module LazyCodeOracle:sig
LCT Oracle implementation
Detection, construction and insertion of candidates
val lhs_blk_add : LazyCodeCore.cand_t -> int -> BTLtypes.OrdIS.elt -> unit
val lhs_blk_rem : LazyCodeCore.cand_t -> int -> BTLtypes.OrdIS.elt -> unit
val insert_cand : LazyCodeCore.ckey_t ->
BTLtypes.OrdIS.elt -> Camlcoq.P.t -> bool -> Camlcoq.P.t list -> unit
If the ckey
already exist, we check if the candidate was already
seen in block pc
, ifso, we add it to the offset set,
ifnot, we create a singleton.
val erase_latest_cand : LazyCodeCore.ckey_t ->
LazyCodeCore.cand_t ->
LazyCodeCore.cand_t -> BTLtypes.OrdIS.t LazyCodeCore.IM.t -> unit
Compare both cand
and old_cand
according to their position,
update the lhs
field of the earlier,
and and erase the last one by emptying lhs
val merge_cand : LazyCodeCore.ckey_t -> LazyCodeCore.cand_t -> unit
Merge an eventually existing candidate at ckey
with cand
and erase the latest one.
val make_op_ckey : BTLtypes.OrdIS.elt ->
Camlcoq.P.t ->
AST.trapping_mode -> Op.operation -> Camlcoq.P.t list -> Camlcoq.P.t -> unit
Build a candidate from a btl operation.
val make_load_ckey : BTLtypes.OrdIS.elt ->
Camlcoq.P.t ->
AST.trapping_mode ->
AST.memory_chunk ->
Op.addressing -> Camlcoq.P.t list -> ValueDomain.aval option -> unit
val detect_constants : (Camlcoq.P.t * BTL.iblock_info) list -> unit
Detect constants over the whole function (never erased) A constant that is defined multiple times is still a constant, and in this case we keep the oldest (former) one.
val detect_candidates : Camlcoq.P.t -> BTL.iblock_info -> unit
Detect candidates (transfer function to be used with apply_over_function).
Match and extraction functions for candidates
val match_op_ckey : Op.operation -> Camlcoq.P.t list -> LazyCodeCore.ckey_t -> bool
val match_load_ckey : AST.trapping_mode ->
AST.memory_chunk ->
Op.addressing ->
Camlcoq.P.t list -> ValueDomain.aval option -> LazyCodeCore.ckey_t -> bool
val extract_ckey_args : LazyCodeCore.ckey_t -> Camlcoq.P.t list
val extract_ckey_chk_aaddr : LazyCodeCore.ckey_t -> AST.memory_chunk * ValueDomain.aval option
Local analysis part
val initialize_nonrec_predicates : int -> LazyCodeCore.ckey_t -> LazyCodeCore.cand_t -> unit
Initialize local and non-recursive predicates.
bb_tf_event_t =
| |
E_matchN |
| |
E_matchX |
| |
E_smash |
| |
E_injure |
| |
E_end |
val bb_analysis : LazyCodeCore.ckey_t ->
LazyCodeCore.cand_t ->
(int -> int -> int -> bb_tf_event_t -> unit) ->
BTL.iblock -> unit
This function performs an analysis over a single basic-block ib
It has currently two main purposes:
must be given as an argument, with the
following expected signature:
tf : (offset: int) -> (border: int) -> (first_smash: int) -> bb_tf_event_t -> unit
: current position in the block;
it is equal to the number of BTL instruction at the end;border
: indicates the point separating the entry part from the exit part;first_smash
: contains the offset of the first instruction smashing the
given candidate dependencies;bb_tf_event_t
: sum type given to tf
to indicate one of five cases:
val local_predicates_for_cand : int Maps.PTree.t ->
LazyCodeCore.ckey_t ->
LazyCodeCore.cand_t -> Camlcoq.P.t -> BTL.iblock -> unit
Computes transp, injure, ncomp and xcomp predicates.
val init_and_local_analysis : BTL.code ->
LazyCodeCore.blk_tools_t ->
LazyCodeCore.ckey_t -> LazyCodeCore.cand_t -> unit
Init non-recursive predicates and computes local ones for a whole function.
