Module BTLpasses

Require Import Linking Errors Globalenvs Smallstep.
Require Import Coqlib RTL Maps Compopts.
Require Import RTLtoBTL RTLtoBTLproof.
Require Import BTLtoRTL BTLtoRTLproof.
Require Import BTL_Invariants BTL_SEsimuref.
Require Import BTL_BlockSimulation BTL_BlockSimulationproof.

RTL to BTL passes

Translate from RTL to BTL with basic-blocks
Module RTLtoBTL_BBlocksOracle <: RTLtoBTL_TranslationOracle.
  Axiom rtl2btl: RTL.function -> BTL.code * node * function_info * (PTree.t node).
  Extract Constant rtl2btl => "RTLtoBTLaux.rtl2btl_BB".
End RTLtoBTL_BBlocksOracle.

Module RTLtoBTL_BBlocksproof := RTLtoBTL_Translationproof RTLtoBTL_BBlocksOracle.

Module RTLtoBTL_BBlocks := RTLtoBTL_BBlocksproof.

Translate from RTL to BTL with basic-blocks *and* synthetic nodes insertion
Module RTLtoBTL_BBlocksSNodesOracle <: RTLtoBTL_TranslationOracle.
  Axiom rtl2btl: RTL.function -> BTL.code * node * function_info * (PTree.t node).
  Extract Constant rtl2btl => "RTLtoBTLaux.rtl2btl_BBSN".
End RTLtoBTL_BBlocksSNodesOracle.

Module RTLtoBTL_BBlocksSNodesproof := RTLtoBTL_Translationproof RTLtoBTL_BBlocksSNodesOracle.

Module RTLtoBTL_BBlocksSNodes := RTLtoBTL_BBlocksSNodesproof.

Translate from RTL to BTL with superblocks
Module RTLtoBTL_SuperBlocksOracle <: RTLtoBTL_TranslationOracle.
  Axiom rtl2btl: RTL.function -> BTL.code * node * function_info * (PTree.t node).
  Extract Constant rtl2btl => "RTLtoBTLaux.rtl2btl_SB".
End RTLtoBTL_SuperBlocksOracle.

Module RTLtoBTL_SuperBlocksproof := RTLtoBTL_Translationproof RTLtoBTL_SuperBlocksOracle.

Module RTLtoBTL_SuperBlocks := RTLtoBTL_SuperBlocksproof.

BTL to RTL passes

Translate from BTL to RTL
Module BTLtoRTL_ClassicOracle <: BTLtoRTL_TranslationOracle.
  Axiom btl2rtl: BTL.function -> RTL.code * node * (PTree.t node).
  Extract Constant btl2rtl => "BTLtoRTLaux.btl2rtl".
End BTLtoRTL_ClassicOracle.

Module BTLtoRTL_Classicproof := BTLtoRTL_Translationproof BTLtoRTL_ClassicOracle.

Module BTLtoRTL_Classic := BTLtoRTL_Classicproof.

BTL Block Simulation passes

Expansions (unfolding RTL pseudo-instructions) pass (can operates on any kind of btl block)
Module BTL_ExpansionsOracle <: BTL_BlockSimulationConfig.
  Axiom btl_optim_oracle: ValueDomain.romem -> BTL.function -> BTL.code * function_info * gluemap.
  Extract Constant btl_optim_oracle => "fun _ -> BTL_BlockOptimizer.btl_expansions_oracle".
  Axiom btl_rrules: unit -> rrules_set.
  Extract Constant btl_rrules => "BTL_BlockOptimizer.btl_expansions_rrules".
  Axiom btl_value_analysis: unit -> bool.
  Extract Constant btl_value_analysis => "BTL_BlockOptimizer.btl_expansions_value_analysis".
End BTL_ExpansionsOracle.

Module BTL_Expansionsproof := BTL_BlockSimulationCompproof BTL_ExpansionsOracle.

Module BTL_Expansions := BTL_Expansionsproof.

Lazy Code Transformations pass (operates over basic-blocks + synthetic nodes)
Module BTL_LazyCodeOracle <: BTL_BlockSimulationConfig.
  Axiom btl_optim_oracle: ValueDomain.romem -> BTL.function -> BTL.code * function_info * gluemap.
  Extract Constant btl_optim_oracle => "fun _ -> BTL_BlockOptimizer.btl_lazy_code_oracle".
  Axiom btl_rrules: unit -> rrules_set.
  Extract Constant btl_rrules => "BTL_BlockOptimizer.btl_lazy_code_rrules".
  Axiom btl_value_analysis: unit -> bool.
  Extract Constant btl_value_analysis => "BTL_BlockOptimizer.btl_lazy_code_value_analysis".
End BTL_LazyCodeOracle.

