Module FPDivision64

From Flocq Require Import BinarySingleNaN Core Digits Operations Round Bracket Sterbenz
                          Binary Round_odd Bits.
Require Archi.
Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Compopts.
Require Import AST.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Reals.
Require Import Floats.
Require Import Op.
Require Import CminorSel.
Require Import OpHelpers.
Require Import ExtFloats.
Require Import DecBoolOps.
Require Import Chunks.
Require Import Builtins.
Require Import Values Globalenvs.
Require Compopts.
Require Import Psatz.
Require Import IEEE754_extra.
Require Import Memory.

From Gappa Require Import Gappa_tactic.

Ltac rew_spec :=
  change (SpecFloat.fexp 24 128) with (FLT_exp (-149) 24) in *;
  change (SpecFloat.fexp 53 1024) with (FLT_exp (-1074) 53) in *.

Definition approx_inv_longu b :=
  let invb_s := ExtValues.invfs (Val.singleoffloat (Val.maketotal (Val.floatoflongu b))) in
  let invb_d := Val.floatofsingle invb_s in
  let b_d := Val.maketotal (Val.floatoflongu b) in
  let one := Vfloat ( in
  let alpha := ExtValues.fmsubf one invb_d b_d in
  ExtValues.fmaddf invb_d alpha invb_d.

Lemma Rabs_relax:
  forall b b' (INEQ : (b < b')%R) x,
    (-b <= x <= b)%R -> (Rabs x < b')%R.
  apply Rabs_lt.

Local Notation "'rd'" := (round radix2 (FLT_exp (-1074) 53) ZnearestE).
Local Notation "'rs'" := (round radix2 (FLT_exp (-149) 24) ZnearestE).

Definition approx_inv_rel_thresh := (1049/72057594037927936)%R.
Theorem approx_inv_longu_correct_rel :
  forall b,
    (0 < Int64.unsigned b)%Z ->
    exists (f : float),
      (approx_inv_longu (Vlong b)) = Vfloat f /\
      is_finite _ _ f = true /\ (Rabs(IZR (Int64.unsigned b) * (B2R _ _ f) - 1) <= approx_inv_rel_thresh)%R.
  intros b NONZ.
  unfold approx_inv_longu.
  Local Transparent Float.neg Float.of_single Float32.of_longu Float32.div Float.of_longu Float32.of_int Float.of_int Float.to_single.
  unfold Float.fma, Float.neg, Float.of_single, Float32.of_longu, ExtFloat32.inv, Float32.div, Float.of_longu,, Float32.of_int,, Float.of_int, Float.to_single.
  set (re := (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt)).
  change (Int.signed (Int.repr 1)) with 1%Z.
  set (b' := Int64.unsigned b) in *.
  pose proof (Int64.unsigned_range b) as RANGE.
  change Int64.modulus with 18446744073709551616%Z in RANGE.
  assert(1 <= IZR b' <= 18446744073709551616)%R as RANGE'.
  { split; apply IZR_le; lia.

  assert (-16777216 <= 1 <= 16777216)%Z as SILLY by lia.
  destruct (BofZ_exact 24 128 re re 1 SILLY) as (C0R & C0F & _).
  clear SILLY.
  set (one_s := (BofZ 24 128 re re 1)) in *.
  pose proof (BofZ_correct 53 1024 re re b') as C5.
  rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C5; cycle 1.
  { clear C5.
    eapply (Rabs_relax (bpow radix2 64)).
    { apply bpow_lt. lia. }
  cbn in C5.
  destruct C5 as (C5R & C5F & C5S).
  set (b_d := (BofZ 53 1024 re re b')) in *.