Predicates transfer functions (to be used with round-robin algorithm)
val d_safe_tf : int Maps.PTree.t ->
Camlcoq.P.t list ->
LazyCodeCore.cand_t -> Camlcoq.P.t -> int -> Bitv.t array -> bool array
D_Safe transfer function sols.(0) should be xdsafe and sols.(1) should be ndsafe.
val u_safe_tf : int Maps.PTree.t ->
Camlcoq.P.t list ->
LazyCodeCore.cand_t -> Camlcoq.P.t -> int -> Bitv.t array -> bool array
U_Safe transfer function sols.(0) should be nusafe and sols.(1) should be xusafe.
val delayed_tf : int Maps.PTree.t ->
Camlcoq.P.t list ->
LazyCodeCore.cand_t -> Camlcoq.P.t -> int -> Bitv.t array -> bool array
Delayed transfer function sols.(0) should be ndelayed and sols.(1) should be xdelayed.
val isolated_tf : int Maps.PTree.t ->
Camlcoq.P.t list ->
LazyCodeCore.cand_t -> Camlcoq.P.t -> int -> Bitv.t array -> bool array
Isolated transfer function sols.(0) should be xisolated and sols.(1) should be nisolated.
val critical_tf : int Maps.PTree.t ->
Camlcoq.P.t list ->
LazyCodeCore.cand_t -> Camlcoq.P.t -> int -> Bitv.t array -> bool array
Critical transfer function sols.(0) should be xcritical and sols.(1) should be ncritical.
val substcrit_tf : int Maps.PTree.t ->
Camlcoq.P.t list ->
LazyCodeCore.cand_t -> Camlcoq.P.t -> int -> Bitv.t array -> bool array
Subst-Crit transfer function sols.(0) should be nsubstcrit and sols.(1) should be xsubstcrit.
Update transfer function with two equations
sols.(0) should be xupdate and sols.(1) should be nupdate
let update_tf (blk2id: int PTree.t) (succs_list : P.t list) (cand : cand_t) (pc : P.t) (bitvi : int) (sols : Bitv.t array) : bool array =
llog 3 "Update analyzing %d\n" (p2i pc);
let xupdate =
let xcomp = get_predicate_value cand bitvi P_xcomp in
if xcomp then xcomp
(fun succ ->
let succi = pget succ blk2id in
let ninsert = get_predicate_value cand succi P_ninsert in
let nupdate = Bitv.get sols.(1) succi in
llog 3 "ninsert is %b and nupdate is %b\n" ninsert nupdate;
(not ninsert) && nupdate)
llog 3 "xupdate is %b\n" xupdate;
let nupdate =
let ncomp = get_predicate_value cand bitvi P_ncomp in
if ncomp then ncomp
let xinsert = get_predicate_value cand bitvi P_xinsert in
if xinsert then not xinsert else xupdate
llog 3 "nupdate is %b\n" nupdate;
| xupdate; nupdate |
val update_tf : int Maps.PTree.t ->
Camlcoq.P.t list ->
LazyCodeCore.cand_t -> Camlcoq.P.t -> int -> Bitv.t array -> bool array
Update transfer function sols contains the single equation.
Dataflow analysis part
val round_robin : BTL.code ->
LazyCodeCore.blk_tools_t ->
(int Maps.PTree.t ->
Camlcoq.P.t list ->
LazyCodeCore.cand_t -> Camlcoq.P.t -> int -> Bitv.t array -> bool array) ->
LazyCodeCore.lct_predicate_t array -> LazyCodeCore.cand_t -> Bitv.t array
Main dataflow function: a unidirectionnal round-robin worklist (in wl
based dataflow algorithm taking a transfer function tf
as parameter,
and working on a single candidate cand
at a time. The predicates
is an array containing the system of equations to evaluate.
