Module PostpassScheduling

Implementation (and basic properties) of the verified postpass scheduler

Require Import Coqlib Errors AST Integers.
Require Import Asmblock Axioms Memory Globalenvs.
Require Import Asmblockdeps Asmblockgenproof0 Asmblockprops.
Require Peephole.
Require Import Lia.

Local Open Scope error_monad_scope.

Oracle taking as input a basic block, returns a scheduled list of bundles

Axiom schedule: bblock -> (list (list basic)) * option control.

Extract Constant schedule => "PostpassSchedulingOracle.schedule".

Concat all bundles into one big basic block

Lemma app_nonil {A: Type} (l l': list A) : l <> nil -> l ++ l' <> nil.
  intros. destruct l; simpl.
  - contradiction.
  - discriminate.

Lemma app_nonil2 {A: Type} : forall (l l': list A), l' <> nil -> l ++ l' <> nil.
  destruct l.
  - intros. simpl; auto.
  - intros. rewrite <- app_comm_cons. discriminate.

Definition check_size bb :=
  if zlt Ptrofs.max_unsigned (size bb)
    then Error (msg "PostpassSchedulingproof.check_size")
  else OK tt.

Program Definition concat2 (bb bb': bblock) : res bblock :=
  do ch <- check_size bb;
  do ch' <- check_size bb';
  match (exit bb) with
  | None =>
      match (header bb') with
      | nil =>
          match (exit bb') with
          | Some (PExpand (Pbuiltin _ _ _)) => Error (msg "PostpassSchedulingproof.concat2: builtin not alone")
          | _ => OK {| header := header bb; body := body bb ++ body bb'; exit := exit bb' |}
      | _ => Error (msg "PostpassSchedulingproof.concat2")
  | _ => Error (msg "PostpassSchedulingproof.concat2")
Next Obligation.
  apply wf_bblock_refl. constructor.
  - destruct bb' as [hd' bdy' ex' WF']. destruct bb as [hd bdy ex WF]. simpl in *.
    apply wf_bblock_refl in WF'. apply wf_bblock_refl in WF.
    inversion_clear WF'. inversion_clear WF.
    match goal with | m : non_empty_bblock bdy ex |- _ => rename m into BDY | _ => idtac end.
    match goal with | m : non_empty_bblock bdy' ex' |- _ => rename m into BDY' | _ => idtac end.
    inversion BDY; inversion BDY'.
    + left. apply app_nonil. auto.
    + right. auto.
    + left. apply app_nonil2. auto.
    + right. auto.
  - unfold builtin_alone. intros. congruence.

Lemma concat2_zlt_size:
  forall a b bb,
  concat2 a b = OK bb ->
     size a <= Ptrofs.max_unsigned
  /\ size b <= Ptrofs.max_unsigned.
  intros. monadInv H.
  - unfold check_size in EQ. destruct (zlt Ptrofs.max_unsigned (size a)); monadInv EQ. lia.
  - unfold check_size in EQ1. destruct (zlt Ptrofs.max_unsigned (size b)); monadInv EQ1. lia.

Lemma concat2_noexit:
  forall a b bb,
  concat2 a b = OK bb ->
  exit a = None.
  intros. destruct a as [hd bdy ex WF]; simpl in *.
  destruct ex as [e|]; simpl in *; auto.
  unfold concat2 in H. simpl in H. monadInv H.

Lemma concat2_decomp:
  forall a b bb,
  concat2 a b = OK bb ->
     body bb = body a ++ body b
  /\ exit bb = exit b.
  intros. exploit concat2_noexit; eauto. intros.
  destruct a as [hda bda exa WFa]; destruct b as [hdb bdb exb WFb]; destruct bb as [hd bd ex WF]; simpl in *.
  subst exa.
  unfold concat2 in H; simpl in H.
  destruct hdb.
  - destruct exb.
    + destruct c.
      * destruct i; monadInv H; split; auto.
      * monadInv H. split; auto.
    + monadInv H. split; auto.
  - monadInv H.