  pose proof (Bconv_correct 53 1024 24 128 re re Float.to_single_nan mode_NE b_d C5F) as C1.
  rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C1; cycle 1.
  { clear C1.
    apply (Rabs_relax (bpow radix2 64)).
    { apply bpow_lt. lia. }
    rewrite C5R.
    rew_spec. gappa.
  cbn in C1.
  destruct C1 as (C1R & C1F & C1S).
  set (b_s := (Bconv 53 1024 24 128 re re Float.to_single_nan mode_NE b_d)) in *.
  assert(1 <= B2R 24 128 b_s <= 18446744073709551616)%R as b_s_RANGE.
  { rewrite C1R.
    rewrite C5R.
    rew_spec. gappa.
  assert(B2R 24 128 b_s <> 0)%R as b_s_NONZ by lra.
  pose proof (Bdiv_correct 24 128 re re Float32.binop_nan mode_NE one_s b_s b_s_NONZ) as C2.
  rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C2; cycle 1.
  { clear C2.
    apply Rabs_relax with (b := 1%R).
    { cbn; lra. }
    rewrite C0R.
    set (r_b_s := B2R 24 128 b_s) in *.
    rew_spec. gappa.
  destruct C2 as (C2R & C2F & _).
  set (invb_s := (Bdiv 24 128 re re Float32.binop_nan mode_NE one_s b_s)) in *.
  rewrite C0F in C2F.

  assert ((1/18446744073709551616 <= B2R 24 128 invb_s <= 1)%R) as invb_s_RANGE.
  { rewrite C2R.
    set (r_b_s := B2R 24 128 b_s) in *.
    rewrite C0R.
    rew_spec. gappa.
  pose proof (Bconv_correct 24 128 53 1024 re re Float.of_single_nan mode_NE invb_s C2F) as C3.
  rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C3; cycle 1.
  { clear C3.
    set (r_invb_s := (B2R 24 128 invb_s)) in *.
    apply Rabs_relax with (b := 1%R).
    { replace 1%R with (bpow radix2 0)%R by reflexivity.
      apply bpow_lt.
  destruct C3 as (C3R & C3F & _).
  set (invb_d := (Bconv 24 128 53 1024 re re Float.of_single_nan mode_NE invb_s)) in *.
  assert ((1/18446744073709551616 <= B2R 53 1024 invb_d <= 1)%R) as invb_d_RANGE.
    rewrite C3R.
    set (r_invb_s := B2R 24 128 invb_s) in *.

  pose proof (is_finite_Bopp 53 1024 Float.neg_nan invb_d) as opp_finite.
  rewrite C3F in opp_finite.

  pose proof (BofZ_correct 53 1024 re re 1) as C4.
  rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C4; cycle 1.
  { clear C4.
    eapply (Rabs_relax (IZR 18446744073709551616)).
    set (b'' := IZR b') in *.
    rew_spec. gappa.
  destruct C4 as (C4R & C4F & _).
  assert(1 <= B2R 53 1024 b_d <= 18446744073709551616)%R as b_d_RANGE.
  { rewrite C5R.
    rew_spec. gappa.

  pose proof (Bfma_correct 53 1024 re re Float.fma_nan mode_NE
          (Bopp 53 1024 Float.neg_nan invb_d) (BofZ 53 1024 re re b')
          (BofZ 53 1024 re re 1) opp_finite C5F C4F) as C6.
  cbn zeta in C6.
  rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C6; cycle 1.
  { clear C6.
    rewrite C4R.
    rewrite B2R_Bopp.
    eapply (Rabs_relax (IZR 18446744073709551616)).
    { lra. }
    fold invb_d.
    fold b_d.
    set (r_invb_d := B2R 53 1024 invb_d) in *.
    set (r_b_d := B2R 53 1024 b_d) in *.
    rew_spec. gappa.
  fold b_d in C6.
  destruct C6 as (C6R & C6F & _).

