Module Asmblockgenproof1

Proof of correctness for individual instructions

Require Import Coqlib Errors Maps.
Require Import AST Integers Floats Values Memory Globalenvs.
Require Import Op Locations Machblock Conventions.
Require Import Asmblock Asmblockgen Asmblockgenproof0 Asmblockprops.
Require Import Chunks.
Require Import Lia.

Import PArithCoercions.

Decomposition of integer constants.

Lemma make_immed32_sound:
  forall n,
  match make_immed32 n with
  | Imm32_single imm => n = imm
  intros; unfold make_immed32. set (lo := Int.sign_ext 12 n).
  predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec n lo; auto.

Lemma make_immed64_sound:
  forall n,
  match make_immed64 n with
  | Imm64_single imm => n = imm
  intros; unfold make_immed64. set (lo := Int64.sign_ext 12 n).
  predSpec Int64.eq Int64.eq_spec n lo.
- auto.
- set (m := Int64.sub n lo).
  set (p := Int64.zero_ext 20 (Int64.shru m (Int64.repr 12))).
  predSpec Int64.eq Int64.eq_spec n (Int64.add (Int64.sign_ext 32 (Int64.shl p (Int64.repr 12))) lo).

Properties of registers

Lemma ireg_of_not_RTMP:
  forall m r, ireg_of m = OK r -> IR r <> IR RTMP.
  intros. erewrite <- ireg_of_eq; eauto with asmgen.

Lemma ireg_of_not_RTMP':
  forall m r, ireg_of m = OK r -> r <> RTMP.
  intros. apply ireg_of_not_RTMP in H. congruence.

#[global] Hint Resolve ireg_of_not_RTMP ireg_of_not_RTMP': asmgen.

Useful simplification tactic

Ltac Simplif :=
  ((rewrite nextblock_inv by eauto with asmgen)
  || (rewrite nextblock_inv1 by eauto with asmgen)
  || (rewrite Pregmap.gss)
  || (rewrite nextblock_pc)
  || (rewrite Pregmap.gso by eauto with asmgen)
  ); auto with asmgen.

Ltac Simpl := repeat Simplif.

Correctness of RISC-V constructor functions


Variable ge: genv.
Variable fn: function.

Lemma loadimm32_correct:
  forall rd n k rs m,
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (loadimm32 rd n ::g k) rs m k rs' m
  /\ rs'#rd = Vint n
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> rd -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  unfold loadimm32; intros. generalize (make_immed32_sound n); intros E.
  destruct (make_immed32 n).
- subst imm. econstructor; split.
  apply exec_straight_one. simpl; eauto. auto.
  split. Simpl.
  intros; Simpl.

Lemma loadimm64_correct:
  forall rd n k rs m,
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (loadimm64 rd n ::g k) rs m k rs' m
  /\ rs'#rd = Vlong n
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> rd -> r <> RTMP -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  unfold loadimm64; intros. generalize (make_immed64_sound n); intros E.
  destruct (make_immed64 n).
- subst imm. econstructor; split.
  apply exec_straight_one. simpl; eauto. auto.
  split. Simpl.
  intros; Simpl.

Lemma opimm64_correct:
  forall (op: arith_name_rrr)
         (opi: arith_name_rri64)
         (sem: val -> val -> val) m,
  (forall d s1 s2 rs,
   exec_basic_instr ge (op d s1 s2) rs m = Next ((rs#d <- (sem rs#s1 rs#s2))) m) ->
  (forall d s n rs,
   exec_basic_instr ge (opi d s n) rs m = Next ((rs#d <- (sem rs#s (Vlong n)))) m) ->
  forall rd r1 n k rs,
  r1 <> RTMP ->
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (opimm64 op opi rd r1 n ::g k) rs m k rs' m
  /\ rs'#rd = sem rs#r1 (Vlong n)
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> rd -> r <> RTMP -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros. unfold opimm64. generalize (make_immed64_sound n); intros E.
  destruct (make_immed64 n).
- subst imm. econstructor; split.
  apply exec_straight_one. rewrite H0. simpl; eauto. auto.
  split. Simpl. intros; Simpl.

Add offset to pointer

Lemma addptrofs_correct:
  forall rd r1 n k rs m,
  r1 <> RTMP ->
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (addptrofs rd r1 n ::g k) rs m k rs' m
  /\ Val.lessdef (Val.offset_ptr rs#r1 n) rs'#rd
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> rd -> r <> RTMP -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  unfold addptrofs; intros.
  destruct (Ptrofs.eq_dec n
- subst n. econstructor; split.
  apply exec_straight_one. simpl; eauto. auto.
  split. Simpl. destruct (rs r1); simpl; auto. rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero; auto.
  intros; Simpl.
- unfold addimm64.
  exploit (opimm64_correct Paddl Paddil Val.addl); eauto. intros (rs' & A & B & C).
  exists rs'; split. eexact A. split; auto.
  rewrite B. destruct (rs r1); simpl; auto.
  rewrite Ptrofs.of_int64_to_int64 by auto. auto.

Ltac ArgsInv :=
  repeat (match goal with
  | [ H: Error _ = OK _ |- _ ] => discriminate
  | [ H: match ?args with nil => _ | _ :: _ => _ end = OK _ |- _ ] => destruct args
  | [ H: bind _ _ = OK _ |- _ ] => monadInv H
  | [ H: match _ with left _ => _ | right _ => assertion_failed end = OK _ |- _ ] => monadInv H; ArgsInv
  | [ H: match _ with true => _ | false => assertion_failed end = OK _ |- _ ] => monadInv H; ArgsInv
  repeat (match goal with
  | [ H: ireg_of _ = OK _ |- _ ] => simpl in *; rewrite (ireg_of_eq _ _ H) in *
  | [ H: freg_of _ = OK _ |- _ ] => simpl in *; rewrite (freg_of_eq _ _ H) in *

Inductive exec_straight_opt: list instruction -> regset -> mem -> list instruction -> regset -> mem -> Prop :=
  | exec_straight_opt_refl: forall c rs m,
      exec_straight_opt c rs m c rs m
  | exec_straight_opt_intro: forall c1 rs1 m1 c2 rs2 m2,
      exec_straight ge c1 rs1 m1 c2 rs2 m2 ->
      exec_straight_opt c1 rs1 m1 c2 rs2 m2.

Remark exec_straight_opt_right:
  forall c3 rs3 m3 c1 rs1 m1 c2 rs2 m2,
  exec_straight_opt c1 rs1 m1 c2 rs2 m2 ->
  exec_straight ge c2 rs2 m2 c3 rs3 m3 ->
  exec_straight ge c1 rs1 m1 c3 rs3 m3.
  destruct 1; intros. auto. eapply exec_straight_trans; eauto.

Lemma transl_comp_correct:
  forall cmp r1 r2 lbl k rs m tbb b,
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (transl_comp cmp Signed r1 r2 lbl k) rs m (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl ::g k) rs' m
  /\ (forall r : preg, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> rs' r = rs r)
  /\ ( Val.cmp_bool cmp rs#r1 rs#r2 = Some b ->
       exec_control ge fn (Some (PCtlFlow (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl))) (nextblock tbb rs') m
        = eval_branch fn lbl (nextblock tbb rs') m (Some b))
  intros. esplit. split.
- unfold transl_comp. apply exec_straight_one; simpl; eauto.
- split.
  + intros; Simpl.
  + intros.
    remember (rs # RTMP <- (compare_int (itest_for_cmp cmp Signed) rs # r1 rs # r2)) as rs'.
    simpl. assert (Val.cmp_bool Cne (nextblock tbb rs') # RTMP (Vint (Int.repr 0)) = Some b).
      assert ((nextblock tbb rs') # RTMP = (compare_int (itest_for_cmp cmp Signed) rs # r1 rs # r2)).
      { rewrite Heqrs'. auto. }
      rewrite H0. rewrite <- H.
      remember (Val.cmp_bool cmp rs#r1 rs#r2) as cmpbool.
      destruct cmp; simpl;
      unfold Val.cmp; rewrite <- Heqcmpbool; destruct cmpbool; simpl; auto;
      destruct b0; simpl; auto.
    rewrite H0. simpl; auto.

Lemma transl_compi_correct:
  forall cmp r1 n lbl k rs m tbb b,
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (transl_compi cmp Signed r1 n lbl k) rs m (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl ::g k) rs' m
  /\ (forall r : preg, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> rs' r = rs r)
  /\ ( Val.cmp_bool cmp rs#r1 (Vint n) = Some b ->
       exec_control ge fn (Some (PCtlFlow (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl))) (nextblock tbb rs') m
        = eval_branch fn lbl (nextblock tbb rs') m (Some b))
  intros. esplit. split.
- unfold transl_compi. apply exec_straight_one; simpl; eauto.
- split.
  + intros; Simpl.
  + intros.
    remember (rs # RTMP <- (compare_int (itest_for_cmp cmp Signed) rs # r1 (Vint n))) as rs'.
    simpl. assert (Val.cmp_bool Cne (nextblock tbb rs') # RTMP (Vint (Int.repr 0)) = Some b).
      assert ((nextblock tbb rs') # RTMP = (compare_int (itest_for_cmp cmp Signed) rs # r1 (Vint n))).
      { rewrite Heqrs'. auto. }
      rewrite H0. rewrite <- H.
      remember (Val.cmp_bool cmp rs#r1 (Vint n)) as cmpbool.
      destruct cmp; simpl;
      unfold Val.cmp; rewrite <- Heqcmpbool; destruct cmpbool; simpl; auto;
      destruct b0; simpl; auto.
    rewrite H0. simpl; auto.

Lemma transl_compu_correct:
  forall cmp r1 r2 lbl k rs m tbb b,
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (transl_comp cmp Unsigned r1 r2 lbl k) rs m (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl ::g k) rs' m
  /\ (forall r : preg, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> rs' r = rs r)
  /\ (Val.mxcmpu_bool cmp rs#r1 rs#r2 = Some b ->
       exec_control ge fn (Some (PCtlFlow ((Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl)))) (nextblock tbb rs') m
        = eval_branch fn lbl (nextblock tbb rs') m (Some b))
  intros. esplit. split.
- unfold transl_comp. apply exec_straight_one; simpl; eauto.
- split.
  + intros; Simpl.
  + intros.
    remember (rs # RTMP <- (compare_int (itest_for_cmp cmp Unsigned) rs # r1 rs # r2)) as rs'.
    simpl. assert (Val.cmp_bool Cne (nextblock tbb rs') # RTMP (Vint (Int.repr 0)) = Some b).
      assert ((nextblock tbb rs') # RTMP = (compare_int (itest_for_cmp cmp Unsigned) rs # r1 rs # r2)).
      { rewrite Heqrs'. auto. }
      rewrite H0. rewrite <- H.
      remember (Val.mxcmpu_bool cmp rs#r1 rs#r2) as cmpubool.
      destruct cmp; simpl; unfold Val.mxcmpu;
        rewrite <- Heqcmpubool; destruct cmpubool; simpl; auto;
      destruct b0; simpl; auto.
    rewrite H0. simpl; auto.

Lemma transl_compui_correct:
  forall cmp r1 n lbl k rs m tbb b,
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (transl_compi cmp Unsigned r1 n lbl k) rs m (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl ::g k) rs' m
  /\ (forall r : preg, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> rs' r = rs r)
  /\ (Val.mxcmpu_bool cmp rs#r1 (Vint n) = Some b ->
       exec_control ge fn (Some (PCtlFlow ((Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl)))) (nextblock tbb rs') m
        = eval_branch fn lbl (nextblock tbb rs') m (Some b))
  intros. esplit. split.
- unfold transl_compi. apply exec_straight_one; simpl; eauto.
- split.
  + intros; Simpl.
  + intros.
    remember (rs # RTMP <- (compare_int (itest_for_cmp cmp Unsigned) rs # r1 (Vint n))) as rs'.
    simpl. assert (Val.cmp_bool Cne (nextblock tbb rs') # RTMP (Vint (Int.repr 0)) = Some b).
      assert ((nextblock tbb rs') # RTMP = (compare_int (itest_for_cmp cmp Unsigned) rs # r1 (Vint n))).
      { rewrite Heqrs'. auto. }
      rewrite H0. rewrite <- H.
      remember (Val.mxcmpu_bool cmp rs#r1 (Vint n)) as cmpubool.
      destruct cmp; simpl; unfold Val.mxcmpu;
        rewrite <- Heqcmpubool; destruct cmpubool; simpl; auto;
      destruct b0; simpl; auto.
    rewrite H0. simpl; auto.

Lemma transl_compl_correct:
  forall cmp r1 r2 lbl k rs m tbb b,
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (transl_compl cmp Signed r1 r2 lbl k) rs m (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl ::g k) rs' m
  /\ (forall r : preg, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> rs' r = rs r)
  /\ ( Val.cmpl_bool cmp rs#r1 rs#r2 = Some b ->
       exec_control ge fn (Some (PCtlFlow (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl))) (nextblock tbb rs') m
        = eval_branch fn lbl (nextblock tbb rs') m (Some b))
  intros. esplit. split.
- unfold transl_compl. apply exec_straight_one; simpl; eauto.
- split.
  + intros; Simpl.
  + intros.
    remember (rs # RTMP <- (compare_long (itest_for_cmp cmp Signed) rs # r1 rs # r2)) as rs'.
    simpl. assert (Val.cmp_bool Cne (nextblock tbb rs') # RTMP (Vint (Int.repr 0)) = Some b).
      assert ((nextblock tbb rs') # RTMP = (compare_long (itest_for_cmp cmp Signed) rs # r1 rs # r2)).
      { rewrite Heqrs'. auto. }
      rewrite H0. rewrite <- H.
      remember (Val.cmpl_bool cmp rs#r1 rs#r2) as cmpbool.
      destruct cmp; simpl;
      unfold compare_long, Val.cmpl;
      rewrite <- Heqcmpbool; destruct cmpbool; simpl; auto;
      destruct b0; simpl; auto.
    rewrite H0. simpl; auto.

Lemma transl_compil_correct:
  forall cmp r1 n lbl k rs m tbb b,
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (transl_compil cmp Signed r1 n lbl k) rs m (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl ::g k) rs' m
  /\ (forall r : preg, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> rs' r = rs r)
  /\ ( Val.cmpl_bool cmp rs#r1 (Vlong n) = Some b ->
       exec_control ge fn (Some (PCtlFlow (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl))) (nextblock tbb rs') m
        = eval_branch fn lbl (nextblock tbb rs') m (Some b))
  intros. esplit. split.
- unfold transl_compil. apply exec_straight_one; simpl; eauto.
- split.
  + intros; Simpl.
  + intros.
    remember (rs # RTMP <- (compare_long (itest_for_cmp cmp Signed) rs # r1 (Vlong n))) as rs'.
    simpl. assert (Val.cmp_bool Cne (nextblock tbb rs') # RTMP (Vint (Int.repr 0)) = Some b).
      assert ((nextblock tbb rs') # RTMP = (compare_long (itest_for_cmp cmp Signed) rs # r1 (Vlong n))).
      { rewrite Heqrs'. auto. }
      rewrite H0. rewrite <- H.
      remember (Val.cmpl_bool cmp rs#r1 (Vlong n)) as cmpbool.
      destruct cmp; simpl;
      unfold compare_long, Val.cmpl;
      rewrite <- Heqcmpbool; destruct cmpbool; simpl; auto;
      destruct b0; simpl; auto.
    rewrite H0. simpl; auto.