Lemma concat2_size:
  forall a b bb, concat2 a b = OK bb -> size bb = size a + size b.
  intros. unfold concat2 in H.
  destruct a as [hda bda exa WFa]; destruct b as [hdb bdb exb WFb]; destruct bb as [hd bdy ex WF]; simpl in *.
  destruct exa; monadInv H. destruct hdb; try (monadInv EQ2). destruct exb; try (monadInv EQ2).
  - destruct c.
    + destruct i; monadInv EQ2;
      unfold size; simpl; rewrite app_length; rewrite Nat.add_0_r; rewrite <- Nat2Z.inj_add; rewrite Nat.add_assoc; reflexivity.
    + monadInv EQ2. unfold size; simpl. rewrite app_length. rewrite Nat.add_0_r. rewrite <- Nat2Z.inj_add. rewrite Nat.add_assoc. reflexivity.
  - unfold size; simpl. rewrite app_length. repeat (rewrite Nat.add_0_r). rewrite <- Nat2Z.inj_add. reflexivity.

Lemma concat2_header:
  forall bb bb' tbb,
  concat2 bb bb' = OK tbb -> header bb = header tbb.
  intros. destruct bb as [hd bdy ex COR]; destruct bb' as [hd' bdy' ex' COR']; destruct tbb as [thd tbdy tex tCOR]; simpl in *.
  unfold concat2 in H. simpl in H. monadInv H.
  destruct ex; try discriminate. destruct hd'; try discriminate. destruct ex'.
  - destruct c.
    + destruct i; try discriminate; congruence.
    + congruence.
  - congruence.

Lemma concat2_no_header_in_middle:
  forall bb bb' tbb,
  concat2 bb bb' = OK tbb ->
  header bb' = nil.
  intros. destruct bb as [hd bdy ex COR]; destruct bb' as [hd' bdy' ex' COR']; destruct tbb as [thd tbdy tex tCOR]; simpl in *.
  unfold concat2 in H. simpl in H. monadInv H.
  destruct ex; try discriminate. destruct hd'; try discriminate. reflexivity.

Fixpoint concat_all (lbb: list bblock) : res bblock :=
  match lbb with
  | nil => Error (msg "PostpassSchedulingproof.concatenate: empty list")
  | bb::nil => OK bb
  | bb::lbb =>
      do bb' <- concat_all lbb;
      concat2 bb bb'

Lemma concat_all_size :
  forall lbb a bb bb',
  concat_all (a :: lbb) = OK bb ->
  concat_all lbb = OK bb' ->
  size bb = size a + size bb'.
  intros. unfold concat_all in H. fold concat_all in H.
  destruct lbb; try discriminate.
  monadInv H. rewrite H0 in EQ. inv EQ.
  apply concat2_size. assumption.

Lemma concat_all_header:
  forall lbb bb tbb,
  concat_all (bb::lbb) = OK tbb -> header bb = header tbb.
  destruct lbb.
  - intros. simpl in H. congruence.
  - intros. simpl in H. destruct lbb.
    + inv H. eapply concat2_header; eassumption.
    + monadInv H. eapply concat2_header; eassumption.

Lemma concat_all_no_header_in_middle:
  forall lbb tbb,
  concat_all lbb = OK tbb ->
  Forall (fun b => header b = nil) (tail lbb).
  induction lbb; intros; try constructor.
  simpl. simpl in H. destruct lbb.
  - constructor.
  - monadInv H. simpl tl in IHlbb. constructor.
    + apply concat2_no_header_in_middle in EQ0. apply concat_all_header in EQ. congruence.
    + apply IHlbb in EQ. assumption.

Inductive is_concat : bblock -> list bblock -> Prop :=
  | mk_is_concat: forall tbb lbb, concat_all lbb = OK tbb -> is_concat tbb lbb.

Remainder of the verified scheduler

Definition verify_schedule (bb bb' : bblock) : res unit :=
  match bblock_simub bb bb' with
  | true => OK tt
  | false => Error (msg "PostpassScheduling.verify_schedule")

Definition verify_size bb lbb := if (Z.eqb (size bb) (size_blocks lbb)) then OK tt else Error (msg "PostpassScheduling:verify_size: wrong size").