  pose proof (Bfma_correct 53 1024 re re Float.fma_nan mode_NE
       (Bfma 53 1024 re re Float.fma_nan mode_NE
          (Bopp 53 1024 Float.neg_nan invb_d) b_d (BofZ 53 1024 re re 1))
       invb_d invb_d C6F C3F C3F) as C7.
  cbn zeta in C7.
  rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C7; cycle 1.
  { clear C7.
    rewrite C6R.
    rewrite B2R_Bopp.
    eapply (Rabs_relax (bpow radix2 64)).
    { apply bpow_lt. lia. }
    rewrite C4R.
    set (r_invb_d := B2R 53 1024 invb_d) in *.
    set (r_b_d := B2R 53 1024 b_d) in *.
    rew_spec. gappa.
  destruct C7 as (C7R & C7F & _).

  split. assumption.
  rewrite C7R.
  rewrite C6R.
  rewrite C5R.
  rewrite C4R.
  rewrite B2R_Bopp.
  rewrite C3R.
  rewrite C2R.
  rewrite C1R.
  rewrite C5R.
  rewrite C0R.
  set(b1 := IZR b') in *.

  replace (rd 1) with 1%R by gappa.
  replace (rd (rs (1 / rs (rd b1)))) with
    ((((rd (rs (1 / rs (rd b1))) - (/b1))/(/b1))+1)*(/ b1))%R ; cycle 1.
  { field. lra. }
  set (er0 := ((rd (rs (1 / rs (rd b1))) - (/b1))/(/b1))%R).
  replace (rd b1) with ((((rd b1) - b1)/b1 + 1) * b1)%R; cycle 1.
  { field. lra. }
  set (er1 := (((rd b1) - b1)/b1)%R).
  replace (- ((er0 + 1) * / b1) * ((er1 + 1) * b1) + 1)%R
    with (1 - (er0 + 1)*(er1 + 1))%R ; cycle 1.
  { field. lra. }
  set (z0 := (1 - (er0 + 1) * (er1 + 1))%R).
  assert (Rabs er0 <= 257/2147483648)%R as er0_ABS.
  { unfold er0.
  assert (Rabs er1 <= 1/9007199254740992)%R as er1_ABS.
  { unfold er1.
  replace (rd z0) with ((rd(z0)-z0)+z0)%R by ring.
  set (ea0 := (rd(z0)-z0)%R).
  assert (Rabs ea0 <= 1/75557863725914323419136)%R as ea0_ABS.
  { unfold ea0. unfold z0.
  set (z1 := ((ea0 + z0) * ((er0 + 1) * / b1) + (er0 + 1) * / b1)%R).
  replace (rd z1) with ((((rd z1)-z1)/z1+1)*z1)%R; cycle 1.
  { field.
    unfold z1.
    unfold z0.
  set (er2 := ((rd z1 - z1) / z1)%R).
  assert (Rabs er2 <= 1/9007199254740992)%R as er2_ABS.
  { unfold er2.
    unfold z1, z0.
  unfold z1, z0.
  replace (b1 *
      ((er2 + 1) *
       ((ea0 + (1 - (er0 + 1) * (er1 + 1))) * ((er0 + 1) * / b1) +
          (er0 + 1) * / b1)) - 1)%R
      with (-er0*er0*er1*er2 - er0*er0*er1 + ea0*er0*er2 - er0*er0*er2 - 2*er0*er1*er2 + ea0*er0 - er0*er0 - 2*er0*er1 + ea0*er2 - er1*er2 + ea0 - er1 + er2)%R; cycle 1.
  { field. lra. }
  unfold approx_inv_rel_thresh.

Definition step1_real_inv_longu b :=
  let invb_s := ExtValues.invfs (Val.singleoffloat (Val.maketotal (Val.floatoflongu b))) in
  Val.floatofsingle invb_s.

Definition step1_real_inv_thresh := (3/33554432)%R.