Lemma swap_comparison_cmpf_eq:
  forall v1 v2 cmp,
  (Val.cmpf cmp v1 v2) = (Val.cmpf (swap_comparison cmp) v2 v1).
  intros. unfold Val.cmpf. unfold Val.cmpf_bool. destruct v1; destruct v2; auto.
  rewrite Float.cmp_swap. auto.

Lemma swap_comparison_cmpf_bool:
  forall cmp ft v1 v2,
  ftest_for_cmp cmp = Reversed ft ->
  Val.cmpf_bool cmp v1 v2 = Val.cmpf_bool (swap_comparison cmp) v2 v1.
  intros. unfold Val.cmpf_bool. destruct v1; destruct v2; auto. rewrite Float.cmp_swap. reflexivity.

Lemma transl_compf_correct:
  forall cmp r1 r2 lbl k rs m tbb b,
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (transl_comp_float64 cmp r1 r2 lbl k) rs m (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl ::g k) rs' m
  /\ (forall r : preg, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> rs' r = rs r)
  /\ ( Val.cmpf_bool cmp rs#r1 rs#r2 = Some b ->
       exec_control ge fn (Some (PCtlFlow (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl))) (nextblock tbb rs') m
        = eval_branch fn lbl (nextblock tbb rs') m (Some b))
  intros. unfold transl_comp_float64. destruct (ftest_for_cmp cmp) eqn:FT.
  * esplit. split.
    - apply exec_straight_one; simpl; eauto.
    - split.
      + intros; Simpl.
      + intros. remember (rs # RTMP <- (compare_float _ _ _)) as rs'.
        simpl. assert (Val.cmp_bool Cne (nextblock tbb rs') # RTMP (Vint (Int.repr 0)) = Some b).
          assert ((nextblock tbb rs') # RTMP = (compare_float ft (rs r1) (rs r2))).
          { rewrite Heqrs'. auto. }
          rewrite H0. rewrite <- H.
          remember (Val.cmpf_bool cmp rs#r1 rs#r2) as cmpbool.
          destruct cmp; simpl;
          unfold compare_float;
          unfold Val.cmpf; simpl in FT; inversion FT; rewrite <- Heqcmpbool; destruct cmpbool; simpl; auto;
          destruct b0; simpl; auto.
        rewrite H0. simpl; auto.
  * esplit. split.
    - apply exec_straight_one; simpl; eauto.
    - split.
      + intros; Simpl.
      + intros. remember (rs # RTMP <- (compare_float _ _ _)) as rs'.
        simpl. assert (Val.cmp_bool Cne (nextblock tbb rs') # RTMP (Vint (Int.repr 0)) = Some b).
          assert ((nextblock tbb rs') # RTMP = (compare_float ft (rs r2) (rs r1))).
          { rewrite Heqrs'. auto. }
          rewrite H0. rewrite <- H.
          remember (Val.cmpf_bool cmp rs#r1 rs#r2) as cmpbool.
          erewrite swap_comparison_cmpf_bool in Heqcmpbool; eauto.
          destruct cmp; simpl;
          unfold compare_float;
          unfold Val.cmpf; simpl in FT; inversion FT; simpl in Heqcmpbool; rewrite <- Heqcmpbool; destruct cmpbool; simpl; auto;
          destruct b0; simpl; auto.
        rewrite H0. simpl; auto.

Lemma cmpf_bool_ne_eq:
  forall v1 v2,
  Val.cmpf_bool Cne v1 v2 = option_map negb (Val.cmpf_bool Ceq v1 v2).
  intros. unfold Val.cmpf_bool. destruct v1; destruct v2; auto. rewrite Float.cmp_ne_eq. simpl. reflexivity.

Lemma cmpf_bool_ne_eq_rev:
  forall v1 v2,
  Val.cmpf_bool Ceq v1 v2 = option_map negb (Val.cmpf_bool Cne v1 v2).
  intros. unfold Val.cmpf_bool. destruct v1; destruct v2; auto. rewrite Float.cmp_ne_eq. simpl. rewrite negb_involutive. reflexivity.

Lemma option_map_negb_negb:
  forall v,
  option_map negb (option_map negb v) = v.
  destruct v; simpl; auto. rewrite negb_involutive. reflexivity.

Lemma notbool_option_map_negb:
  forall v, Val.notbool (Val.of_optbool v) = Val.of_optbool (option_map negb v).
  unfold Val.notbool. unfold Val.of_optbool.
  destruct v; auto. destruct b; auto.

Lemma swap_comparison_cmpf_bool_notftest:
  forall cmp ft v1 v2,
  notftest_for_cmp cmp = Reversed ft ->
  Val.cmpf_bool cmp v1 v2 = Val.cmpf_bool (swap_comparison cmp) v2 v1.
  intros. unfold Val.cmpf_bool. destruct v1; destruct v2; auto. rewrite Float.cmp_swap. reflexivity.

Lemma transl_compnotf_correct:
  forall cmp r1 r2 lbl k rs m tbb b,
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (transl_comp_notfloat64 cmp r1 r2 lbl k) rs m (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl ::g k) rs' m
  /\ (forall r : preg, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> rs' r = rs r)
  /\ (option_map negb (Val.cmpf_bool cmp rs#r1 rs#r2) = Some b ->
       exec_control ge fn (Some (PCtlFlow (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl))) (nextblock tbb rs') m
        = eval_branch fn lbl (nextblock tbb rs') m (Some b))
  intros. unfold transl_comp_notfloat64. destruct (notftest_for_cmp cmp) eqn:FT.
  * esplit. split.
    - apply exec_straight_one; simpl; eauto.
    - split.
      + intros; Simpl.
      + intros. remember (rs # RTMP <- (compare_float _ _ _)) as rs'.
        simpl. assert (Val.cmp_bool Cne (nextblock tbb rs') # RTMP (Vint (Int.repr 0)) = Some b).
          assert ((nextblock tbb rs') # RTMP = (compare_float ft (rs r1) (rs r2))).
          { rewrite Heqrs'. auto. }
          rewrite H0. rewrite <- H.
          remember (option_map negb (Val.cmpf_bool cmp rs#r1 rs#r2)) as cmpbool.
          destruct cmp; simpl;
          unfold compare_float;
          unfold Val.cmpf; simpl in FT; inversion FT.
          * rewrite cmpf_bool_ne_eq; rewrite <- Heqcmpbool; destruct cmpbool; simpl; auto; destruct b0; simpl; auto.
          * rewrite cmpf_bool_ne_eq_rev. rewrite <- Heqcmpbool; destruct cmpbool; simpl; auto; destruct b0; simpl; auto.
          * rewrite notbool_option_map_negb. rewrite <- Heqcmpbool; destruct cmpbool; simpl; auto; destruct b0; simpl; auto.
          * rewrite notbool_option_map_negb. rewrite <- Heqcmpbool; destruct cmpbool; simpl; auto; destruct b0; simpl; auto.
        rewrite H0. simpl; auto.
  * esplit. split.
    - apply exec_straight_one; simpl; eauto.
    - split.
      + intros; Simpl.
      + intros. remember (rs # RTMP <- (compare_float _ _ _)) as rs'.
        simpl. assert (Val.cmp_bool Cne (nextblock tbb rs') # RTMP (Vint (Int.repr 0)) = Some b).
          assert ((nextblock tbb rs') # RTMP = (compare_float ft (rs r2) (rs r1))).
          { rewrite Heqrs'. auto. }
          rewrite H0. rewrite <- H.
          remember (Val.cmpf_bool cmp rs#r1 rs#r2) as cmpbool.
          erewrite swap_comparison_cmpf_bool_notftest in Heqcmpbool; eauto.
          destruct cmp; simpl;
          unfold compare_float;
          unfold Val.cmpf; simpl in FT; inversion FT; simpl in Heqcmpbool.
          * rewrite notbool_option_map_negb. rewrite <- Heqcmpbool; destruct cmpbool; simpl; auto; destruct b0; simpl; auto.
          * rewrite notbool_option_map_negb. rewrite <- Heqcmpbool; destruct cmpbool; simpl; auto; destruct b0; simpl; auto.
        rewrite H0. simpl; auto.

Lemma swap_comparison_cmpfs_bool:
  forall cmp ft v1 v2,
  ftest_for_cmp cmp = Reversed ft ->
  Val.cmpfs_bool cmp v1 v2 = Val.cmpfs_bool (swap_comparison cmp) v2 v1.
  intros. unfold Val.cmpfs_bool. destruct v1; destruct v2; auto. rewrite Float32.cmp_swap. reflexivity.

Lemma transl_compfs_correct:
  forall cmp r1 r2 lbl k rs m tbb b,
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (transl_comp_float32 cmp r1 r2 lbl k) rs m (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl ::g k) rs' m
  /\ (forall r : preg, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> rs' r = rs r)
  /\ ( Val.cmpfs_bool cmp rs#r1 rs#r2 = Some b ->
       exec_control ge fn (Some (PCtlFlow (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl))) (nextblock tbb rs') m
        = eval_branch fn lbl (nextblock tbb rs') m (Some b))
  intros. unfold transl_comp_float32. destruct (ftest_for_cmp cmp) eqn:FT.
  * esplit. split.
    - apply exec_straight_one; simpl; eauto.
    - split.
      + intros; Simpl.
      + intros. remember (rs # RTMP <- (compare_single _ _ _)) as rs'.
        simpl. assert (Val.cmp_bool Cne (nextblock tbb rs') # RTMP (Vint (Int.repr 0)) = Some b).
          assert ((nextblock tbb rs') # RTMP = (compare_single ft (rs r1) (rs r2))).
          { rewrite Heqrs'. auto. }
          rewrite H0. rewrite <- H.
          remember (Val.cmpfs_bool cmp rs#r1 rs#r2) as cmpbool.
          destruct cmp; simpl;
          unfold compare_single;
          unfold Val.cmpfs; simpl in FT; inversion FT; rewrite <- Heqcmpbool; destruct cmpbool; simpl; auto;
          destruct b0; simpl; auto.
        rewrite H0. simpl; auto.
  * esplit. split.
    - apply exec_straight_one; simpl; eauto.
    - split.
      + intros; Simpl.
      + intros. remember (rs # RTMP <- (compare_single _ _ _)) as rs'.
        simpl. assert (Val.cmp_bool Cne (nextblock tbb rs') # RTMP (Vint (Int.repr 0)) = Some b).
          assert ((nextblock tbb rs') # RTMP = (compare_single ft (rs r2) (rs r1))).
          { rewrite Heqrs'. auto. }
          rewrite H0. rewrite <- H.
          remember (Val.cmpfs_bool cmp rs#r1 rs#r2) as cmpbool.
          erewrite swap_comparison_cmpfs_bool in Heqcmpbool; eauto.
          destruct cmp; simpl;
          unfold compare_single;
          unfold Val.cmpfs; simpl in FT; inversion FT; simpl in Heqcmpbool; rewrite <- Heqcmpbool; destruct cmpbool; simpl; auto;
          destruct b0; simpl; auto.
        rewrite H0. simpl; auto.

Lemma swap_comparison_cmpfs_bool_notftest:
  forall cmp ft v1 v2,
  notftest_for_cmp cmp = Reversed ft ->
  Val.cmpfs_bool cmp v1 v2 = Val.cmpfs_bool (swap_comparison cmp) v2 v1.
  intros. unfold Val.cmpfs_bool. destruct v1; destruct v2; auto. rewrite Float32.cmp_swap. reflexivity.

Lemma cmpfs_bool_ne_eq:
  forall v1 v2,
  Val.cmpfs_bool Cne v1 v2 = option_map negb (Val.cmpfs_bool Ceq v1 v2).
  intros. unfold Val.cmpfs_bool. destruct v1; destruct v2; auto. rewrite Float32.cmp_ne_eq. simpl. reflexivity.

Lemma cmpfs_bool_ne_eq_rev:
  forall v1 v2,
  Val.cmpfs_bool Ceq v1 v2 = option_map negb (Val.cmpfs_bool Cne v1 v2).
  intros. unfold Val.cmpfs_bool. destruct v1; destruct v2; auto. rewrite Float32.cmp_ne_eq. simpl. rewrite negb_involutive. reflexivity.

Lemma transl_compnotfs_correct:
  forall cmp r1 r2 lbl k rs m tbb b,
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (transl_comp_notfloat32 cmp r1 r2 lbl k) rs m (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl ::g k) rs' m
  /\ (forall r : preg, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> rs' r = rs r)
  /\ (option_map negb (Val.cmpfs_bool cmp rs#r1 rs#r2) = Some b ->
       exec_control ge fn (Some (PCtlFlow (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl))) (nextblock tbb rs') m
        = eval_branch fn lbl (nextblock tbb rs') m (Some b))
  intros. unfold transl_comp_notfloat32. destruct (notftest_for_cmp cmp) eqn:FT.
  * esplit. split.
    - apply exec_straight_one; simpl; eauto.
    - split.
      + intros; Simpl.
      + intros. remember (rs # RTMP <- (compare_single _ _ _)) as rs'.
        simpl. assert (Val.cmp_bool Cne (nextblock tbb rs') # RTMP (Vint (Int.repr 0)) = Some b).
          assert ((nextblock tbb rs') # RTMP = (compare_single ft (rs r1) (rs r2))).
          { rewrite Heqrs'. auto. }
          rewrite H0. rewrite <- H.
          remember (option_map negb (Val.cmpfs_bool cmp rs#r1 rs#r2)) as cmpbool.
          destruct cmp; simpl;
          unfold compare_single;
          unfold Val.cmpfs; simpl in FT; inversion FT.
          * rewrite cmpfs_bool_ne_eq; rewrite <- Heqcmpbool; destruct cmpbool; simpl; auto; destruct b0; simpl; auto.
          * rewrite cmpfs_bool_ne_eq_rev. rewrite <- Heqcmpbool; destruct cmpbool; simpl; auto; destruct b0; simpl; auto.
          * rewrite notbool_option_map_negb. rewrite <- Heqcmpbool; destruct cmpbool; simpl; auto; destruct b0; simpl; auto.
          * rewrite notbool_option_map_negb. rewrite <- Heqcmpbool; destruct cmpbool; simpl; auto; destruct b0; simpl; auto.
        rewrite H0. simpl; auto.
  * esplit. split.
    - apply exec_straight_one; simpl; eauto.
    - split.
      + intros; Simpl.
      + intros. remember (rs # RTMP <- (compare_single _ _ _)) as rs'.
        simpl. assert (Val.cmp_bool Cne (nextblock tbb rs') # RTMP (Vint (Int.repr 0)) = Some b).
          assert ((nextblock tbb rs') # RTMP = (compare_single ft (rs r2) (rs r1))).
          { rewrite Heqrs'. auto. }
          rewrite H0. rewrite <- H.
          remember (Val.cmpfs_bool cmp rs#r1 rs#r2) as cmpbool.
          erewrite swap_comparison_cmpfs_bool_notftest in Heqcmpbool; eauto.
          destruct cmp; simpl;
          unfold compare_single;
          unfold Val.cmpfs; simpl in FT; inversion FT; simpl in Heqcmpbool.
          * rewrite notbool_option_map_negb. rewrite <- Heqcmpbool; destruct cmpbool; simpl; auto; destruct b0; simpl; auto.
          * rewrite notbool_option_map_negb. rewrite <- Heqcmpbool; destruct cmpbool; simpl; auto; destruct b0; simpl; auto.
        rewrite H0. simpl; auto.

