusafe : Bitv.t option;
   mutable nearliest : Bitv.t option;
   mutable xearliest : Bitv.t option;
   mutable ndelayed : Bitv.t option;
   mutable xdelayed : Bitv.t option;
   mutable nlatest : Bitv.t option;
   mutable xlatest : Bitv.t option;
   mutable nisolated : Bitv.t option;
   mutable xisolated : Bitv.t option;
   mutable ninsert : Bitv.t option;
   mutable xinsert : Bitv.t option;
   mutable nreplace : Bitv.t option;
   mutable xreplace : Bitv.t option;
   mutable ncritical : Bitv.t option;
   mutable xcritical : Bitv.t option;
   mutable ncritinsert : Bitv.t option;
   mutable xcritinsert : Bitv.t option;
   mutable nsubstcrit : Bitv.t option;
   mutable xsubstcrit : Bitv.t option;

Each candidate for CM/SR have a list of bitvector predicates. The six last ones are only used for SR.

type lct_predicate_t = 
| P_transp
| P_ncomp
| P_xcomp
| P_injured
| P_update
| P_ndsafe
| P_xdsafe
| P_nusafe
| P_xusafe
| P_nearliest
| P_xearliest
| P_ndelayed
| P_xdelayed
| P_nlatest
| P_xlatest
| P_nisolated
| P_xisolated
| P_ninsert
| P_xinsert
| P_nreplace
| P_xreplace
| P_ncritical
| P_xcritical
| P_ncritinsert
| P_xcritinsert
| P_nsubstcrit
| P_xsubstcrit
type cm_ckey_t = 
| CMop of AST.trapping_mode * Op.operation * Camlcoq.P.t list
| CMload of AST.trapping_mode * AST.memory_chunk * Op.addressing * Camlcoq.P.t list
* ValueDomain.aval option
type sr_t = 
| SRmul
| SRadd
type ckey_t = 
| CCM of cm_ckey_t
| CSR of sr_t * Op.operation * Camlcoq.P.t list

Kind of candidates for CM/SR (splitted with the CCM|CSR type):

type cand_t = {
   mutable lhs : BTLtypes.OrdIS.t IM.t;
   state : lct_predicates;
   mutable vaux : Camlcoq.P.t option;
   memdep : bool;
   mutable was_reduced : bool;
   mutable updated_args : Camlcoq.P.t list option;
   orig_args : Camlcoq.P.t list;

A candidate is a struct with:

type blk_tools_t = {
   blk2id : int Maps.PTree.t;
   id2blk : Camlcoq.P.t IM.t;
   wl : BTLtypes.OrdIS.t;
   card : int;
   last_reg : Camlcoq.P.t;
   mutable sr_vauxs : HashedSet.PSet.t;

We define a struct containing useful information for the algorithm:

type const_t = Op.operation * Camlcoq.P.t 

Type for constants, were the Coq positive corresponds to the block in which the constant is.

type 'a affine_form = 
| Aff_term of 'a * Camlcoq.P.t * 'a affine_form
| Aff_const of 'a

The above is a simple inductive polymorphic affine form, with 'a the type of constants, and Coq positive for registers.

Tools for managing variables and predicates

val constants : (Camlcoq.P.t, const_t) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t

Maps registers to immediate constant operation (if they are unchanged over the whole function).

val candidates : (ckey_t, cand_t) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t

Maps candidates keys to candidate type cand_t.

val affine_int64 : (Camlcoq.P.t * Camlcoq.P.t, ci64 affine_form)

Maps a tuple (block pc, register) to its int64 affine value, if applicable.

Affine operations: multiplication, addition, and accumulation of injuring amounts for a given set of variables.

val affine_mul : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) ->
'a -> 'a affine_form -> 'a affine_form

Affine value times a constant of type 'a.

val affine_add : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) ->
'a affine_form ->
'a affine_form -> 'a affine_form

Addition over affine values with type 'a. We sort them by increasing order of registers in terms.

val affine_inj_const : 'a affine_form -> 'a

Wrappers to mul add, and inj_factor over affine_int64.

val aff_mul_int64 : ci64 -> affine_form -> affine_form
val aff_add_int64 : affine_form -> affine_form -> affine_form
val aff_inj_const_int64 : Camlcoq.P.t * Camlcoq.P.t -> ci64

Grab the constant of affine form with key tup; Used for injuring operations.

val aff_inj_update_int64 : Camlcoq.P.t ->
Camlcoq.P.t ->
ci64 affine_form -> bool -> ci64

Compute the sum of all Aff_term(ci, ri, ...) with ci * (aff_inj_const_int64 (pc, ri)). The last constant Aff_const c is included only if arg is equal to at least one ri. This trick is needed to avoid adding the last constant of single term affine forms c * r + const when r = arg. Indeed, those constants are invariant so we don't need to compensate them.

val aff_find_update_int64 : Camlcoq.P.t list ->
Camlcoq.P.t -> ci64 affine_form option

Finds the first defined affine form with key (pt, arg) for each pt in pts.

val aff_cargs_update_int64 : Camlcoq.P.t list -> Camlcoq.P.t -> Camlcoq.P.t list -> ci64

Fold computing the overall compensation value to add for a given list of arguments cargs, seeking for defined affine forms in block pc first, and in replace_pts otherwise (in case some values are out of the block's scope; it happens in practice).