Computation of predicates from dataflow equations
val compute_earliestness : BTL.code -> LazyCodeCore.blk_tools_t -> LazyCodeCore.cand_t -> unit
val compute_latestness : BTL.code -> LazyCodeCore.blk_tools_t -> LazyCodeCore.cand_t -> unit
Insertion points predicates and related functions
val compute_critical_insertion : LazyCodeCore.cand_t -> unit
val set_lct_targets : LazyCodeCore.cand_t -> Bitv.t -> Bitv.t -> Bitv.t -> Bitv.t -> unit
Set insertion and replacement points in the candidate record.
val find_substcrit_targets : BTL.code -> LazyCodeCore.blk_tools_t -> LazyCodeCore.cand_t -> unit
Push critical insertion points forward to the first non critical but substitution critical point, in the direction of the control-flow.
val compute_lcm_targets_notrap : LazyCodeCore.cand_t -> unit
Non-trapping insertion points: Insert(n) = Latest(n) /\ not Isolated(n)
val compute_lcm_targets_trap : BTL.code ->
Camlcoq.P.t -> LazyCodeCore.blk_tools_t -> LazyCodeCore.cand_t -> unit
Trapping insertion points:
val dataflow_analysis : BTL.code ->
Camlcoq.P.t ->
LazyCodeCore.blk_tools_t ->
LazyCodeCore.ckey_t -> LazyCodeCore.cand_t -> unit
Main dataflow analysis.
Rewriting part (modifying the CFG once analysis is done)
val insert_node : BTL.iblock -> int -> BTL.iblock -> BTL.iblock
Insert inst
in ib
at offset_target
, using offset
as iterator.
val commit_new_block : BTL.code Stdlib.ref -> Camlcoq.P.t -> BTL.iblock -> BTL.iblock_info -> unit
val update_args_ckey : LazyCodeCore.ckey_t -> Camlcoq.P.t list -> LazyCodeCore.ckey_t
val mark_updated_ckey : LazyCodeCore.ckey_t -> Camlcoq.P.t list -> unit
val mark_updated_op : Op.operation -> Camlcoq.P.t list -> Camlcoq.P.t list -> Camlcoq.P.t -> unit
val mark_updated_load : AST.trapping_mode ->
AST.memory_chunk ->
Op.addressing ->
Camlcoq.P.t list -> Camlcoq.P.t list -> ValueDomain.aval option -> unit
val subst_arg : Camlcoq.P.t -> Camlcoq.P.t -> Camlcoq.P.t -> Camlcoq.P.t
val subst_arg_list : Camlcoq.P.t -> Camlcoq.P.t -> Camlcoq.P.t list -> Camlcoq.P.t list
val forward_replace : Camlcoq.P.t ->
int -> LazyCodeCore.ckey_t -> Camlcoq.P.t -> BTL.iblock -> BTL.iblock
Forward substitution of auxiliary variables, and candidate
replacement procedure. This function takes the target
block pc
, the target offset offset_target
, and recurses through the
basic-block ib
. It bases its behavior on the comparison between the
current offset offset
and offset_target
< offset_target
: continue and increment offset
= offset_target
: ensure a match between the current
instruction and the candidate to replace, replace it by a nop
(rather than directly by a move), and continue. At this point, we also
update the tables of affine values and constants by copying the previous
mapping (if existing) to a new one bound to the auxiliary variable of the
candidate. The algorithm saves the original destination of the replaced
> offset_target
: (meaning the candidate was already replaced
by a nop), there are two possible subcases:
field of the current
candidate by its auxiliary variable.val compute_insertion_point : LazyCodeCore.ckey_t -> LazyCodeCore.cand_t -> BTL.iblock -> bool -> int
Compute the insertion point for a given basic-block and candidate.
val build_inst_from_ckey : Camlcoq.P.t -> LazyCodeCore.ckey_t -> BTL.iblock
Translate a virtual candidate to a concrete BTL instruction.