Lemma transl_complu_correct:
  forall cmp r1 r2 lbl k rs m tbb b,
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (transl_compl cmp Unsigned r1 r2 lbl k) rs m (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl ::g k) rs' m
  /\ (forall r : preg, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> rs' r = rs r)
  /\ ( Val.mxcmplu_bool cmp rs#r1 rs#r2 = Some b ->
       exec_control ge fn (Some (PCtlFlow (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl))) (nextblock tbb rs') m
        = eval_branch fn lbl (nextblock tbb rs') m (Some b))
  intros. esplit. split.
- unfold transl_compl. apply exec_straight_one; simpl; eauto.
- split.
  + intros; Simpl.
  + intros.
    remember (rs # RTMP <- (compare_long (itest_for_cmp cmp Unsigned) rs # r1 rs # r2)) as rs'.
    simpl. assert (Val.cmp_bool Cne (nextblock tbb rs') # RTMP (Vint (Int.repr 0)) = Some b).
      assert ((nextblock tbb rs') # RTMP = (compare_long (itest_for_cmp cmp Unsigned) rs # r1 rs # r2)).
      { rewrite Heqrs'. auto. }
      rewrite H0. rewrite <- H.
      remember (Val.mxcmplu_bool cmp rs#r1 rs#r2) as cmpbool.
      destruct cmp; simpl;
      unfold compare_long, Val.mxcmplu; rewrite <- Heqcmpbool; destruct cmpbool; simpl; auto;
      destruct b0; simpl; auto.
    rewrite H0. simpl; auto.

Lemma transl_compilu_correct:
  forall cmp r1 n lbl k rs m tbb b,
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (transl_compil cmp Unsigned r1 n lbl k) rs m (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl ::g k) rs' m
  /\ (forall r : preg, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> rs' r = rs r)
  /\ ( Val.mxcmplu_bool cmp rs#r1 (Vlong n) = Some b ->
       exec_control ge fn (Some (PCtlFlow (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl))) (nextblock tbb rs') m
        = eval_branch fn lbl (nextblock tbb rs') m (Some b))
  intros. esplit. split.
- unfold transl_compil. apply exec_straight_one; simpl; eauto.
- split.
  + intros; Simpl.
  + intros.
    remember (rs # RTMP <- (compare_long (itest_for_cmp cmp Unsigned) rs # r1 (Vlong n))) as rs'.
    simpl. assert (Val.cmp_bool Cne (nextblock tbb rs') # RTMP (Vint (Int.repr 0)) = Some b).
      assert ((nextblock tbb rs') # RTMP = (compare_long (itest_for_cmp cmp Unsigned) rs # r1 (Vlong n))).
      { rewrite Heqrs'. auto. }
      rewrite H0. rewrite <- H.
      remember (Val.mxcmplu_bool cmp rs#r1 (Vlong n)) as cmpbool.
      destruct cmp; simpl;
      unfold compare_long, Val.mxcmplu; rewrite <- Heqcmpbool; destruct cmpbool; simpl; auto;
      destruct b0; simpl; auto.
    rewrite H0. simpl; auto.

Lemma transl_opt_compuimm_correct:
  forall n cmp r1 lbl k rs m b tbb c,
  select_comp n cmp = Some c ->
  exists rs', exists insn,
     exec_straight_opt (transl_opt_compuimm n cmp r1 lbl k) rs m ((PControl insn) ::g k) rs' m
  /\ (forall r : preg, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> rs' r = rs r)
  /\ ( Val.mxcmpu_bool cmp rs#r1 (Vint n) = Some b ->
       exec_control ge fn (Some insn) (nextblock tbb rs') m = eval_branch fn lbl (nextblock tbb rs') m (Some b))
(*   unfold transl_opt_compuimm. unfold select_comp in H. rewrite H; simpl. *)
  remember c as c'.
  destruct c'.
  - (* c = Ceq *)
    assert (Int.eq n = true) as H'.
    { remember (Int.eq n as termz. destruct termz; auto.
      generalize H. unfold select_comp; rewrite <- Heqtermz; simpl.
      discriminate. }
    assert (n = (Int.repr 0)) as H0. {
      destruct (Int.eq_dec n (Int.repr 0)) as [Ha|Ha]; auto.
      generalize (Int.eq_false _ _ Ha). unfold in H'.
      rewrite H'. discriminate.
    assert (Ceq = cmp). {
      remember cmp as c0'. destruct c0'; auto; generalize H; unfold select_comp;
      rewrite H'; simpl; auto;
      intros; contradict H; discriminate.
    unfold transl_opt_compuimm. subst. rewrite H'.

    exists rs, (Pcbu BTweqz r1 lbl).
    * constructor.
    * split; auto. simpl. intros.
      assert (rs r1 = (nextblock tbb rs) r1).
        unfold nextblock, incrPC. Simpl. rewrite H1 in H0.
      (*assert (Val.cmp_bool Ceq (rs r1) (Vint (Int.repr 0)) = Some b) as EVAL'S.
      { rewrite <- H2. rewrite <- H0. rewrite <- H1. auto. }*)

      unfold eval_branch. rewrite H0; auto.
  - (* c = Cne *)
    assert (Int.eq n = true) as H'.
    { remember (Int.eq n as termz. destruct termz; auto.
      generalize H. unfold select_comp; rewrite <- Heqtermz; simpl.
      discriminate. }
    assert (n = (Int.repr 0)) as H0. {
      destruct (Int.eq_dec n (Int.repr 0)) as [Ha|Ha]; auto.
      generalize (Int.eq_false _ _ Ha). unfold in H'.
      rewrite H'. discriminate.
    assert (Cne = cmp). {
      remember cmp as c0'. destruct c0'; auto; generalize H; unfold select_comp;
      rewrite H'; simpl; auto;
      intros; contradict H; discriminate.
    unfold transl_opt_compuimm. subst. rewrite H'.

    exists rs, (Pcbu BTwnez r1 lbl).
    * constructor.
    * split; auto. simpl. intros.
      assert (rs r1 = (nextblock tbb rs) r1).
        unfold nextblock, incrPC. Simpl. rewrite H1 in H0.
      unfold eval_branch. rewrite H0. auto.
  - (* c = Clt *) contradict H; unfold select_comp; destruct (Int.eq n;
    destruct cmp; discriminate.
  - (* c = Cle *) contradict H; unfold select_comp; destruct (Int.eq n;
    destruct cmp; discriminate.
  - (* c = Cgt *) contradict H; unfold select_comp; destruct (Int.eq n;
    destruct cmp; discriminate.
  - (* c = Cge *) contradict H; unfold select_comp; destruct (Int.eq n;
    destruct cmp; discriminate.

Lemma transl_opt_compluimm_correct:
  forall n cmp r1 lbl k rs m b tbb c,
  select_compl n cmp = Some c ->
  exists rs', exists insn,
     exec_straight_opt (transl_opt_compluimm n cmp r1 lbl k) rs m ((PControl insn) ::g k) rs' m
  /\ (forall r : preg, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> rs' r = rs r)
  /\ ( Val.mxcmplu_bool cmp rs#r1 (Vlong n) = Some b ->
       exec_control ge fn (Some insn) (nextblock tbb rs') m = eval_branch fn lbl (nextblock tbb rs') m (Some b))
(*   unfold transl_opt_compluimm; rewrite H; simpl. *)
  remember c as c'.
  destruct c'.
  - (* c = Ceq *)
    assert (Int64.eq n = true) as H'.
    { remember (Int64.eq n as termz. destruct termz; auto.
      generalize H. unfold select_compl; rewrite <- Heqtermz; simpl.
      discriminate. }
    assert (n = (Int64.repr 0)) as H0. {
      destruct (Int64.eq_dec n (Int64.repr 0)) as [Ha|Ha]; auto.
      generalize (Int64.eq_false _ _ Ha). unfold in H'.
      rewrite H'. discriminate.
    assert (Ceq = cmp). {
      remember cmp as c0'. destruct c0'; auto; generalize H; unfold select_compl;
      rewrite H'; simpl; auto;
      intros; contradict H; discriminate.
    unfold transl_opt_compluimm; subst; rewrite H'.

    exists rs, (Pcbu BTdeqz r1 lbl).
    * constructor.
    * split; auto. simpl. intros.
      assert (rs r1 = (nextblock tbb rs) r1).
        unfold nextblock, incrPC. Simpl. rewrite H1 in H0.
      unfold eval_branch. rewrite H0; auto.
  - (* c = Cne *)
    assert (Int64.eq n = true) as H'.
    { remember (Int64.eq n as termz. destruct termz; auto.
      generalize H. unfold select_compl; rewrite <- Heqtermz; simpl.
      discriminate. }
    assert (n = (Int64.repr 0)) as H0. {
      destruct (Int64.eq_dec n (Int64.repr 0)) as [Ha|Ha]; auto.
      generalize (Int64.eq_false _ _ Ha). unfold in H'.
      rewrite H'. discriminate.
    assert (Cne = cmp). {
      remember cmp as c0'. destruct c0'; auto; generalize H; unfold select_compl;
      rewrite H'; simpl; auto;
      intros; contradict H; discriminate.
    unfold transl_opt_compluimm; subst; rewrite H'.

    exists rs, (Pcbu BTdnez r1 lbl).
    * constructor.
    * split; auto. simpl. intros.
      assert (rs r1 = (nextblock tbb rs) r1).
        unfold nextblock, incrPC. Simpl. rewrite H1 in H0.
      unfold eval_branch. rewrite H0; auto.
  - (* c = Clt *) contradict H; unfold select_compl; destruct (Int64.eq n;
    destruct cmp; discriminate.
  - (* c = Cle *) contradict H; unfold select_compl; destruct (Int64.eq n;
    destruct cmp; discriminate.
  - (* c = Cgt *) contradict H; unfold select_compl; destruct (Int64.eq n;
    destruct cmp; discriminate.
  - (* c = Cge *) contradict H; unfold select_compl; destruct (Int64.eq n;
    destruct cmp; discriminate.

Local Hint Resolve Val.mxcmpu_bool_correct Val.mxcmplu_bool_correct: core.

Lemma transl_cbranch_correct_1:
  forall cond args lbl k c m ms b sp rs m' tbb,
  transl_cbranch cond args lbl k = OK c ->
  eval_condition cond ( ms args) m = Some b ->
  agree ms sp rs ->
  Mem.extends m m' ->
  exists rs', exists insn,
     exec_straight_opt c rs m' ((PControl insn) ::g k) rs' m'
  /\ exec_control ge fn (Some insn) (nextblock tbb rs') m' = eval_branch fn lbl (nextblock tbb rs') m' (Some b)
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros until tbb; intros TRANSL EVAL AG MEXT.
  set (vl' := map rs (map preg_of args)).
  assert (EVAL': eval_condition cond vl' m' = Some b).
  { apply eval_condition_lessdef with (map ms args) m; auto. eapply preg_vals; eauto. }
  clear EVAL MEXT AG.
  destruct cond; simpl in TRANSL; ArgsInv.
(* Ccomp *)
- exploit (transl_comp_correct c0 x x0 lbl); eauto. intros (rs' & A & B & C).
  exists rs', (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl).
  + constructor. eexact A.
  + split; auto. apply C; auto.
(* Ccompu *)
- exploit (transl_compu_correct c0 x x0 lbl); eauto. intros (rs' & A & B & C).
  exists rs', (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl).
  + constructor. eexact A.
  + split; auto. apply C; eauto.
(* Ccompimm *)
- remember (Int.eq n as eqz.
  destruct eqz.
  + assert (n = (Int.repr 0)). {
        destruct (Int.eq_dec n (Int.repr 0)) as [H|H]; auto.
        generalize (Int.eq_false _ _ H). unfold in Heqeqz.
        rewrite <- Heqeqz. discriminate.
    exists rs, (Pcb (btest_for_cmpswz c0) x lbl).
    * constructor.
    * split; auto.
      assert (rs x = (nextblock tbb rs) x).
        unfold nextblock, incrPC. Simpl. rewrite H0 in EVAL'. clear H0.
      destruct c0; simpl; auto;
      unfold eval_branch; rewrite <- H; rewrite EVAL'; auto.
  + exploit (transl_compi_correct c0 x n lbl); eauto. intros (rs'2 & A' & B' & C').
    exists rs'2, (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl).
    * constructor. eexact A'.
    * split; auto.
      { apply C'; auto. }
(* Ccompuimm *)
- remember (select_comp n c0) as selcomp.
  destruct selcomp.
  + exploit (transl_opt_compuimm_correct n c0 x lbl k). apply eq_sym. apply Heqselcomp.
    intros (rs' & i & A & B & C).
    exists rs', i.
    * apply A.
    * split; auto. apply C. apply EVAL'.
  + assert (transl_opt_compuimm n c0 x lbl k = transl_compi c0 Unsigned x n lbl k).
    { unfold transl_opt_compuimm.
      destruct (Int.eq n eqn:EQN.
      all: unfold select_comp in Heqselcomp; rewrite EQN in Heqselcomp; destruct c0; simpl in *; auto.
      all: discriminate. }
    rewrite H. clear H.
    exploit (transl_compui_correct c0 x n lbl); eauto. intros (rs'2 & A' & B' & C').
    exists rs'2, (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl).
    * constructor. eexact A'.
    * split; auto.
      { apply C'; auto. }
(* Ccompl *)
- exploit (transl_compl_correct c0 x x0 lbl); eauto. intros (rs' & A & B & C).
  exists rs', (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl).
  + constructor. eexact A.
  + split; auto. apply C; auto.
(* Ccomplu *)
- exploit (transl_complu_correct c0 x x0 lbl); eauto. intros (rs' & A & B & C).
  exists rs', (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl).
  + constructor. eexact A.
  + split; auto. apply C; eauto.
(* Ccomplimm *)
- remember (Int64.eq n as eqz.
  destruct eqz.
  + assert (n = (Int64.repr 0)). {
        destruct (Int64.eq_dec n (Int64.repr 0)) as [H|H]; auto.
        generalize (Int64.eq_false _ _ H). unfold in Heqeqz.
        rewrite <- Heqeqz. discriminate.
    exists rs, (Pcb (btest_for_cmpsdz c0) x lbl).
    * constructor.
    * split; auto.
      assert (rs x = (nextblock tbb rs) x).
        unfold nextblock, incrPC. Simpl. rewrite H0 in EVAL'. clear H0.
      destruct c0; simpl; auto;
      unfold eval_branch; rewrite <- H; rewrite EVAL'; auto.
  + exploit (transl_compil_correct c0 x n lbl); eauto. intros (rs'2 & A' & B' & C').
    exists rs'2, (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl).
    * constructor. eexact A'.
    * split; auto.
      { apply C'; auto. }

(* Ccompluimm *)
- remember (select_compl n c0) as selcomp.
  destruct selcomp.
  + exploit (transl_opt_compluimm_correct n c0 x lbl k). apply eq_sym. apply Heqselcomp.
    intros (rs' & i & A & B & C).
    exists rs', i.
    * apply A.
    * split; eauto. (*  apply C. apply EVAL'. *)
  + assert (transl_opt_compluimm n c0 x lbl k = transl_compil c0 Unsigned x n lbl k).
    { unfold transl_opt_compluimm.
      destruct (Int64.eq n eqn:EQN.
      all: unfold select_compl in Heqselcomp; rewrite EQN in Heqselcomp; destruct c0; simpl in *; auto.
      all: discriminate. }
    rewrite H. clear H.
    exploit (transl_compilu_correct c0 x n lbl); eauto. intros (rs'2 & A' & B' & C').
    exists rs'2, (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl).
    * constructor. eexact A'.
    * split; auto.
      { apply C'; auto. eapply Val.mxcmplu_bool_correct; eauto. }

(* Ccompf *)
- exploit (transl_compf_correct c0 x x0 lbl); eauto. intros (rs' & A & B & C).
  exists rs', (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl).
  + constructor. eexact A.
  + split; auto. apply C; auto.