Lemma verify_size_size:
  forall bb lbb, verify_size bb lbb = OK tt -> size bb = size_blocks lbb.
  intros. unfold verify_size in H. destruct (size bb =? size_blocks lbb) eqn:SIZE; try discriminate.
  apply Z.eqb_eq. assumption.

Lemma verify_schedule_no_header:
  forall bb bb',
  verify_schedule (no_header bb) bb' = verify_schedule bb bb'.
  intros. unfold verify_schedule. unfold bblock_simub. unfold pure_bblock_simu_test, bblock_simu_test. rewrite trans_block_noheader_inv.

Lemma stick_header_verify_schedule:
  forall hd bb' hbb' bb,
  stick_header hd bb' = hbb' ->
  verify_schedule bb bb' = verify_schedule bb hbb'.
  intros. unfold verify_schedule. unfold bblock_simub, pure_bblock_simu_test, bblock_simu_test.
  rewrite <- H. rewrite trans_block_header_inv. reflexivity.

Lemma check_size_stick_header:
  forall bb hd,
  check_size bb = check_size (stick_header hd bb).
  intros. unfold check_size. rewrite stick_header_size. reflexivity.

Lemma stick_header_concat2:
  forall bb bb' hd tbb,
  concat2 bb bb' = OK tbb ->
  concat2 (stick_header hd bb) bb' = OK (stick_header hd tbb).
  intros. monadInv H. erewrite check_size_stick_header in EQ.
  unfold concat2. rewrite EQ. rewrite EQ1. simpl.
  destruct bb as [hdr bdy ex COR]; destruct bb' as [hdr' bdy' ex' COR']; simpl in *.
  destruct ex; try discriminate. destruct hdr'; try discriminate. destruct ex'.
  - destruct c.
    + destruct i; try discriminate; inv EQ2; unfold stick_header; simpl; reflexivity.
    + inv EQ2. unfold stick_header; simpl. reflexivity.
  - inv EQ2. unfold stick_header; simpl. reflexivity.

Lemma stick_header_concat_all:
  forall bb c tbb hd,
  concat_all (bb :: c) = OK tbb ->
  concat_all (stick_header hd bb :: c) = OK (stick_header hd tbb).
  intros. simpl in *. destruct c; try congruence.
  monadInv H. rewrite EQ. simpl.
  apply stick_header_concat2. assumption.

Definition stick_header_code (h : list label) (lbb : list bblock) :=
  match (head lbb) with
  | None => Error (msg "PostpassScheduling.stick_header: empty schedule")
  | Some fst => OK ((stick_header h fst) :: tail lbb)

Lemma stick_header_code_no_header:
  forall bb c,
  stick_header_code (header bb) (no_header bb :: c) = OK (bb :: c).
  intros. unfold stick_header_code. simpl. rewrite stick_header_no_header. reflexivity.

Lemma hd_tl_size:
  forall lbb bb, hd_error lbb = Some bb -> size_blocks lbb = size bb + size_blocks (tl lbb).
  destruct lbb.
  - intros. simpl in H. discriminate.
  - intros. simpl in H. inv H. simpl. reflexivity.

Lemma stick_header_code_size:
  forall h lbb lbb', stick_header_code h lbb = OK lbb' -> size_blocks lbb = size_blocks lbb'.
  intros. unfold stick_header_code in H. destruct (hd_error lbb) eqn:HD; try discriminate.
  inv H. simpl. rewrite stick_header_size. erewrite hd_tl_size; eauto.

Lemma stick_header_code_no_header_in_middle:
  forall c h lbb,
  stick_header_code h c = OK lbb ->
  Forall (fun b => header b = nil) (tl c) ->
  Forall (fun b => header b = nil) (tl lbb).
  destruct c; intros.
  - unfold stick_header_code in H. simpl in H. discriminate.
  - unfold stick_header_code in H. simpl in H. inv H. simpl in H0.
    simpl. assumption.