val sr_update_mul : Camlcoq.P.t list -> Camlcoq.P.t -> Camlcoq.P.t -> BTL.iblock -> BTL.iblock
val sr_update_add : Camlcoq.P.t list ->
Camlcoq.P.t list -> Camlcoq.P.t -> Camlcoq.P.t -> BTL.iblock -> BTL.iblock
val strength_reduce_update : LazyCodeCore.blk_tools_t ->
Camlcoq.P.t list ->
Camlcoq.P.t ->
LazyCodeCore.ckey_t -> LazyCodeCore.cand_t -> BTL.iblock -> BTL.iblock
Insert update assignments for strength reduction candidates
val code_motion : BTL.code Stdlib.ref ->
Camlcoq.P.t LazyCodeCore.IM.t ->
LazyCodeCore.ckey_t ->
LazyCodeCore.cand_t -> Bitv.t -> Bitv.t -> bool -> unit
Applies code motion using the information in insert_pred
val strength_reduction : BTL.code Stdlib.ref ->
LazyCodeCore.blk_tools_t ->
Camlcoq.P.t list -> LazyCodeCore.ckey_t -> LazyCodeCore.cand_t -> unit
val rewrite_graph : BTL.code Stdlib.ref ->
LazyCodeCore.blk_tools_t ->
LazyCodeCore.ckey_t -> LazyCodeCore.cand_t -> unit
Invariant construction part
val build_ival_from_ckey : bool -> LazyCodeCore.ckey_t -> BTL_Invariants.ival
val build_invariants : BTL.code ->
BTL_Invariants.gluemap ->
Camlcoq.P.t ->
LazyCodeCore.blk_tools_t ->
(LazyCodeCore.ckey_t * LazyCodeCore.cand_t) list -> BTL_Invariants.gluemap
Build all the needed invariants for LCT: for each candidate in the list, with a defined vaux: g1 = (N-REPLACE /\ not N-INSERT) \/ (X-REPLACE /\ not X-INSERT) g2 = (not N-ISOLATED /\ not X-ISOLATED) g3 = (not N-DELAYED /\ not X-DELAYED) pp = g1 \/ (g2 /\ g3) if the candidate is trapping: pp = pp /\ N-U-SAFE for blk_pc in CFG if blk_pc <> entry: if candidate is a SRmul && candidate is not immediate SR op && candidate was reduced: r = constant_reg of candidate cop, cpc = obtain the constant operation and first appearance block pc if blk_pc < cpc && r <= last_reg (ie is not a fresh variable) && (blk_pc in pp || r live in blk_pc) add an history invariant based on the constant operation, along with a corresponding liveness entry. if blk_pc in pp: add a gluing invariant based on the candidate operation in ckey
Main part
val identify_blocks : BTL.code -> int Maps.PTree.t * Camlcoq.P.t LazyCodeCore.IM.t
This function builds two mappings from block ids to bitvector ids and its reverse, to facilitate bitvector manipulation.
val initialize : unit -> unit
val prepare_data : BTL.code ->
Camlcoq.P.t ->
BTL.code * BTL_Invariants.gluemap * LazyCodeCore.blk_tools_t *
(LazyCodeCore.ckey_t * LazyCodeCore.cand_t) list
val may_downgrade_ckey : BTL.code ->
LazyCodeCore.blk_tools_t ->
LazyCodeCore.ckey_t -> LazyCodeCore.cand_t -> LazyCodeCore.ckey_t
Downgrading an SRadd candidate to a LCM one. The candidate is downgraded if none of the arguments are strength-reduction auxiliary variables.
val update_ckey : BTL.code ->
LazyCodeCore.blk_tools_t ->
LazyCodeCore.ckey_t -> LazyCodeCore.cand_t -> LazyCodeCore.ckey_t
val lazy_optim : BTL.code Stdlib.ref ->
Camlcoq.P.t ->
LazyCodeCore.blk_tools_t ->
(LazyCodeCore.ckey_t * LazyCodeCore.cand_t) list ->
(LazyCodeCore.ckey_t * LazyCodeCore.cand_t) list
val liveness_and_dce : BTL.code -> BTL.code
val lazy_code_oracle : BTL.code -> Camlcoq.P.t -> BTL.code * BTL_Invariants.gluemap
Launch according to cli args.