(* Cnotcompf *)
- exploit (transl_compnotf_correct c0 x x0 lbl); eauto. intros (rs' & A & B & C).
  exists rs', (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl).
  + constructor. eexact A.
  + split; auto. apply C; auto.

(* Ccompfs *)
- exploit (transl_compfs_correct c0 x x0 lbl); eauto. intros (rs' & A & B & C).
  exists rs', (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl).
  + constructor. eexact A.
  + split; auto. apply C; auto.

(* Cnotcompfs *)
- exploit (transl_compnotfs_correct c0 x x0 lbl); eauto. intros (rs' & A & B & C).
  exists rs', (Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl).
  + constructor. eexact A.
  + split; auto. apply C; auto.

Lemma transl_cbranch_correct_true:
  forall cond args lbl k c m ms sp rs m' tbb,
  transl_cbranch cond args lbl k = OK c ->
  eval_condition cond ( ms args) m = Some true ->
  agree ms sp rs ->
  Mem.extends m m' ->
  exists rs', exists insn,
     exec_straight_opt c rs m' ((PControl insn) ::g k) rs' m'
  /\ exec_control ge fn (Some insn) (nextblock tbb rs') m' = goto_label fn lbl (nextblock tbb rs') m'
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros. eapply transl_cbranch_correct_1 with (b := true); eauto.

Lemma transl_cbranch_correct_false:
  forall cond args lbl k c m ms sp rs tbb m',
  transl_cbranch cond args lbl k = OK c ->
  eval_condition cond ( ms args) m = Some false ->
  agree ms sp rs ->
  Mem.extends m m' ->
  exists rs', exists insn,
     exec_straight_opt c rs m' ((PControl insn) ::g k) rs' m'
  /\ exec_control ge fn (Some insn) (nextblock tbb rs') m' = Next (nextblock tbb rs') m'
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros. exploit transl_cbranch_correct_1. all: eauto. simpl eval_branch. instantiate (1 := tbb).
  intros (rs' & insn & A & B & C). rewrite regset_same_assign in B.
  eexists; eexists. split; try split. all: eassumption.

Translation of condition operators

Lemma transl_cond_int32s_correct:
  forall cmp rd r1 r2 k rs m,
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (basics_to_code (transl_cond_int32s cmp rd r1 r2 k)) rs m (basics_to_code k) rs' m
  /\ Val.lessdef (Val.cmp cmp rs#r1 rs#r2) rs'#rd
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> rd -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros. destruct cmp; simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.

Lemma transl_cond_int32u_correct:
  forall cmp rd r1 r2 k rs m,
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (basics_to_code (transl_cond_int32u cmp rd r1 r2 k)) rs m (basics_to_code k) rs' m
  /\ rs'#rd = Val.mxcmpu cmp rs#r1 rs#r2
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> rd -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros. destruct cmp; simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.

Lemma transl_cond_int64s_correct:
  forall cmp rd r1 r2 k rs m,
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (basics_to_code (transl_cond_int64s cmp rd r1 r2 k)) rs m (basics_to_code k) rs' m
  /\ Val.lessdef (Val.maketotal (Val.cmpl cmp rs#r1 rs#r2)) rs'#rd
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> rd -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros. destruct cmp; simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.

Lemma transl_cond_int64u_correct:
  forall cmp rd r1 r2 k rs m,
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (basics_to_code (transl_cond_int64u cmp rd r1 r2 k)) rs m (basics_to_code k) rs' m
  /\ rs'#rd = Val.mxcmplu cmp rs#r1 rs#r2
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> rd -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros. destruct cmp; simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.

Lemma transl_condimm_int32s_correct:
  forall cmp rd r1 n k rs m,
  r1 <> RTMP ->
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (basics_to_code (transl_condimm_int32s cmp rd r1 n k)) rs m (basics_to_code k) rs' m
  /\ Val.lessdef (Val.cmp cmp rs#r1 (Vint n)) rs'#rd
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> rd -> r <> RTMP -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros. destruct cmp; simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.

Local Hint Resolve Val.mxcmpu_correct Val.mxcmplu_correct: core.

Lemma transl_condimm_int32u_correct:
  forall cmp rd r1 n k rs m,
  r1 <> RTMP ->
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (basics_to_code (transl_condimm_int32u cmp rd r1 n k)) rs m (basics_to_code k) rs' m
  /\ Val.lessdef (Val.cmpu (Mem.valid_pointer m) cmp rs#r1 (Vint n)) rs'#rd
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> rd -> r <> RTMP -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros. destruct cmp; simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.

Lemma transl_condimm_int64s_correct:
  forall cmp rd r1 n k rs m,
  r1 <> RTMP ->
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (basics_to_code (transl_condimm_int64s cmp rd r1 n k)) rs m (basics_to_code k) rs' m
  /\ Val.lessdef (Val.maketotal (Val.cmpl cmp rs#r1 (Vlong n))) rs'#rd
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> rd -> r <> RTMP -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros. destruct cmp; simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.

Lemma transl_condimm_int64u_correct:
  forall cmp rd r1 n k rs m,
  r1 <> RTMP ->
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (basics_to_code (transl_condimm_int64u cmp rd r1 n k)) rs m (basics_to_code k) rs' m
  /\ Val.lessdef (Val.maketotal (Val.cmplu (Mem.valid_pointer m) cmp rs#r1 (Vlong n))) rs'#rd
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> rd -> r <> RTMP -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros. destruct cmp; simpl;
  (econstructor; split;
  [ apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto] |
    split; intros; Simpl; unfold compare_long; eauto]).

Lemma swap_comparison_cmpfs:
  forall v1 v2 cmp,
  Val.lessdef (Val.cmpfs cmp v1 v2) (Val.cmpfs (swap_comparison cmp) v2 v1).
  intros. unfold Val.cmpfs. unfold Val.cmpfs_bool. destruct v1; destruct v2; auto.
  rewrite Float32.cmp_swap. auto.

Lemma transl_cond_float32_correct:
  forall cmp rd r1 r2 k rs m,
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (basics_to_code (transl_cond_float32 cmp rd r1 r2 k)) rs m (basics_to_code k) rs' m
  /\ Val.lessdef (Val.cmpfs cmp rs#r1 rs#r2) rs'#rd
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> rd -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros. destruct cmp; simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl. apply swap_comparison_cmpfs.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl. apply swap_comparison_cmpfs.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl;
  split; intros; Simpl.

Lemma transl_cond_nofloat32_correct:
  forall cmp rd r1 r2 k rs m,
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (basics_to_code (transl_cond_notfloat32 cmp rd r1 r2 k)) rs m (basics_to_code k) rs' m
  /\ Val.lessdef (Val.of_optbool (option_map negb (Val.cmpfs_bool cmp (rs r1) (rs r2)))) rs'#rd
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> rd -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros. destruct cmp; simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
  unfold Val.cmpfs. unfold Val.cmpfs_bool. destruct (rs r1); auto. destruct (rs r2); auto.
  rewrite Float32.cmp_ne_eq. auto.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
  unfold Val.cmpfs. unfold Val.cmpfs_bool. destruct (rs r1); auto. destruct (rs r2); auto.
  rewrite Float32.cmp_ne_eq. simpl. destruct (Float32.cmp Ceq f f0); auto.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
  unfold Val.cmpfs. unfold Val.cmpfs_bool. destruct (rs r1); auto. destruct (rs r2); auto. simpl.
  destruct (Float32.cmp Clt f f0); auto.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
  unfold Val.cmpfs. unfold Val.cmpfs_bool. destruct (rs r1); auto. destruct (rs r2); auto. simpl.
  replace (Cge) with (swap_comparison Cle); auto. rewrite Float32.cmp_swap.
  destruct (Float32.cmp _ _ _); auto.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
  unfold Val.cmpfs. unfold Val.cmpfs_bool. destruct (rs r1); auto. destruct (rs r2); auto. simpl.
  replace (Clt) with (swap_comparison Cgt); auto. rewrite Float32.cmp_swap.
  destruct (Float32.cmp _ _ _); auto.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
  unfold Val.cmpfs. unfold Val.cmpfs_bool. destruct (rs r1); auto. destruct (rs r2); auto. simpl.
  destruct (Float32.cmp _ _ _); auto.

Lemma swap_comparison_cmpf:
  forall v1 v2 cmp,
  Val.lessdef (Val.cmpf cmp v1 v2) (Val.cmpf (swap_comparison cmp) v2 v1).
  intros. unfold Val.cmpf. unfold Val.cmpf_bool. destruct v1; destruct v2; auto.
  rewrite Float.cmp_swap. auto.

Lemma transl_cond_float64_correct:
  forall cmp rd r1 r2 k rs m,
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (basics_to_code (transl_cond_float64 cmp rd r1 r2 k)) rs m (basics_to_code k) rs' m
  /\ Val.lessdef (Val.cmpf cmp rs#r1 rs#r2) rs'#rd
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> rd -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros. destruct cmp; simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl. apply swap_comparison_cmpf.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl. apply swap_comparison_cmpf.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.

Lemma transl_cond_nofloat64_correct:
  forall cmp rd r1 r2 k rs m,
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (basics_to_code (transl_cond_notfloat64 cmp rd r1 r2 k)) rs m (basics_to_code k) rs' m
  /\ Val.lessdef (Val.of_optbool (option_map negb (Val.cmpf_bool cmp (rs r1) (rs r2)))) rs'#rd
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> rd -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros. destruct cmp; simpl.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
  unfold Val.cmpf. unfold Val.cmpf_bool. destruct (rs r1); auto. destruct (rs r2); auto.
  rewrite Float.cmp_ne_eq. auto.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
  unfold Val.cmpf. unfold Val.cmpf_bool. destruct (rs r1); auto. destruct (rs r2); auto.
  rewrite Float.cmp_ne_eq. simpl. destruct (Float.cmp Ceq f f0); auto.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
  unfold Val.cmpf. unfold Val.cmpf_bool. destruct (rs r1); auto. destruct (rs r2); auto. simpl.
  destruct (Float.cmp Clt f f0); auto.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
  unfold Val.cmpf. unfold Val.cmpf_bool. destruct (rs r1); auto. destruct (rs r2); auto. simpl.
  replace (Cge) with (swap_comparison Cle); auto. rewrite Float.cmp_swap.
  destruct (Float.cmp _ _ _); auto.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
  unfold Val.cmpf. unfold Val.cmpf_bool. destruct (rs r1); auto. destruct (rs r2); auto. simpl.
  replace (Clt) with (swap_comparison Cgt); auto. rewrite Float.cmp_swap.
  destruct (Float.cmp _ _ _); auto.
- econstructor; split. apply exec_straight_one; [simpl; eauto].
  split; intros; Simpl.
  unfold Val.cmpf. unfold Val.cmpf_bool. destruct (rs r1); auto. destruct (rs r2); auto. simpl.
  destruct (Float.cmp _ _ _); auto.

Lemma transl_cond_op_correct:
  forall cond rd args k c rs m,
  transl_cond_op cond rd args k = OK c ->
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (basics_to_code c) rs m (basics_to_code k) rs' m
  /\ Val.lessdef (Val.of_optbool (eval_condition cond (map rs (map preg_of args)) m)) rs'#rd
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> rd -> r <> RTMP -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  assert (MKTOT: forall ob, Val.of_optbool ob = Val.maketotal (option_map Val.of_bool ob)).
  { destruct ob as [[]|]; reflexivity. }
  intros until m; intros TR.
  destruct cond; simpl in TR; ArgsInv.
+ (* cmp *)
  exploit transl_cond_int32s_correct; eauto. simpl. intros (rs' & A & B & C). exists rs'; eauto.
+ (* cmpu *)
  exploit transl_cond_int32u_correct; eauto. simpl. intros (rs' & A & B & C).
  exists rs'; repeat split; eauto. rewrite B; eapply Val.mxcmpu_correct.
+ (* cmpimm *)
  apply transl_condimm_int32s_correct; eauto with asmgen.
+ (* cmpuimm *)
  apply transl_condimm_int32u_correct; eauto with asmgen.
+ (* cmpl *)
  exploit transl_cond_int64s_correct; eauto. simpl. intros (rs' & A & B & C).
  exists rs'; repeat split; eauto. rewrite MKTOT; eauto.
+ (* cmplu *)
  exploit transl_cond_int64u_correct; eauto. simpl. intros (rs' & A & B & C).
  exists rs'; repeat split; eauto. rewrite B, MKTOT; eauto.
  eapply Val.mxcmplu_correct.
+ (* cmplimm *)
  exploit transl_condimm_int64s_correct; eauto. instantiate (1 := x); eauto with asmgen. simpl.
  intros (rs' & A & B & C).
  exists rs'; repeat split; eauto. rewrite MKTOT; eauto.
+ (* cmpluimm *)
  exploit transl_condimm_int64u_correct; eauto. instantiate (1 := x); eauto with asmgen. simpl.
  intros (rs' & A & B & C).
  exists rs'; repeat split; eauto. rewrite MKTOT; eauto.
+ (* cmpfloat *)
  exploit transl_cond_float64_correct; eauto. intros (rs' & A & B & C). exists rs'; eauto.
+ (* cmpnosingle *)
  exploit transl_cond_nofloat64_correct; eauto. intros (rs' & A & B & C). exists rs'; eauto.
+ (* cmpsingle *)
  exploit transl_cond_float32_correct; eauto. intros (rs' & A & B & C). exists rs'; eauto.
+ (* cmpnosingle *)
  exploit transl_cond_nofloat32_correct; eauto. intros (rs' & A & B & C). exists rs'; eauto.