Lemma stick_header_code_concat_all:
  forall hd lbb hlbb tbb,
  stick_header_code hd lbb = OK hlbb ->
  concat_all lbb = OK tbb ->
  exists htbb,
     concat_all hlbb = OK htbb
  /\ stick_header hd tbb = htbb.
  intros. exists (stick_header hd tbb). split; auto.
  destruct lbb.
  - unfold stick_header_code in H. simpl in H. discriminate.
  - unfold stick_header_code in H. simpl in H. inv H.
    apply stick_header_concat_all. assumption.

Program Definition make_bblock_from_basics lb :=
  match lb with
  | nil => Error (msg "PostpassScheduling.make_bblock_from_basics")
  | b :: lb => OK {| header := nil; body := b::lb; exit := None |}

Fixpoint schedule_to_bblocks_nocontrol llb :=
  match llb with
  | nil => OK nil
  | lb :: llb => do bb <- make_bblock_from_basics lb;
                 do lbb <- schedule_to_bblocks_nocontrol llb;
                 OK (bb :: lbb)

Program Definition make_bblock_from_basics_and_control lb c :=
  match c with
  | PExpand (Pbuiltin _ _ _) => Error (msg "PostpassScheduling.make_bblock_from_basics_and_control")
  | PCtlFlow cf => OK {| header := nil; body := lb; exit := Some (PCtlFlow cf) |}
Next Obligation.
  apply wf_bblock_refl. constructor.
  - right. discriminate.
  - discriminate.

Fixpoint schedule_to_bblocks_wcontrol llb c :=
  match llb with
  | nil => OK ((bblock_single_inst (PControl c)) :: nil)
  | lb :: nil => do bb <- make_bblock_from_basics_and_control lb c; OK (bb :: nil)
  | lb :: llb => do bb <- make_bblock_from_basics lb;
                 do lbb <- schedule_to_bblocks_wcontrol llb c;
                 OK (bb :: lbb)

Definition schedule_to_bblocks (llb: list (list basic)) (oc: option control) : res (list bblock) :=
  match oc with
  | None => schedule_to_bblocks_nocontrol llb
  | Some c => schedule_to_bblocks_wcontrol llb c

Definition do_schedule (bb: bblock) : res (list bblock) :=
  if (Z.eqb (size bb) 1) then OK (bb::nil)
  else match (schedule bb) with (llb, oc) => schedule_to_bblocks llb oc end.

Definition verify_par_bblock (bb: bblock) : res unit :=
  if (bblock_para_check bb) then OK tt else Error (msg "PostpassScheduling.verify_par_bblock").

Fixpoint verify_par (lbb: list bblock) :=
  match lbb with
  | nil => OK tt
  | bb :: lbb => do res <- verify_par_bblock bb; verify_par lbb

Definition verified_schedule_nob (bb : bblock) : res (list bblock) :=
  let bb' := no_header bb in
  let bb'' := Peephole.optimize_bblock bb' in
  do lbb <- do_schedule bb'';
  do tbb <- concat_all lbb;
  do sizecheck <- verify_size bb lbb;
  do schedcheck <- verify_schedule bb' tbb;
  do res <- stick_header_code (header bb) lbb;
  do parcheck <- verify_par res;
  OK res.

Lemma verified_schedule_nob_size:
  forall bb lbb, verified_schedule_nob bb = OK lbb -> size bb = size_blocks lbb.
  intros. monadInv H. erewrite <- stick_header_code_size; eauto.
  apply verify_size_size.
  destruct x1; try discriminate. assumption.

Lemma verified_schedule_nob_no_header_in_middle:
  forall lbb bb,
  verified_schedule_nob bb = OK lbb ->
     Forall (fun b => header b = nil) (tail lbb).
  intros. monadInv H. eapply stick_header_code_no_header_in_middle; eauto.
  eapply concat_all_no_header_in_middle. eassumption.

