module BTL_BlockOptimizeraux:sig
Auxiliary function of the BTL prepass scheduler oracle
module SI:Stdlib.Set.Make
val is_a_cb : BTL.iblock -> bool
val is_a_load : BTL.iblock -> bool
val count_cbs : BTL.iblock array ->
BTL.iblock option ->
SI.elt array ->
(SI.elt, SI.t) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t
val find_array : 'a array -> 'a -> int
val apply_schedule : BTL.iblock array -> BTL.iblock option -> int array -> BTL.iblock
val reference_counting : (BTL.iblock * Registers.Regset.t) array ->
Registers.Regset.t ->
RTLtyping.regenv ->
(Registers.reg, int * int) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t *
(Registers.reg * bool) list array
the useful one. Returns a hashtable with bindings of shape
** (r,(t, n)
, where r
is a pseudo-register (Registers.reg),
** t
is its class (according to typing
), and n
the number of
** times it's referenced as an argument in instructions of seqa
** and an array containing the list of regs referenced by each
** instruction, with a boolean to know whether it's as arg or dest
val flatten_blk_basics : BTL.iblock_info -> BTL.iblock array * BTL.iblock option
val get_live_regs_entry : (BTL.iblock * Registers.Regset.t) array ->
BTL.iblock_info -> 'a -> Registers.Regset.t