Ltac SimplEval H :=
  match type of H with
  | Some _ = None _ => discriminate
  | Some _ = Some _ => inv H
  | ?a = Some ?b => let A := fresh in assert (A: Val.maketotal a = b) by (rewrite H; reflexivity)

Ltac TranslOpSimpl :=
  econstructor; split;
  [ apply exec_straight_one; reflexivity
  | split; [ apply Val.lessdef_same; simpl; Simpl; fail | intros; simpl; Simpl; fail ] ].

Lemma int_eq_comm:
  forall (x y: int),
  (Int.eq x y) = (Int.eq y x).
  unfold Int.eq.
  unfold zeq.
  destruct (Z.eq_dec _ _); destruct (Z.eq_dec _ _); congruence.

Lemma int64_eq_comm:
  forall (x y: int64),
  (Int64.eq x y) = (Int64.eq y x).
  unfold Int64.eq.
  unfold zeq.
  destruct (Z.eq_dec _ _); destruct (Z.eq_dec _ _); congruence.

Lemma select_same_lessdef:
  forall c v,
    Val.lessdef ( c v v) v.
  destruct c; try econstructor.
  replace (if b then v else v) with v by (destruct b ; trivial).
  destruct v; simpl; econstructor.

Lemma if_neg : forall X,
    forall a,
    forall b c : X,
    (if (negb a) then b else c) = (if a then c else b).
  destruct a; reflexivity.

Lemma int_ltu_to_neq:
  forall x,
    Int.ltu x = negb (Int.eq x
  unfold Int.ltu, Int.eq.
  change (Int.unsigned with 0.
  pose proof (Int.unsigned_range x) as RANGE.
  unfold zlt, zeq.
  destruct (Z_lt_dec _ _); destruct (Z.eq_dec _ _); trivial; lia.

Lemma int64_ltu_to_neq:
  forall x,
    Int64.ltu x = negb (Int64.eq x
  unfold Int64.ltu, Int64.eq.
  change (Int64.unsigned with 0.
  pose proof (Int64.unsigned_range x) as RANGE.
  unfold zlt, zeq.
  destruct (Z_lt_dec _ _); destruct (Z.eq_dec _ _); trivial; lia.

Ltac splitall := repeat match goal with |- _ /\ _ => split end.

Lemma transl_op_correct:
  forall op args res k (rs: regset) m v c,
  transl_op op args res k = OK c ->
  eval_operation ge (rs#SP) op (map rs (map preg_of args)) m = Some v ->
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (basics_to_code c) rs m (basics_to_code k) rs' m
  /\ Val.lessdef v rs'#(preg_of res)
  /\ forall r, data_preg r = true -> r <> preg_of res -> preg_notin r (destroyed_by_op op) -> rs' r = rs r.
  assert (SAME: forall v1 v2, v1 = v2 -> Val.lessdef v2 v1). { intros; subst; auto. }
Opaque Int.eq.
  intros until c; intros TR EV.
  unfold transl_op in TR; destruct op; ArgsInv; simpl in EV; SimplEval EV; try TranslOpSimpl.
- (* Omove *)
  destruct (preg_of res), (preg_of m0); inv TR; TranslOpSimpl.
- (* Ocopy *)
  eexists. split. constructor. reflexivity. split.
  { apply Val.lessdef_refl. }
- (* Ocopyimm *)
  eexists. split. constructor. reflexivity. split.
  { apply Val.lessdef_refl. }
- (* Oaddrsymbol *)
  destruct (Archi.pic_code tt && negb (Ptrofs.eq ofs
+ set (rs1 := (rs#x <- (Genv.symbol_address ge id
  exploit (addptrofs_correct x x ofs (basics_to_code k) rs1 m); eauto with asmgen.
  intros (rs2 & A & B & C).
  exists rs2; split.
  apply exec_straight_step with rs1 m; auto.
  split. replace ofs with (Ptrofs.add ofs) by (apply Ptrofs.add_zero_l).
  rewrite Genv.shift_symbol_address.
  replace (rs1 x) with (Genv.symbol_address ge id in B by (unfold rs1; Simpl).
  exact B.
  intros. rewrite C by eauto with asmgen. unfold rs1; Simpl.
+ TranslOpSimpl.
- (* Oaddrstack *)
  exploit addptrofs_correct. instantiate (1 := SP); auto with asmgen. intros (rs' & A & B & C).
  exists rs'; split; eauto. auto with asmgen.
- (* Ocast8signed *)
  econstructor; split.
  eapply exec_straight_two. simpl;eauto. simpl;eauto.
  repeat split; intros; simpl; Simpl.
  assert (A: Int.ltu (Int.repr 24) Int.iwordsize = true) by auto.
  destruct (rs x0); auto; simpl. rewrite A; simpl. Simpl. unfold Val.shr. rewrite A.
  apply Val.lessdef_same. f_equal. apply Int.sign_ext_shr_shl. compute; intuition congruence.
- (* Ocast16signed *)
  econstructor; split.
  eapply exec_straight_two. simpl;eauto. simpl;eauto.
  repeat split; intros; Simpl.
  assert (A: Int.ltu (Int.repr 16) Int.iwordsize = true) by auto.
  destruct (rs x0); auto; simpl. rewrite A; simpl. Simpl. unfold Val.shr. rewrite A.
  apply Val.lessdef_same. f_equal. apply Int.sign_ext_shr_shl. compute; intuition congruence.
- (* Oshrximm *)
  econstructor; split.
  + apply exec_straight_one. simpl. eauto.
  + repeat split.
    * rewrite Pregmap.gss.
      destruct (rs x0); simpl; trivial.
      unfold Val.maketotal.
      destruct (Int.ltu _ _); simpl; trivial.
    * intros.
      rewrite Pregmap.gso; trivial.
- (* Oshrxlimm *)
  econstructor; split.
  + apply exec_straight_one. simpl. eauto.
  + repeat split.
    * rewrite Pregmap.gss.
      destruct (rs x0); simpl; trivial.
      unfold Val.maketotal.
      destruct (Int.ltu _ _); simpl; trivial.
    * intros.
      rewrite Pregmap.gso; trivial.
- (* Ocmp *)
  exploit transl_cond_op_correct; eauto. intros (rs' & A & B & C).
  exists rs'; repeat split; eauto with asmgen.
- (* Osel *)
  unfold conditional_move in *.
  destruct (ireg_eq _ _).
    subst x. inv EQ2.
    econstructor; split.
      apply exec_straight_one.
      simpl. reflexivity.
    { apply select_same_lessdef. }
    intros; trivial.

  destruct c0; simpl in *.

    all: destruct c.
    all: simpl in *.
    all: inv EQ2.
    all: econstructor; splitall.
    all: try apply exec_straight_one.
    all: intros; simpl; trivial.
    all: unfold, cmove, cmoveu; simpl.
    all: destruct (rs x1); simpl; trivial.
    all: try rewrite int_ltu_to_neq.
    all: try rewrite int64_ltu_to_neq.
    all: try change (Int64.eq with true.
    all: try destruct Archi.ptr64.
    all: try rewrite Pregmap.gss.
    all: repeat rewrite if_neg.
    all: simpl.
    all: try destruct (_ || _).
    all: try apply Val.lessdef_normalize.
    all: trivial. (* no more lessdef *)
    all: apply Pregmap.gso; congruence.

- (* Oselimm *)
  unfold conditional_move_imm32 in *.
  destruct c0; simpl in *.

    all: destruct c.
    all: simpl in *.
    all: inv EQ0.
    all: econstructor; splitall.
    all: try apply exec_straight_one.
    all: intros; simpl; trivial.
    all: unfold, cmove, cmoveu; simpl.
    all: destruct (rs x0); simpl; trivial.
    all: try rewrite int_ltu_to_neq.
    all: try rewrite int64_ltu_to_neq.
    all: try change (Int64.eq with true.
    all: try destruct Archi.ptr64.
    all: try rewrite Pregmap.gss.
    all: repeat rewrite if_neg.
    all: simpl.
    all: try destruct (_ || _).
    all: try apply Val.lessdef_normalize.
    all: trivial. (* no more lessdef *)
    all: apply Pregmap.gso; congruence.

- (* Osellimm *)
  unfold conditional_move_imm64 in *.
  destruct c0; simpl in *.

    all: destruct c.
    all: simpl in *.
    all: inv EQ0.
    all: econstructor; splitall.
    all: try apply exec_straight_one.
    all: intros; simpl; trivial.
    all: unfold, cmove, cmoveu; simpl.
    all: destruct (rs x0); simpl; trivial.
    all: try rewrite int_ltu_to_neq.
    all: try rewrite int64_ltu_to_neq.
    all: try change (Int64.eq with true.
    all: try destruct Archi.ptr64.
    all: try rewrite Pregmap.gss.
    all: repeat rewrite if_neg.
    all: simpl.
    all: try destruct (_ || _).
    all: try apply Val.lessdef_normalize.
    all: trivial. (* no more lessdef *)
    all: apply Pregmap.gso; congruence.

Memory accesses

Lemma indexed_memory_access_correct:
  forall mk_instr base ofs k rs m,
  exists base' ofs' rs' ptr',
     exec_straight_opt (indexed_memory_access mk_instr base ofs ::g k) rs m
                       (mk_instr base' ofs' ::g k) rs' m
  /\ eval_offset ofs' = OK ptr'
  /\ Val.offset_ptr rs'#base' ptr' = Val.offset_ptr rs#base ofs
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  unfold indexed_memory_access; intros.
  (* destruct Archi.ptr64 eqn:SF. *)
  assert (Archi.ptr64 = true) as SF; auto.
- generalize (make_immed64_sound (Ptrofs.to_int64 ofs)); intros EQ.
  destruct (make_immed64 (Ptrofs.to_int64 ofs)).
+ econstructor; econstructor; econstructor; econstructor; split.
  apply exec_straight_opt_refl.
  split; auto. simpl. subst imm. rewrite Ptrofs.of_int64_to_int64 by auto. auto.

Lemma indexed_load_access_correct:
  forall trap chunk (mk_instr: ireg -> offset -> basic) rd m,
  (forall base ofs rs,
     exec_basic_instr ge (mk_instr base ofs) rs m = exec_load_offset trap chunk rs m rd base ofs) ->
  forall (base: ireg) ofs k (rs: regset) v,
  Mem.loadv chunk m (Val.offset_ptr rs#base ofs) = Some v ->
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (indexed_memory_access mk_instr base ofs ::g k) rs m k rs' m
  /\ rs'#rd = v
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> rd -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros until m; intros EXEC; intros until v; intros LOAD.
  exploit indexed_memory_access_correct; eauto.
  intros (base' & ofs' & rs' & ptr' & A & PtrEq & B & C).
  econstructor; split.
  eapply exec_straight_opt_right. eexact A. apply exec_straight_one. rewrite EXEC.
  unfold exec_load_offset. unfold parexec_load_offset. rewrite PtrEq. rewrite B, LOAD. eauto. Simpl.
  split; intros; Simpl. auto.

Lemma indexed_store_access_correct:
  forall chunk (mk_instr: ireg -> offset -> basic) r1 m,
  (forall base ofs rs,
     exec_basic_instr ge (mk_instr base ofs) rs m = exec_store_offset chunk rs m r1 base ofs) ->
  forall (base: ireg) ofs k (rs: regset) m',
  Mem.storev chunk m (Val.offset_ptr rs#base ofs) (rs#r1) = Some m' ->
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (indexed_memory_access mk_instr base ofs ::g k) rs m k rs' m'
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros until m; intros EXEC; intros until m'; intros STORE.
  exploit indexed_memory_access_correct. (* instantiate (1 := base). eauto. *)
  intros (base' & ofs' & rs' & ptr' & A & PtrEq & B & C).
  econstructor; split.
  eapply exec_straight_opt_right. eapply A. apply exec_straight_one. rewrite EXEC.
  unfold exec_store_offset. unfold parexec_store_offset. rewrite PtrEq. rewrite B, C, STORE.

Lemma loadind_correct:
  forall (base: ireg) ofs ty dst k c (rs: regset) m v,
  loadind base ofs ty dst k = OK c ->
  Mem.loadv (chunk_of_type ty) m (Val.offset_ptr rs#base ofs) = Some v ->
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (basics_to_code c) rs m (basics_to_code k) rs' m
  /\ rs'#(preg_of dst) = v
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> preg_of dst -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros until v; intros TR LOAD.
  assert (A: exists mk_instr rd,
                preg_of dst = IR rd
             /\ c = indexed_memory_access mk_instr base ofs :: k
             /\ forall base' ofs' rs',
                   exec_basic_instr ge (mk_instr base' ofs') rs' m =
                   exec_load_offset TRAP (chunk_of_type ty) rs' m rd base' ofs').
  { unfold loadind in TR.
    destruct ty, (preg_of dst); inv TR; econstructor; esplit; eauto. }
  destruct A as (mk_instr & rd & rdEq & B & C). subst c. rewrite rdEq.
  eapply indexed_load_access_correct; eauto with asmgen.

Lemma storeind_correct:
  forall (base: ireg) ofs ty src k c (rs: regset) m m',
  storeind src base ofs ty k = OK c ->
  Mem.storev (chunk_of_type ty) m (Val.offset_ptr rs#base ofs) rs#(preg_of src) = Some m' ->
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (basics_to_code c) rs m (basics_to_code k) rs' m'
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros until m'; intros TR STORE.
  assert (A: exists mk_instr rr,
                preg_of src = IR rr
             /\ c = indexed_memory_access mk_instr base ofs :: k
             /\ forall base' ofs' rs',
                   exec_basic_instr ge (mk_instr base' ofs') rs' m =
                   exec_store_offset (chunk_of_type ty) rs' m rr base' ofs').
  { unfold storeind in TR. destruct ty, (preg_of src); inv TR; econstructor; esplit; eauto. }
  destruct A as (mk_instr & rr & rsEq & B & C). subst c.
  eapply indexed_store_access_correct; eauto with asmgen.

Ltac bsimpl := unfold exec_bblock; simpl.

Lemma Pget_correct:
  forall (dst: gpreg) (src: preg) k (rs: regset) m,
  src = RA ->
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (Pget dst src ::g k) rs m k rs' m
  /\ rs'#dst = rs#src
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> dst -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros. econstructor; econstructor; econstructor.
- rewrite H. bsimpl. auto.
- Simpl.
- intros. Simpl.