Module BTL_LazyCodeproof := BTL_BlockSimulationCompproof BTL_LazyCodeOracle.

Module BTL_LazyCode := BTL_LazyCodeproof.

Superblocks scheduling pass
Module BTL_SchedulingOracle <: BTL_BlockSimulationConfig.
  Axiom btl_optim_oracle: ValueDomain.romem -> BTL.function -> BTL.code * function_info * gluemap.
  Extract Constant btl_optim_oracle => "BTL_BlockOptimizer.btl_scheduling_oracle".
  Axiom btl_rrules: unit -> rrules_set.
  Extract Constant btl_rrules => "BTL_BlockOptimizer.btl_scheduling_rrules".
  Axiom btl_value_analysis: unit -> bool.
  Extract Constant btl_value_analysis => "BTL_BlockOptimizer.btl_scheduling_value_analysis".
End BTL_SchedulingOracle.

Module BTL_Schedulingproof := BTL_BlockSimulationCompproof BTL_SchedulingOracle.

Module BTL_Scheduling := BTL_Schedulingproof.

BTL composed passes (to have a single RTL to RTL pass in the end)

Local Open Scope linking_scope.
Local Open Scope error_monad_scope.

Definition match_if {A: Type} (flag: unit -> bool) (R: A -> A -> Prop): A -> A -> Prop :=
  if flag tt then R else eq.

Global Instance TransfIfLink {A: Type} {LA: Linker A}
                      (flag: unit -> bool) (transf: A -> A -> Prop) (TL: TransfLink transf)
                      : TransfLink (match_if flag transf).
  unfold match_if. destruct (flag tt).
- auto.
- red; intros. subst tp1 tp2. exists p; auto.

Definition pass_if {L : Language} (flag : unit -> bool) (p : Pass L L) : Pass L L :=
  if flag tt then p else pass_identity L.

Basic-blocks transformations composed passes: If Compopts.btl_bb is false, the pass is not called; Activated if either expansions or lct are on; Convert into BTL with basic-blocks, and with synthetic nodes only in the lct case; Expansions are applied after lct, and verified separately (not using the same set of rewriting rules); Code is translated back to RTL using the classical way. RTL -> BTL (BB \/ BBSN) -> BTL (Lazy code optim) + BTL (Expansed) -> RTL
Module BTL_BBpasses.

  Definition bb_passes :=
    (if negb (Compopts.optim_lct tt) then
      mkpass RTLtoBTL_BBlocks.match_prog
    else mkpass RTLtoBTL_BBlocksSNodes.match_prog)
    ::: pass_if Compopts.optim_lct BTL_LazyCode.pass
    ::: pass_if Compopts.optims_expanse BTL_Expansions.pass
    ::: mkpass BTLtoRTL_Classic.match_prog
    ::: pass_nil _.

  Definition transf_program (p: RTL.program) : res RTL.program :=
    assertion (Compopts.btl_bb tt);
    do btlp <- if negb (Compopts.optim_lct tt) then
      RTLtoBTL_BBlocks.transf_program p
    else RTLtoBTL_BBlocksSNodes.transf_program p;
    do p1 <- if Compopts.optim_lct tt then
      BTL_LazyCode.transf_program btlp else OK btlp;
    do p2 <- if Compopts.optims_expanse tt then
      BTL_Expansions.transf_program p1 else OK p1;
    BTLtoRTL_Classic.transf_program p2.

End BTL_BBpasses.

Module BTL_BBpassesproof.

  Include BTL_BBpasses.

  Definition match_prog := pass_match (compose_passes bb_passes).

  Lemma transf_program_match:
    forall p tp, transf_program p = OK tp -> match_prog p tp.
    intros p tp H. unfold transf_program in H; unfold match_prog, bb_passes, pass_if.
    destruct btl_bb; simpl; [| inv H; auto ].
    apply bind_inversion in H. destruct H. inversion_clear H.
    destruct optim_lct; simpl in *;
    apply bind_inversion in H1; destruct H1; inversion_clear H;
    exists x; split.
    1: apply RTLtoBTL_BBlocksSNodes.transf_program_match; auto.
    2: apply RTLtoBTL_BBlocks.transf_program_match; auto.
      destruct optims_expanse; inv H1; subst.
      apply bind_inversion in H2; destruct H2; inversion_clear H.
    3: exists x; split; auto.
    1,2,4: exists x0; split; auto.
    1,3: apply BTL_LazyCode.transf_program_match; auto.
    1: exists x1; split; auto.
    3,4,5: exists x0; split; auto; try reflexivity.
    1,5: apply BTL_Expansions.transf_program_match; auto.
    2: inv H1.
    1,2,3,4: exists tp; split; auto; apply BTLtoRTL_Classic.transf_program_match; auto.