Lemma verified_schedule_nob_header:
  forall bb tbb lbb,
  verified_schedule_nob bb = OK (tbb :: lbb) ->
     header bb = header tbb
  /\ Forall (fun b => header b = nil) lbb.
  intros. split.
  - monadInv H. unfold stick_header_code in EQ3. destruct (hd_error _); try discriminate. inv EQ3.
    simpl. reflexivity.
  - apply verified_schedule_nob_no_header_in_middle in H. assumption.

Definition verified_schedule (bb : bblock) : res (list bblock) :=
  match exit bb with
  | Some (PExpand (Pbuiltin ef args res)) => OK (bb::nil)
  | _ => verified_schedule_nob bb

Lemma verified_schedule_size:
  forall bb lbb, verified_schedule bb = OK lbb -> size bb = size_blocks lbb.
  intros. unfold verified_schedule in H. destruct (exit bb). destruct c. destruct i.
  all: try (apply verified_schedule_nob_size; auto; fail).
  inv H. simpl. lia.

Lemma verified_schedule_no_header_in_middle:
  forall lbb bb,
  verified_schedule bb = OK lbb ->
     Forall (fun b => header b = nil) (tail lbb).
  intros. unfold verified_schedule in H. destruct (exit bb). destruct c. destruct i.
  all: try (eapply verified_schedule_nob_no_header_in_middle; eauto; fail).
  inv H. simpl. auto.

Lemma verified_schedule_header:
  forall bb tbb lbb,
  verified_schedule bb = OK (tbb :: lbb) ->
     header bb = header tbb
  /\ Forall (fun b => header b = nil) lbb.
  intros. unfold verified_schedule in H. destruct (exit bb). destruct c. destruct i.
  all: try (eapply verified_schedule_nob_header; eauto; fail).
  inv H. split; simpl; auto.

Lemma verified_schedule_nob_correct:
  forall ge f bb lbb,
  verified_schedule_nob bb = OK lbb ->
  exists tbb,
     is_concat tbb lbb
  /\ bblock_simu ge f bb tbb.
  intros. monadInv H.
  exploit stick_header_code_concat_all; eauto.
  intros (tbb & CONC & STH).
  exists tbb. split; auto. constructor; auto.
  rewrite verify_schedule_no_header in EQ2. erewrite stick_header_verify_schedule in EQ2; eauto.
  eapply bblock_simub_correct; eauto. unfold verify_schedule in EQ2.
  destruct (bblock_simub _ _); auto; try discriminate.

Theorem verified_schedule_correct:
  forall ge f bb lbb,
  verified_schedule bb = OK lbb ->
  exists tbb,
     is_concat tbb lbb
  /\ bblock_simu ge f bb tbb.
  intros. unfold verified_schedule in H. destruct (exit bb). destruct c. destruct i.
  all: try (eapply verified_schedule_nob_correct; eauto; fail).
  inv H. eexists. split; simpl; auto. constructor; auto. simpl; auto. constructor; auto.

Lemma verified_schedule_builtin_idem:
  forall bb ef args res lbb,
  exit bb = Some (PExpand (Pbuiltin ef args res)) ->
  verified_schedule bb = OK lbb ->
  lbb = bb :: nil.
  intros. unfold verified_schedule in H0. rewrite H in H0. inv H0. reflexivity.

Fixpoint transf_blocks (lbb : list bblock) : res (list bblock) :=
  match lbb with
  | nil => OK nil
  | (cons bb lbb) =>
      do tlbb <- transf_blocks lbb;
      do tbb <- verified_schedule bb;
      OK (tbb ++ tlbb)

Definition transl_function (f: function) : res function :=
  do lb <- transf_blocks (fn_blocks f);
  OK (mkfunction (fn_sig f) lb).

Definition transf_function (f: function) : res function :=
  do tf <- transl_function f;
  if zlt Ptrofs.max_unsigned (size_blocks tf.(fn_blocks))
  then Error (msg "code size exceeded")
  else OK tf.

Definition transf_fundef (f: fundef) : res fundef :=
  transf_partial_fundef transf_function f.

Definition transf_program (p: program) : res program :=
  transform_partial_program transf_fundef p.