Lemma Pset_correct:
  forall (dst: preg) (src: gpreg) k (rs: regset) m,
  dst = RA ->
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (Pset dst src ::g k) rs m k rs' m
  /\ rs'#dst = rs#src
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> dst -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros. econstructor; econstructor; econstructor; simpl.
  rewrite H. auto.
  intros. rewrite H. Simpl.

Lemma loadind_ptr_correct:
  forall (base: ireg) ofs (dst: ireg) k (rs: regset) m v,
  Mem.loadv Mptr m (Val.offset_ptr rs#base ofs) = Some v ->
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (loadind_ptr base ofs dst ::g k) rs m k rs' m
  /\ rs'#dst = v
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> dst -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros. eapply indexed_load_access_correct; eauto with asmgen.
  intros. unfold Mptr. assert (Archi.ptr64 = true). auto. rewrite H0.
  instantiate (1 := TRAP).

Lemma storeind_ptr_correct:
  forall (base: ireg) ofs (src: ireg) k (rs: regset) m m',
  Mem.storev Mptr m (Val.offset_ptr rs#base ofs) rs#src = Some m' ->
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (storeind_ptr src base ofs ::g k) rs m k rs' m'
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros. eapply indexed_store_access_correct with (r1 := src); eauto with asmgen.
  intros. unfold Mptr. assert (Archi.ptr64 = true); auto.

Lemma transl_memory_access_correct:
  forall mk_instr addr args k c (rs: regset) m v,
  transl_memory_access mk_instr addr args k = OK c ->
  eval_addressing ge rs#SP addr (map rs (map preg_of args)) = Some v ->
  exists base ofs rs' ptr,
     exec_straight_opt (basics_to_code c) rs m (mk_instr base ofs ::g (basics_to_code k)) rs' m
  /\ eval_offset ofs = OK ptr
  /\ Val.offset_ptr rs'#base ptr = v
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros until v; intros TR EV.
  unfold transl_memory_access in TR; destruct addr; ArgsInv.
- (* indexed *)
  inv EV. exploit indexed_memory_access_correct; eauto. intros (base' & ofs' & rs' & ptr' & EOPT & EVALOFF & VALOFF & RSEQ).
  eexists; eexists; eexists; eexists. split; try split; try split.
  eapply EOPT. unfold eval_offset in EVALOFF. inv EVALOFF. eauto.
  { intros. destruct r; rewrite RSEQ; auto. }
- (* global *)
  simpl in EV. inv EV. inv TR. econstructor; econstructor; econstructor; econstructor; split.
  constructor. apply exec_straight_one. simpl; eauto. auto.
  split; split; intros; Simpl.
  assert (Val.lessdef (Val.offset_ptr (Genv.symbol_address ge q i) (Genv.symbol_address ge q i)).
  { apply Val.offset_ptr_zero. }
  remember (Genv.symbol_address ge q i) as symbol.
  destruct symbol; auto.
  + contradict Heqsymbol; unfold Genv.symbol_address.
    destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge q); discriminate.
  + contradict Heqsymbol; unfold Genv.symbol_address;
    destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge q); discriminate.
  + contradict Heqsymbol; unfold Genv.symbol_address;
    destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge q); discriminate.
  + contradict Heqsymbol; unfold Genv.symbol_address;
    destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge q); discriminate.
  + simpl. rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero; auto.
- (* stack *)
  inv TR. inv EV.
  exploit indexed_memory_access_correct; eauto. intros (base' & ofs' & rs' & ptr' & EOPT & EVALOFF & VALOFF & RSEQ).
  eexists; eexists; eexists; eexists. split; try split; try split.
  eapply EOPT. unfold eval_offset in EVALOFF. inv EVALOFF. eauto.
  { intros. destruct r; rewrite RSEQ; auto. }

Lemma transl_memory_access2_correct:
  forall mk_instr addr args k c (rs: regset) m v,
  transl_memory_access2 mk_instr addr args k = OK c ->
  eval_addressing ge rs#SP addr (map rs (map preg_of args)) = Some v ->
  exists base ro mro mr1 rs',
     args = mr1 :: mro :: nil
  /\ ireg_of mro = OK ro
  /\ exec_straight_opt (basics_to_code c) rs m (mk_instr base ro ::g (basics_to_code k)) rs' m
  /\ Val.addl rs'#base rs'#ro = v
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros until v; intros TR EV.
  unfold transl_memory_access2 in TR; destruct addr; ArgsInv.
  inv EV. repeat eexists. eassumption. econstructor; eauto.

Lemma transl_memory_access2XS_correct:
  forall chunk mk_instr (scale : Z) args k c (rs: regset) m v,
  transl_memory_access2XS chunk mk_instr scale args k = OK c ->
  eval_addressing ge rs#SP (Aindexed2XS scale) (map rs (map preg_of args)) = Some v ->
  exists base ro mro mr1 rs',
     args = mr1 :: mro :: nil
  /\ ireg_of mro = OK ro
  /\ exec_straight_opt (basics_to_code c) rs m (mk_instr base ro ::g (basics_to_code k)) rs' m
  /\ Val.addl rs'#base (Val.shll rs'#ro (Vint (Int.repr scale))) = v
  /\ (forall r, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> rs'#r = rs#r)
  /\ scale = (zscale_of_chunk chunk).
  intros until v; intros TR EV.
  unfold transl_memory_access2XS in TR; ArgsInv.
  inv EV. repeat eexists. eassumption. econstructor; eauto.
  apply Z.eqb_eq.

Lemma transl_load_access2_correct:
  forall trap chunk (mk_instr: ireg -> ireg -> basic) addr args k c rd (rs: regset) m v mro mr1 ro v',
  args = mr1 :: mro :: nil ->
  ireg_of mro = OK ro ->
  (forall base rs,
     exec_basic_instr ge (mk_instr base ro) rs m = exec_load_reg trap chunk rs m rd base ro) ->
  transl_memory_access2 mk_instr addr args k = OK c ->
  eval_addressing ge rs#SP addr (map rs (map preg_of args)) = Some v ->
  Mem.loadv chunk m v = Some v' ->
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (basics_to_code c) rs m (basics_to_code k) rs' m
  /\ rs'#rd = v'
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> r <> rd -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros until v'; intros ARGS IREGE INSTR TR EV LOAD.
  exploit transl_memory_access2_correct; eauto.
  intros (base & ro2 & mro2 & mr2 & rs' & ARGSS & IREGEQ & A & B & C). rewrite ARGSS in ARGS. inversion ARGS. subst mr2 mro2. clear ARGS.
  econstructor; split.
  eapply exec_straight_opt_right. eexact A. apply exec_straight_one. assert (ro = ro2) by congruence. subst ro2.
  rewrite INSTR. unfold exec_load_reg. unfold parexec_load_reg. rewrite B, LOAD. reflexivity. Simpl.
  split; intros; Simpl. auto.

Lemma transl_load_access2_correct_notrap2:
  forall chunk (mk_instr: ireg -> ireg -> basic) addr args k c rd (rs: regset) m v mro mr1 ro,
  args = mr1 :: mro :: nil ->
  ireg_of mro = OK ro ->
  (forall base rs,
     exec_basic_instr ge (mk_instr base ro) rs m = exec_load_reg NOTRAP chunk rs m rd base ro) ->
  transl_memory_access2 mk_instr addr args k = OK c ->
  eval_addressing ge rs#SP addr (map rs (map preg_of args)) = Some v ->
  Mem.loadv chunk m v = None ->
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (basics_to_code c) rs m (basics_to_code k) rs' m
  /\ rs'#rd = Vundef
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> r <> rd -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros until ro; intros ARGS IREGE INSTR TR EV LOAD.
  exploit transl_memory_access2_correct; eauto.
  intros (base & ro2 & mro2 & mr2 & rs' & ARGSS & IREGEQ & A & B & C). rewrite ARGSS in ARGS. inversion ARGS. subst mr2 mro2. clear ARGS.
  econstructor; split.
  eapply exec_straight_opt_right. eexact A. apply exec_straight_one. assert (ro = ro2) by congruence. subst ro2.
  rewrite INSTR. unfold exec_load_reg. unfold parexec_load_reg. rewrite B, LOAD. reflexivity. Simpl.
  split; intros; Simpl. auto.

Lemma transl_load_access2XS_correct:
  forall trap chunk (mk_instr: ireg -> ireg -> basic) (scale : Z) args k c rd (rs: regset) m v mro mr1 ro v',
  args = mr1 :: mro :: nil ->
  ireg_of mro = OK ro ->
  (forall base rs,
     exec_basic_instr ge (mk_instr base ro) rs m = exec_load_regxs trap chunk rs m rd base ro) ->
  transl_memory_access2XS chunk mk_instr scale args k = OK c ->
  eval_addressing ge rs#SP (Aindexed2XS scale) (map rs (map preg_of args)) = Some v ->
  Mem.loadv chunk m v = Some v' ->
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (basics_to_code c) rs m (basics_to_code k) rs' m
  /\ rs'#rd = v'
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> r <> rd -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros until v'; intros ARGS IREGE INSTR TR EV LOAD.
  exploit transl_memory_access2XS_correct; eauto.
  intros (base & ro2 & mro2 & mr2 & rs' & ARGSS & IREGEQ & A & B & C & D). rewrite ARGSS in ARGS. inversion ARGS. subst mr2 mro2. clear ARGS.
  econstructor; split.
  eapply exec_straight_opt_right. eexact A. apply exec_straight_one. assert (ro = ro2) by congruence. subst ro2.
  rewrite INSTR. unfold exec_load_regxs. unfold parexec_load_regxs.
  unfold scale_of_chunk.
  subst scale.
  rewrite B, LOAD. reflexivity. Simpl.
  split. trivial. intros. Simpl.

Lemma transl_load_access2XS_correct_notrap2:
  forall chunk (mk_instr: ireg -> ireg -> basic) (scale : Z) args k c rd (rs: regset) m v mro mr1 ro,
  args = mr1 :: mro :: nil ->
  ireg_of mro = OK ro ->
  (forall base rs,
     exec_basic_instr ge (mk_instr base ro) rs m = exec_load_regxs NOTRAP chunk rs m rd base ro) ->
  transl_memory_access2XS chunk mk_instr scale args k = OK c ->
  eval_addressing ge rs#SP (Aindexed2XS scale) (map rs (map preg_of args)) = Some v ->
  Mem.loadv chunk m v = None ->
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (basics_to_code c) rs m (basics_to_code k) rs' m
  /\ rs'#rd = Vundef
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> r <> rd -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros until ro; intros ARGS IREGE INSTR TR EV LOAD.
  exploit transl_memory_access2XS_correct; eauto.
  intros (base & ro2 & mro2 & mr2 & rs' & ARGSS & IREGEQ & A & B & C & D). rewrite ARGSS in ARGS. inversion ARGS. subst mr2 mro2. clear ARGS.
  econstructor; split.
  eapply exec_straight_opt_right. eexact A. apply exec_straight_one. assert (ro = ro2) by congruence. subst ro2.
  rewrite INSTR. unfold exec_load_regxs. unfold parexec_load_regxs.
  unfold scale_of_chunk.
  subst scale.
  rewrite B, LOAD. reflexivity. Simpl.
  split. trivial. intros. Simpl.

Lemma transl_load_access_correct:
  forall trap chunk (mk_instr: ireg -> offset -> basic) addr args k c rd (rs: regset) m v v',
  (forall base ofs rs,
     exec_basic_instr ge (mk_instr base ofs) rs m = exec_load_offset trap chunk rs m rd base ofs) ->
  transl_memory_access mk_instr addr args k = OK c ->
  eval_addressing ge rs#SP addr (map rs (map preg_of args)) = Some v ->
  Mem.loadv chunk m v = Some v' ->
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (basics_to_code c) rs m (basics_to_code k) rs' m
  /\ rs'#rd = v'
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> r <> rd -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros until v'; intros INSTR TR EV LOAD.
  exploit transl_memory_access_correct; eauto.
  intros (base & ofs & rs' & ptr & A & PtrEq & B & C).
  econstructor; split.
  eapply exec_straight_opt_right. eexact A. apply exec_straight_one.
  rewrite INSTR. unfold exec_load_offset. unfold parexec_load_offset. rewrite PtrEq, B, LOAD. reflexivity. Simpl.
  split; intros; Simpl. auto.

Lemma transl_load_access_correct_notrap2:
  forall chunk (mk_instr: ireg -> offset -> basic) addr args k c rd (rs: regset) m v,
  (forall base ofs rs,
     exec_basic_instr ge (mk_instr base ofs) rs m = exec_load_offset NOTRAP chunk rs m rd base ofs) ->
  transl_memory_access mk_instr addr args k = OK c ->
  eval_addressing ge rs#SP addr (map rs (map preg_of args)) = Some v ->
  Mem.loadv chunk m v = None ->
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (basics_to_code c) rs m (basics_to_code k) rs' m
  /\ rs'#rd = Vundef
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> r <> rd -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros until v; intros INSTR TR EV LOAD.
  exploit transl_memory_access_correct; eauto.
  intros (base & ofs & rs' & ptr & A & PtrEq & B & C).
  econstructor; split.
  eapply exec_straight_opt_right. eexact A. apply exec_straight_one.
  rewrite INSTR. unfold exec_load_offset. unfold parexec_load_offset. rewrite PtrEq, B, LOAD. reflexivity. Simpl.
  split. trivial. intros. Simpl.

Lemma transl_load_memory_access_ok:
  forall addr trap chunk args dst k c rs a v m,
  (match addr with Aindexed2XS _ | Aindexed2 => False | _ => True end) ->
  transl_load trap chunk addr args dst k = OK c ->
  eval_addressing ge (rs (IR SP)) addr (map rs (map preg_of args)) = Some a ->
  Mem.loadv chunk m a = Some v ->
  exists mk_instr rd,
     preg_of dst = IR rd
  /\ transl_memory_access mk_instr addr args k = OK c
  /\ forall base ofs rs,
        exec_basic_instr ge (mk_instr base ofs) rs m = exec_load_offset trap chunk rs m rd base ofs.
  intros until m. intros ADDR TR ? ?.
  unfold transl_load in TR. destruct addr; try contradiction.
  - monadInv TR.
    destruct chunk; inv EQ; ArgsInv; econstructor; (esplit; eauto).
  - monadInv TR.
    destruct chunk; inv EQ; ArgsInv; destruct args; try discriminate; monadInv EQ2; eexists; eexists.
    all: split ; [reflexivity | instantiate (1 := (PLoadRRO _ _ x0))].
    all: split ; [reflexivity | eauto].
  - monadInv TR.
    destruct chunk; inv EQ; ArgsInv; destruct args; try discriminate; monadInv EQ2; eexists; eexists.
    all: split ; [reflexivity | instantiate (1 := (PLoadRRO _ _ x0))].
    all: split ; [reflexivity | eauto].