  Variable prog: RTL.program.
  Variable tprog: RTL.program.
  Hypothesis TRANSF: match_prog prog tprog.
  Let ge := Genv.globalenv prog.
  Let tge := Genv.globalenv tprog.

  Theorem transf_program_correct:
    forward_simulation (RTL.semantics prog) (RTL.semantics tprog).
    revert TRANSF; unfold match_prog, bb_passes, pass_if; simpl.
    intros (p1 & P1 & p2 & P2 & p3 & P3 & ? & P4 & ?); subst.
    apply compose_forward_simulations with (L2 := sem false p1); [|
    apply compose_forward_simulations with (L2 := sem false p2); [|
    apply compose_forward_simulations with (L2 := sem false p3) ]].
    - revert P1; case optim_lct; simpl.
      + apply RTLtoBTL_BBlocksSNodes.transf_program_correct.
      + apply RTLtoBTL_BBlocks.transf_program_correct.
    - revert P2; case optim_lct.
      + apply BTL_LazyCode.transf_program_correct.
      + intros ->. apply forward_simulation_refl.
    - revert P3; case optims_expanse.
      + apply BTL_Expansions.transf_program_correct.
      + intros ->. apply forward_simulation_refl.
    - revert P4. apply BTLtoRTL_Classic.transf_program_correct.


  Global Instance TransfBTL_BBpasses: TransfLink match_prog := pass_match_link (compose_passes bb_passes).

End BTL_BBpassesproof.

Superblocks scheduling composed passes: RTL -> BTL (superblocks) -> BTL (scheduled) -> RTL
Module BTL_SBpasses.

  Definition sbscheduling_passes :=
        mkpass RTLtoBTL_SuperBlocks.match_prog
    ::: BTL_Scheduling.pass
    ::: mkpass BTLtoRTL_Classic.match_prog
    ::: pass_nil _.

  Definition transf_program (p: RTL.program) : res RTL.program :=
    do btlp <- RTLtoBTL_SuperBlocks.transf_program p;
    do optp <- BTL_Scheduling.transf_program btlp;
    BTLtoRTL_Classic.transf_program optp.

End BTL_SBpasses.

Module BTL_SBpassesproof.

  Include BTL_SBpasses.

  Definition match_prog := pass_match (compose_passes sbscheduling_passes).

  Lemma transf_program_match:
    forall p tp, transf_program p = OK tp -> match_prog p tp.
    intros p tp H.
    unfold transf_program in H. apply bind_inversion in H. destruct H.
    inversion_clear H. apply bind_inversion in H1. destruct H1.
    inversion_clear H.
    unfold match_prog; simpl.
    exists x; split. apply RTLtoBTL_SuperBlocks.transf_program_match; auto.
    exists x0; split. apply BTL_Scheduling.transf_program_match; auto.
    exists tp; split. apply BTLtoRTL_Classic.transf_program_match; auto.


  Variable prog: RTL.program.
  Variable tprog: RTL.program.
  Hypothesis TRANSF: match_prog prog tprog.
  Let ge := Genv.globalenv prog.
  Let tge := Genv.globalenv tprog.

  Theorem transf_program_correct:
    forward_simulation (RTL.semantics prog) (RTL.semantics tprog).
    revert TRANSF; unfold match_prog, sbscheduling_passes.
    intros (p1 & P1 & p2 & P2 & p3 & P3 & E3); simpl in E3; subst p3.
    eapply compose_forward_simulations.
    { apply RTLtoBTL_SuperBlocks.transf_program_correct; eauto. }
    eapply compose_forward_simulations.
    { apply BTL_Scheduling.transf_program_correct; eauto. }
    { apply BTLtoRTL_Classic.transf_program_correct; eauto. }


  Global Instance TransfBTL_SBpasses: TransfLink match_prog := pass_match_link (compose_passes sbscheduling_passes).

End BTL_SBpassesproof.