val aff_may_replace_int64 : Camlcoq.P.t * Camlcoq.P.t ->
ci64 affine_form -> bool -> unit

If force, replace the value at tup by aff, else, add it only if tup is not already defined.

val aff_mul_int64_uset : Camlcoq.P.t ->
Camlcoq.P.t -> Camlcoq.P.t -> ci64 -> bool -> unit

Set a1 * l in (pc, dst) after eventually updating with the old value at (pc, a1).

val aff_add1_int64_uset : Camlcoq.P.t ->
Camlcoq.P.t -> Camlcoq.P.t -> ci64 -> bool -> unit

Set a1 + l in (pc, dst) after eventually updating with the old value at (pc, a1).

val aff_add2_int64_uset : Camlcoq.P.t -> Camlcoq.P.t -> Camlcoq.P.t -> Camlcoq.P.t -> bool -> unit

Set a1 + a2 in (pc, dst) after eventually updating with the old values of {(pc, a1), (pc, a2)}.

Utility functions for candidates

val candidate_op_filter : Op.operation -> bool
val is_sr_ckey : ckey_t -> bool
val is_ld_ckey : ckey_t -> bool
val is_sr_mul_ckey : ckey_t -> bool
val is_constant_reg : Camlcoq.P.t -> bool
val is_trapping_ckey : ckey_t -> bool
val default_predicate_value : lct_predicate_t -> bool

Default predicate value, this setting is very important and quite touchy...

val is_fwd_predicate : lct_predicate_t -> bool

Is the predicate requiring a forward analysis?

val mk_def_df_predicates : unit -> lct_predicates

At the beginning, every predicate option is set to None.

val mk_cand : int -> BTLtypes.OrdIS.elt -> bool -> Camlcoq.P.t list -> cand_t

Initialize a new candidate appearing at pc, offset with _memdep, args and default values.

Read and write a predicate, or its values in cand.

val get_predicate_cand : cand_t -> lct_predicate_t -> Bitv.t
val get_predicate_value : cand_t -> int -> lct_predicate_t -> bool
val set_predicate_cand : cand_t -> Bitv.t -> lct_predicate_t -> unit
val set_predicate_value : cand_t -> int -> lct_predicate_t -> bool -> unit
val set_predicates_array : cand_t ->
lct_predicate_t array -> Bitv.t array -> unit

Write an array of predicates preds with an array of solutions sols.

val is_really_sr_cand : cand_t -> bool

If a candidate for strength-reduction is never injured, then we can perform the code-motion dataflow analysis only.

val is_real_sr_mul_cand : ckey_t -> cand_t -> bool

Flags default values

type t_flags = {
   mutable ok_sr : bool;
   mutable ok_trap : bool;
   mutable tlimit : int;
   mutable nlimit : int;
val flags : t_flags

Logs and Statistics

val log_lvl : int
val llog : int -> ('a, Stdlib.out_channel, unit) Stdlib.format -> 'a
type t_lct_stats = {
   mutable tstart : float;
   mutable tcounter : int;
   mutable nb_notrap : int;
   mutable nb_trap : int;
   mutable nb_nins_notrap : int;
   mutable nb_xins_notrap : int;
   mutable nb_nins_trap : int;
   mutable nb_xins_trap : int;
   mutable nb_nrep_notrap : int;
   mutable nb_xrep_notrap : int;
   mutable nb_nrep_trap : int;
   mutable nb_xrep_trap : int;
   mutable nb_sr : int;
   mutable nb_nins_sr : int;
   mutable nb_xins_sr : int;
   mutable nb_nrep_sr : int;
   mutable nb_xrep_sr : int;
   mutable nb_upd_sr : int;
   mutable nb_aseq_ginv : int;
   mutable nb_aseq_hinv : int;
   mutable lct_exec_time : float;
val save_stats : bool
val stats : t_lct_stats
val reset_stats : unit -> unit

Below tools to limit the oracle in runtime.

exception TimeLimitReached
val has_timeout : unit -> bool
val check_time : unit -> unit
val filter_candidates : unit -> unit

Limit the number of candidates according to the user flag.

Debugging functions, and statistics.

val stat_code_motion : bool -> ckey_t -> bool -> unit
val fprint_stats_header : Stdlib.out_channel -> unit -> unit
val fprint_stats : Stdlib.out_channel -> unit -> unit
val write_stats : unit -> unit
val print_ordis : Stdlib.out_channel -> BTLtypes.OrdIS.t -> unit
val print_imap : Stdlib.out_channel -> BTLtypes.OrdIS.t IM.t -> unit
val print_sr_type : Stdlib.out_channel -> sr_t -> unit
val print_cand : Stdlib.out_channel -> ckey_t * cand_t -> unit
val print_predicates : BTLtypes.OrdIS.t -> int Maps.PTree.t -> unit

Print every predicates of every candidates in a CSV-like format separated with semicolumns.

val print_constants : unit -> unit
val print_candidates : unit -> unit
val print_affine_form : Stdlib.out_channel -> ('a -> int64) * 'a affine_form -> unit
val print_affine_map : (Camlcoq.P.t * Camlcoq.P.t, 'a affine_form) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t ->
('a -> int64) -> unit