Lemma transl_load_memory_access_ok_notrap2:
  forall addr chunk args dst k c rs a m,
  (match addr with Aindexed2XS _ | Aindexed2 => False | _ => True end) ->
  transl_load NOTRAP chunk addr args dst k = OK c ->
  eval_addressing ge (rs (IR SP)) addr (map rs (map preg_of args)) = Some a ->
  Mem.loadv chunk m a = None ->
  exists mk_instr rd,
     preg_of dst = IR rd
  /\ transl_memory_access mk_instr addr args k = OK c
  /\ forall base ofs rs,
        exec_basic_instr ge (mk_instr base ofs) rs m = exec_load_offset NOTRAP chunk rs m rd base ofs.
  intros until m. intros ADDR TR ? ?.
  unfold transl_load in TR. destruct addr; try contradiction.
  - monadInv TR. destruct chunk; inv EQ; ArgsInv; econstructor; (esplit; eauto).
  - monadInv TR.
    destruct chunk; inv EQ; ArgsInv; destruct args; try discriminate; monadInv EQ2; eexists; eexists.
    all: split ; [reflexivity | instantiate (1 := (PLoadRRO _ _ x0))].
    all: split ; [reflexivity | eauto].
  - monadInv TR.
    destruct chunk; inv EQ; ArgsInv; destruct args; try discriminate; monadInv EQ2; eexists; eexists.
    all: split ; [reflexivity | instantiate (1 := (PLoadRRO _ _ x0))].
    all: split ; [reflexivity | eauto].

Lemma transl_load_memory_access2_ok:
  forall trap chunk args dst k c rs a v m,
  transl_load trap chunk Aindexed2 args dst k = OK c ->
  eval_addressing ge (rs (IR SP)) Aindexed2 (map rs (map preg_of args)) = Some a ->
  Mem.loadv chunk m a = Some v ->
  exists mk_instr mr0 mro rd ro,
      args = mr0 :: mro :: nil
   /\ preg_of dst = IR rd
   /\ preg_of mro = IR ro
   /\ transl_memory_access2 mk_instr Aindexed2 args k = OK c
   /\ forall base rs,
      exec_basic_instr ge (mk_instr base ro) rs m = exec_load_reg trap chunk rs m rd base ro.
  intros until m. intros TR ? ?.
  unfold transl_load in TR. subst. monadInv TR. destruct chunk.
  all: inv EQ.
  all: unfold transl_memory_access2 in EQ2; repeat (destruct args; try discriminate); monadInv EQ2; ArgsInv.
  all: repeat eexists; [unfold ireg_of in EQ2; destruct (preg_of m1); eauto; try discriminate; inv EQ2; reflexivity | rewrite EQ; rewrite EQ2; cbn; f_equal; f_equal; match goal with | |- (?z ?c ?d) = PLoad (?f ?trap ?a ?b ?c ?d) => instantiate (1 := f trap a b) end; reflexivity | eauto ].

Lemma transl_load_memory_access2_ok_notrap2:
  forall chunk args dst k c rs a m,
  transl_load NOTRAP chunk Aindexed2 args dst k = OK c ->
  eval_addressing ge (rs (IR SP)) Aindexed2 (map rs (map preg_of args)) = Some a ->
  Mem.loadv chunk m a = None ->
  exists mk_instr mr0 mro rd ro,
      args = mr0 :: mro :: nil
   /\ preg_of dst = IR rd
   /\ preg_of mro = IR ro
   /\ transl_memory_access2 mk_instr Aindexed2 args k = OK c
   /\ forall base rs,
      exec_basic_instr ge (mk_instr base ro) rs m = exec_load_reg NOTRAP chunk rs m rd base ro.
  intros until m. intros TR ? ?.
  unfold transl_load in TR. subst. monadInv TR. destruct chunk.
  all: inv EQ.
  all: unfold transl_memory_access2 in EQ2; repeat (destruct args; try discriminate); monadInv EQ2; ArgsInv.
  all: repeat eexists; [unfold ireg_of in EQ2; destruct (preg_of m1); eauto; try discriminate; inv EQ2; reflexivity | rewrite EQ; rewrite EQ2; cbn; f_equal; f_equal; match goal with | |- (?z ?c ?d) = PLoad (?f ?trap ?a ?b ?c ?d) => instantiate (1 := f trap a b) end; reflexivity | eauto ].

Lemma transl_load_memory_access2XS_ok:
  forall scale trap chunk args dst k c rs a v m,
  transl_load trap chunk (Aindexed2XS scale) args dst k = OK c ->
  eval_addressing ge (rs (IR SP)) (Aindexed2XS scale) (map rs (map preg_of args)) = Some a ->
  Mem.loadv chunk m a = Some v ->
  exists mk_instr mr0 mro rd ro,
      args = mr0 :: mro :: nil
   /\ preg_of dst = IR rd
   /\ preg_of mro = IR ro
   /\ transl_memory_access2XS chunk mk_instr scale args k = OK c
   /\ forall base rs,
      exec_basic_instr ge (mk_instr base ro) rs m = exec_load_regxs trap chunk rs m rd base ro.
  intros until m. intros TR ? ?.
  unfold transl_load in TR. subst. monadInv TR. destruct chunk.
  all: inv EQ.
  all: unfold transl_memory_access2 in EQ2; repeat (destruct args; try discriminate); monadInv EQ2; ArgsInv.
  all: destruct scale; try discriminate; try rewrite Heqb.
  all: repeat eexists; [unfold ireg_of in EQ2; destruct (preg_of m1); eauto; try discriminate; inv EQ2; reflexivity | rewrite EQ; rewrite EQ2; cbn; f_equal; f_equal; match goal with | |- (?z ?c ?d) = PLoad (?f ?trap ?a ?b ?c ?d) => instantiate (1 := f trap a b) end; reflexivity | eauto ].

Lemma transl_load_memory_access2XS_ok_notrap2:
  forall scale chunk args dst k c rs a m,
  transl_load NOTRAP chunk (Aindexed2XS scale) args dst k = OK c ->
  eval_addressing ge (rs (IR SP)) (Aindexed2XS scale) (map rs (map preg_of args)) = Some a ->
  Mem.loadv chunk m a = None ->
  exists mk_instr mr0 mro rd ro,
      args = mr0 :: mro :: nil
   /\ preg_of dst = IR rd
   /\ preg_of mro = IR ro
   /\ transl_memory_access2XS chunk mk_instr scale args k = OK c
   /\ forall base rs,
      exec_basic_instr ge (mk_instr base ro) rs m = exec_load_regxs NOTRAP chunk rs m rd base ro.
  intros until m. intros TR ? ?.
  unfold transl_load in TR. subst. monadInv TR. destruct chunk.
  all: inv EQ.
  all: unfold transl_memory_access2 in EQ2; repeat (destruct args; try discriminate); monadInv EQ2; ArgsInv.
  all: destruct scale; try discriminate; try rewrite Heqb.
  all: repeat eexists; [unfold ireg_of in EQ2; destruct (preg_of m1); eauto; try discriminate; inv EQ2; reflexivity | rewrite EQ; rewrite EQ2; cbn; f_equal; f_equal; match goal with | |- (?z ?c ?d) = PLoad (?f ?trap ?a ?b ?c ?d) => instantiate (1 := f trap a b) end; reflexivity | eauto ].

Lemma transl_load_correct:
  forall trap chunk addr args dst k c (rs: regset) m a v,
  transl_load trap chunk addr args dst k = OK c ->
  eval_addressing ge rs#SP addr (map rs (map preg_of args)) = Some a ->
  Mem.loadv chunk m a = Some v ->
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (basics_to_code c) rs m (basics_to_code k) rs' m
  /\ rs'#(preg_of dst) = v
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> r <> preg_of dst -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros until v; intros TR EV LOAD. destruct addr.
  - exploit transl_load_memory_access2XS_ok; eauto. intros (mk_instr & mr0 & mro & rd & ro & argsEq & rdEq & roEq & B & C).
    rewrite rdEq. eapply transl_load_access2XS_correct; eauto with asmgen. unfold ireg_of. rewrite roEq. reflexivity.
  - exploit transl_load_memory_access2_ok; eauto. intros (mk_instr & mr0 & mro & rd & ro & argsEq & rdEq & roEq & B & C).
    rewrite rdEq. eapply transl_load_access2_correct; eauto with asmgen. unfold ireg_of. rewrite roEq. reflexivity.
  - exploit transl_load_memory_access_ok; eauto; try discriminate; try (simpl; reflexivity).
    intros A; destruct A as (mk_instr & rd & rdEq & B & C); rewrite rdEq;
      eapply transl_load_access_correct; eauto with asmgen.
  - exploit transl_load_memory_access_ok; eauto; try discriminate; try (simpl; reflexivity).
    intros A; destruct A as (mk_instr & rd & rdEq & B & C); rewrite rdEq;
      eapply transl_load_access_correct; eauto with asmgen.
  - exploit transl_load_memory_access_ok; eauto; try discriminate; try (simpl; reflexivity).
    intros A; destruct A as (mk_instr & rd & rdEq & B & C); rewrite rdEq;
      eapply transl_load_access_correct; eauto with asmgen.

Lemma transl_load_correct_notrap2:
  forall chunk addr args dst k c (rs: regset) m a,
  transl_load NOTRAP chunk addr args dst k = OK c ->
  eval_addressing ge rs#SP addr (map rs (map preg_of args)) = Some a ->
  Mem.loadv chunk m a = None ->
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (basics_to_code c) rs m (basics_to_code k) rs' m
  /\ rs'#(preg_of dst) = Vundef
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> r <> preg_of dst -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros until a; intros TR EV LOAD. destruct addr.
  - exploit transl_load_memory_access2XS_ok_notrap2; eauto. intros (mk_instr & mr0 & mro & rd & ro & argsEq & rdEq & roEq & B & C).
    rewrite rdEq. eapply transl_load_access2XS_correct_notrap2; eauto with asmgen. unfold ireg_of. rewrite roEq. reflexivity.
  - exploit transl_load_memory_access2_ok_notrap2; eauto. intros (mk_instr & mr0 & mro & rd & ro & argsEq & rdEq & roEq & B & C).
    rewrite rdEq. eapply transl_load_access2_correct_notrap2; eauto with asmgen. unfold ireg_of. rewrite roEq. reflexivity.
  - exploit transl_load_memory_access_ok_notrap2; eauto; try discriminate; try (simpl; reflexivity).
    intros A; destruct A as (mk_instr & rd & rdEq & B & C); rewrite rdEq;
      eapply transl_load_access_correct_notrap2; eauto with asmgen.
  - exploit transl_load_memory_access_ok_notrap2; eauto; try discriminate; try (simpl; reflexivity).
    intros A; destruct A as (mk_instr & rd & rdEq & B & C); rewrite rdEq;
      eapply transl_load_access_correct_notrap2; eauto with asmgen.
  - exploit transl_load_memory_access_ok_notrap2; eauto; try discriminate; try (simpl; reflexivity).
    intros A; destruct A as (mk_instr & rd & rdEq & B & C); rewrite rdEq;
      eapply transl_load_access_correct_notrap2; eauto with asmgen.

Lemma transl_store_access2_correct:
  forall chunk (mk_instr: ireg -> ireg -> basic) addr args k c r1 (rs: regset) m v mr1 mro ro m',
  args = mr1 :: mro :: nil ->
  ireg_of mro = OK ro ->
  (forall base rs,
     exec_basic_instr ge (mk_instr base ro) rs m = exec_store_reg chunk rs m r1 base ro) ->
  transl_memory_access2 mk_instr addr args k = OK c ->
  eval_addressing ge rs#SP addr (map rs (map preg_of args)) = Some v ->
  Mem.storev chunk m v rs#r1 = Some m' ->
  r1 <> RTMP ->
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (basics_to_code c) rs m (basics_to_code k) rs' m'
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros until m'; intros ARGS IREG INSTR TR EV STORE NOT31.
  exploit transl_memory_access2_correct; eauto.
  intros (base & ro2 & mr2 & mro2 & rs' & ARGSS & IREGG & A & B & C). rewrite ARGSS in ARGS. inversion ARGS. subst mro2 mr2. clear ARGS.
  econstructor; split.
  eapply exec_straight_opt_right. eexact A. apply exec_straight_one. assert (ro = ro2) by congruence. subst ro2.
  rewrite INSTR. unfold exec_store_reg. unfold parexec_store_reg. rewrite B. rewrite C; try discriminate. rewrite STORE. auto.
  intro. inv H. contradiction.

Lemma transl_store_access2XS_correct:
  forall chunk (mk_instr: ireg -> ireg -> basic) scale args k c r1 (rs: regset) m v mr1 mro ro m',
  args = mr1 :: mro :: nil ->
  ireg_of mro = OK ro ->
  (forall base rs,
     exec_basic_instr ge (mk_instr base ro) rs m = exec_store_regxs chunk rs m r1 base ro) ->
  transl_memory_access2XS chunk mk_instr scale args k = OK c ->
  eval_addressing ge rs#SP (Aindexed2XS scale) (map rs (map preg_of args)) = Some v ->
  Mem.storev chunk m v rs#r1 = Some m' ->
  r1 <> RTMP ->
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (basics_to_code c) rs m (basics_to_code k) rs' m'
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros until m'; intros ARGS IREG INSTR TR EV STORE NOT31.
  exploit transl_memory_access2XS_correct; eauto.
  intros (base & ro2 & mr2 & mro2 & rs' & ARGSS & IREGG & A & B & C & D). rewrite ARGSS in ARGS. inversion ARGS. subst mro2 mr2. clear ARGS.
  econstructor; split.
  eapply exec_straight_opt_right. eexact A. apply exec_straight_one. assert (ro = ro2) by congruence. subst ro2.
  rewrite INSTR. unfold exec_store_regxs. unfold parexec_store_regxs.
  unfold scale_of_chunk.
  subst scale.
  rewrite B. rewrite C; try discriminate. rewrite STORE. auto.
  intro. inv H. contradiction.

Lemma transl_store_access_correct:
  forall chunk (mk_instr: ireg -> offset -> basic) addr args k c r1 (rs: regset) m v m',
  (forall base ofs rs,
     exec_basic_instr ge (mk_instr base ofs) rs m = exec_store_offset chunk rs m r1 base ofs) ->
  transl_memory_access mk_instr addr args k = OK c ->
  eval_addressing ge rs#SP addr (map rs (map preg_of args)) = Some v ->
  Mem.storev chunk m v rs#r1 = Some m' ->
  r1 <> RTMP ->
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (basics_to_code c) rs m (basics_to_code k) rs' m'
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros until m'; intros INSTR TR EV STORE NOT31.
  exploit transl_memory_access_correct; eauto.
  intros (base & ofs & rs' & ptr & A & PtrEq & B & C).
  econstructor; split.
  eapply exec_straight_opt_right. eexact A. apply exec_straight_one.
  rewrite INSTR. unfold exec_store_offset. unfold parexec_store_offset. rewrite PtrEq, B. rewrite C; try discriminate. rewrite STORE. auto.
  intro. inv H. contradiction.

Remark exec_store_offset_8_sign rs m x base ofs:
  exec_store_offset Mint8unsigned rs m x base ofs = exec_store_offset Mint8signed rs m x base ofs.
  unfold exec_store_offset. unfold parexec_store_offset. unfold eval_offset; auto. unfold Mem.storev.
  destruct (Val.offset_ptr _ _); auto. erewrite <- Mem.store_signed_unsigned_8. reflexivity.

Remark exec_store_offset_16_sign rs m x base ofs:
  exec_store_offset Mint16unsigned rs m x base ofs = exec_store_offset Mint16signed rs m x base ofs.
  unfold exec_store_offset. unfold parexec_store_offset. unfold eval_offset; auto. unfold Mem.storev.
  destruct (Val.offset_ptr _ _); auto. erewrite <- Mem.store_signed_unsigned_16. reflexivity.

Lemma transl_store_memory_access_ok:
  forall addr chunk args src k c rs a m m',
  (match addr with Aindexed2XS _ | Aindexed2 => False | _ => True end) ->
  transl_store chunk addr args src k = OK c ->
  eval_addressing ge (rs (IR SP)) addr (map rs (map preg_of args)) = Some a ->
  Mem.storev chunk m a (rs (preg_of src)) = Some m' ->
  exists mk_instr chunk' rr,
     preg_of src = IR rr
  /\ transl_memory_access mk_instr addr args k = OK c
  /\ (forall base ofs rs,
       exec_basic_instr ge (mk_instr base ofs) rs m = exec_store_offset chunk' rs m rr base ofs)
  /\ Mem.storev chunk m a rs#(preg_of src) = Mem.storev chunk' m a rs#(preg_of src).
  intros until m'. intros ? TR ? ?.
  unfold transl_store in TR. destruct addr; try contradiction.
  - monadInv TR. destruct chunk; inv EQ.
    all: ArgsInv; eexists; eexists; eexists; split; try split; [
      repeat (destruct args; try discriminate); eassumption
    | split; eauto; intros; simpl; try reflexivity].
    eapply exec_store_offset_8_sign.
    eapply exec_store_offset_16_sign.

  - monadInv TR. destruct chunk; inv EQ; unfold ireg_of in EQ1; destruct (preg_of src); inv EQ1.
    all: repeat (destruct args; try discriminate); cbn in EQ2; inv EQ2.
    all: eexists; eexists; eexists; split; [reflexivity | cbn].
    all: split; [repeat f_equal ; match goal with | |- (?z ?c ?d) = PStore (?f ?a ?b ?c ?d) => instantiate (1 := f a b) end; reflexivity | idtac].
    all: split; [idtac | reflexivity].
    all: intros ; try reflexivity.
    eapply exec_store_offset_8_sign; fail.
    eapply exec_store_offset_16_sign; fail.
  - monadInv TR. destruct chunk; inv EQ; unfold ireg_of in EQ1; destruct (preg_of src); inv EQ1.
    all: repeat (destruct args; try discriminate); cbn in EQ2; inv EQ2.
    all: eexists; eexists; eexists; split; [reflexivity | cbn].
    all: split; [repeat f_equal ; match goal with | |- (?z ?c ?d) = PStore (?f ?a ?b ?c ?d) => instantiate (1 := f a b) end; reflexivity | idtac].
    all: split; [idtac | reflexivity].
    all: intros ; try reflexivity.
    eapply exec_store_offset_8_sign; fail.
    eapply exec_store_offset_16_sign; fail.

Remark exec_store_reg_8_sign rs m x base ofs:
  exec_store_reg Mint8unsigned rs m x base ofs = exec_store_reg Mint8signed rs m x base ofs.
  unfold exec_store_reg. unfold parexec_store_reg. unfold Mem.storev. destruct (Val.addl _ _); auto.
  erewrite <- Mem.store_signed_unsigned_8. reflexivity.

Remark exec_store_reg_16_sign rs m x base ofs:
  exec_store_reg Mint16unsigned rs m x base ofs = exec_store_reg Mint16signed rs m x base ofs.
  unfold exec_store_reg. unfold parexec_store_reg. unfold Mem.storev. destruct (Val.addl _ _); auto.
  erewrite <- Mem.store_signed_unsigned_16. reflexivity.

Remark exec_store_regxs_8_sign rs m x base ofs:
  exec_store_regxs Mint8unsigned rs m x base ofs = exec_store_regxs Mint8signed rs m x base ofs.
  unfold exec_store_regxs. unfold parexec_store_regxs. unfold Mem.storev. destruct (Val.addl _ _); auto.
  erewrite <- Mem.store_signed_unsigned_8. reflexivity.

Remark exec_store_regxs_16_sign rs m x base ofs:
  exec_store_regxs Mint16unsigned rs m x base ofs = exec_store_regxs Mint16signed rs m x base ofs.
  unfold exec_store_regxs. unfold parexec_store_regxs. unfold Mem.storev. destruct (Val.addl _ _); auto.
  erewrite <- Mem.store_signed_unsigned_16. reflexivity.

Lemma transl_store_memory_access2_ok:
  forall addr chunk args src k c rs a m m',
  addr = Aindexed2 ->
  transl_store chunk addr args src k = OK c ->
  eval_addressing ge (rs (IR SP)) addr (map rs (map preg_of args)) = Some a ->
  Mem.storev chunk m a (rs (preg_of src)) = Some m' ->
  exists mk_instr chunk' rr mr0 mro ro,
     args = mr0 :: mro :: nil
  /\ preg_of mro = IR ro
  /\ preg_of src = IR rr
  /\ transl_memory_access2 mk_instr addr args k = OK c
  /\ (forall base rs,
       exec_basic_instr ge (mk_instr base ro) rs m = exec_store_reg chunk' rs m rr base ro)
  /\ Mem.storev chunk m a rs#(preg_of src) = Mem.storev chunk' m a rs#(preg_of src).
  intros until m'. intros ? TR ? ?.
  unfold transl_store in TR. subst addr. monadInv TR.
  repeat (destruct args; try discriminate); cbn in EQ2; monadInv EQ2.
  unfold ireg_of in EQ1; destruct (preg_of src); inv EQ1.
  unfold ireg_of in EQ0; destruct (preg_of m0) eqn:M0; monadInv EQ0.
  unfold ireg_of in EQ2; destruct (preg_of m1) eqn:M1; monadInv EQ2.
  destruct chunk; inv EQ.
  all: eexists; eexists; eexists; eexists; eexists; eexists.
  all: split; [reflexivity | idtac].
  all: split; [eassumption | idtac].
  all: split; [reflexivity | idtac].
  all: cbn; unfold ireg_of; rewrite M0; rewrite M1; split; [cbn; f_equal; f_equal ; match goal with | |- (?z ?c ?d) = PStore (?f ?a ?b ?c ?d) => instantiate (1 := f a b) end; reflexivity | idtac].
  all: split; [idtac | reflexivity].
  all: intros; try reflexivity.
  eapply exec_store_reg_8_sign; fail.
  eapply exec_store_reg_16_sign; fail.

Lemma transl_store_memory_access2XS_ok:
  forall scale chunk args src k c rs a m m',
  transl_store chunk (Aindexed2XS scale) args src k = OK c ->
  eval_addressing ge (rs (IR SP)) (Aindexed2XS scale) (map rs (map preg_of args)) = Some a ->
  Mem.storev chunk m a (rs (preg_of src)) = Some m' ->
  exists mk_instr chunk' rr mr0 mro ro,
     args = mr0 :: mro :: nil
  /\ preg_of mro = IR ro
  /\ preg_of src = IR rr
  /\ transl_memory_access2XS chunk' mk_instr scale args k = OK c
  /\ (forall base rs,
       exec_basic_instr ge (mk_instr base ro) rs m = exec_store_regxs chunk' rs m rr base ro)
  /\ Mem.storev chunk m a rs#(preg_of src) = Mem.storev chunk' m a rs#(preg_of src).
  intros until m'. intros TR ? ?.
  unfold transl_store in TR. monadInv TR.
  repeat (destruct args; try discriminate); cbn in EQ2; monadInv EQ2.
  unfold ireg_of in EQ1; destruct (preg_of src); inv EQ1.
  unfold ireg_of in EQ0; destruct (preg_of m0) eqn:M0; monadInv EQ0.
  unfold ireg_of in EQ2; destruct (preg_of m1) eqn:M1; monadInv EQ2.
  destruct chunk; inv EQ.
  all: eexists; eexists; eexists; eexists; eexists; eexists.
  all: split; [reflexivity | idtac].
  all: split; [eassumption | idtac].
  all: split; [reflexivity | idtac].
  all: cbn; unfold ireg_of; rewrite M0; rewrite M1; split; [cbn; f_equal; f_equal ; f_equal; match goal with Heqb : (zscale_of_chunk ?chunk =? _) = true |- _ => instantiate (2 := chunk) end; rewrite Heqb; f_equal; f_equal; match goal with |- ?l ?x1 ?x2 = PStore (?r ?a ?b ?x1 ?x2) => instantiate (1 := r a b) end; reflexivity | idtac ].
  all: intros; split ; [idtac | reflexivity].
  all: intros; simpl; try reflexivity.
  - eapply exec_store_regxs_8_sign; fail.
  - eapply exec_store_regxs_16_sign; fail.

Lemma transl_store_correct:
  forall chunk addr args src k c (rs: regset) m a m',
  transl_store chunk addr args src k = OK c ->
  eval_addressing ge rs#SP addr (map rs (map preg_of args)) = Some a ->
  Mem.storev chunk m a rs#(preg_of src) = Some m' ->
  exists rs',
     exec_straight ge (basics_to_code c) rs m (basics_to_code k) rs' m'
  /\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> rs'#r = rs#r.
  intros until m'; intros TR EV STORE. destruct addr.
  - exploit transl_store_memory_access2XS_ok; eauto. intros (mk_instr & chunk' & rr & mr0 & mro & ro & argsEq & roEq & srcEq & A & B & C).
    eapply transl_store_access2XS_correct; eauto with asmgen. unfold ireg_of. rewrite roEq. reflexivity. congruence.
    destruct rr; try discriminate. destruct src; simpl in srcEq; try discriminate.
  - exploit transl_store_memory_access2_ok; eauto. intros (mk_instr & chunk' & rr & mr0 & mro & ro & argsEq & roEq & srcEq & A & B & C).
    eapply transl_store_access2_correct; eauto with asmgen. unfold ireg_of. rewrite roEq. reflexivity. congruence.
    destruct rr; try discriminate. destruct src; simpl in srcEq; try discriminate.
  - exploit transl_store_memory_access_ok; eauto; try discriminate; try (simpl; reflexivity).
    intro A;
    destruct A as (mk_instr & chunk' & rr & rrEq & B & C & D);
    rewrite D in STORE; clear D;
    eapply transl_store_access_correct; eauto with asmgen; try congruence;
    destruct rr; try discriminate; destruct src; try discriminate.
  - exploit transl_store_memory_access_ok; eauto; try discriminate; try (simpl; reflexivity).
    intro A;
    destruct A as (mk_instr & chunk' & rr & rrEq & B & C & D);
    rewrite D in STORE; clear D;
    eapply transl_store_access_correct; eauto with asmgen; try congruence;
    destruct rr; try discriminate; destruct src; try discriminate.
  - exploit transl_store_memory_access_ok; eauto; try discriminate; try (simpl; reflexivity).
    intro A;
    destruct A as (mk_instr & chunk' & rr & rrEq & B & C & D);
    rewrite D in STORE; clear D;
    eapply transl_store_access_correct; eauto with asmgen; try congruence;
    destruct rr; try discriminate; destruct src; try discriminate.

Lemma make_epilogue_correct:
  forall ge0 f m stk soff cs m' ms rs k tm,
  Mach.load_stack m (Vptr stk soff) Tptr f.(fn_link_ofs) = Some (parent_sp cs) ->
  Mach.load_stack m (Vptr stk soff) Tptr f.(fn_retaddr_ofs) = Some (parent_ra cs) -> m stk 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m' ->
  agree ms (Vptr stk soff) rs ->
  Mem.extends m tm ->
  match_stack ge0 cs ->
  exists rs', exists tm',
     exec_straight ge (make_epilogue f k) rs tm k rs' tm'
  /\ agree ms (parent_sp cs) rs'
  /\ Mem.extends m' tm'
  /\ rs'#RA = parent_ra cs
  /\ rs'#SP = parent_sp cs
  /\ (forall r, r <> PC -> r <> RA -> r <> SP -> r <> RTMP -> r <> GPRA -> rs'#r = rs#r).
  intros until tm; intros LP LRA FREE AG MEXT MCS.
  exploit Mem.loadv_extends. eauto. eexact LP. auto. simpl. intros (parent' & LP' & LDP').
  exploit Mem.loadv_extends. eauto. eexact LRA. auto. simpl. intros (ra' & LRA' & LDRA').
  exploit lessdef_parent_sp; eauto. intros EQ; subst parent'; clear LDP'.
  exploit lessdef_parent_ra; eauto. intros EQ; subst ra'; clear LDRA'.
  exploit Mem.free_parallel_extends; eauto. intros (tm' & FREE' & MEXT').
  unfold make_epilogue.
  rewrite chunk_of_Tptr in *.

  exploit ((loadind_ptr_correct SP (fn_retaddr_ofs f) GPRA (Pset RA GPRA ::g Pfreeframe (fn_stacksize f) (fn_link_ofs f) ::g k))
            rs tm).
  - rewrite <- (sp_val _ _ rs AG). simpl. eexact LRA'.
  - intros (rs1 & A1 & B1 & C1).
    assert (agree ms (Vptr stk soff) rs1) as AG1.
    + destruct AG.
      apply mkagree; auto.
      rewrite C1; discriminate || auto.
      intro. rewrite C1; auto; destruct r; simpl; try discriminate.
    + exploit (Pset_correct RA GPRA (Pfreeframe (fn_stacksize f) (fn_link_ofs f) ::g k) rs1 tm). auto.
      intros (rs2 & A2 & B2 & C2).
      econstructor; econstructor; split.
      * eapply exec_straight_trans.
        { eexact A1. }
        { eapply exec_straight_trans.
          { eapply A2. }
          { apply exec_straight_one. simpl.
            rewrite (C2 SP) by auto with asmgen. rewrite <- (sp_val _ _ rs1 AG1). simpl; rewrite LP'.
            rewrite FREE'. eauto. } }
      * split. apply agree_set_other; auto with asmgen.
    apply agree_change_sp with (Vptr stk soff).
    apply agree_exten with rs; auto. intros; rewrite C2; auto with asmgen.
    eapply parent_sp_def; eauto.
  split. auto.
  split. Simpl. rewrite B2. auto.
  split. Simpl.
  intros. Simpl.
  rewrite C2; auto.