Theorem step1_real_inv_longu_correct :
  forall b,
    (0 < Int64.unsigned b)%Z ->
    exists (f : float),
      (step1_real_inv_longu (Vlong b)) = Vfloat f /\
        (B2R _ _ f) = (rd (rs (1 / rs (rd (IZR (Int64.unsigned b)))))) /\
        is_finite _ _ f = true /\
        Bsign _ _ f = false.
  intros b NONZ.
  unfold step1_real_inv_longu.
  Local Transparent Float.neg Float.of_single Float32.of_longu Float32.div Float.of_longu Float32.of_int Float.of_int Float.to_single.
  unfold Float.fma, Float.neg, Float.of_single, Float32.of_longu, ExtFloat32.inv, Float32.div, Float.of_longu,, Float32.of_int,, Float.of_int, Float.to_single.
  set (re := (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt)).
  change (Int.signed (Int.repr 1)) with 1%Z.
  set (b' := Int64.unsigned b) in *.
  pose proof (Int64.unsigned_range b) as RANGE.
  change Int64.modulus with 18446744073709551616%Z in RANGE.
  assert(1 <= IZR b' <= 18446744073709551616)%R as RANGE'.
  { split; apply IZR_le; lia.

  assert (-16777216 <= 1 <= 16777216)%Z as SILLY by lia.
  destruct (BofZ_exact 24 128 re re 1 SILLY) as (C0R & C0F & C0S).
  clear SILLY.
  set (one_s := (BofZ 24 128 re re 1)) in *.

  pose proof (BofZ_correct 53 1024 re re b') as C0'.
  rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C0'; cycle 1.
  { apply (Rabs_relax (bpow radix2 64)).
    { apply bpow_lt. lia. }
    rew_spec. gappa.
  cbn in C0'.
  destruct C0' as (C0'R & C0'F & C0'S).
  set (b_d := (BofZ 53 1024 re re b')) in *.

  pose proof (Bconv_correct 53 1024 24 128 re re Float.to_single_nan mode_NE b_d C0'F) as C1.
  rewrite C0'R in C1.
  rewrite C0'S in C1.
  rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C1; cycle 1.
  { clear C1.
    eapply (Rabs_relax (bpow radix2 64)).
    { apply bpow_lt. lia. }
    rew_spec. gappa.
  destruct C1 as (C1R & C1F & C1S).
  set (b_s := (Bconv 53 1024 24 128 re re Float.to_single_nan mode_NE b_d)) in *.

  assert(1 <= B2R 24 128 b_s <= 18446744073709551616)%R as b_s_RANGE.
  { rewrite C1R.
    rew_spec. gappa.
  assert(B2R 24 128 b_s <> 0)%R as b_s_NONZ by lra.
  pose proof (Bdiv_correct 24 128 re re Float32.binop_nan mode_NE one_s b_s b_s_NONZ) as C2.
  rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C2; cycle 1.
  { clear C2.
    apply Rabs_relax with (b := 1%R).
    { cbn; lra. }
    rewrite C0R.
    set (r_b_s := B2R 24 128 b_s) in *.
    rew_spec. gappa.
  rewrite C1R in C2.
  rewrite C1S in C2.
  rewrite C0S in C2.
  destruct C2 as (C2R & C2F & C2Sz).
  change (1 <? 0)%Z with false in C2Sz.
  replace (b' <? 0)%Z with false in C2Sz by lia.
  change (xorb false false) with false in C2Sz.
  set (invb_s := (Bdiv 24 128 re re Float32.binop_nan mode_NE one_s b_s)) in *.
  rewrite C0F in C2F.
  assert (is_nan 24 128 invb_s = false) as NAN.
  { apply is_finite_not_is_nan.
  pose proof (C2Sz NAN) as C2S.
  clear C2Sz.
  assert ((1/18446744073709551616 <= B2R 24 128 invb_s <= 1)%R) as invb_s_RANGE.
  { rewrite C2R.
    set (r_b_s := B2R 24 128 b_s) in *.
    rewrite C0R.
    rew_spec. gappa.
  pose proof (Bconv_correct 24 128 53 1024 re re Float.of_single_nan mode_NE invb_s C2F) as C3.
  rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C3; cycle 1.
  { clear C3.
    set (r_invb_s := (B2R 24 128 invb_s)) in *.
    apply Rabs_relax with (b := 1%R).
    { replace 1%R with (bpow radix2 0)%R by reflexivity.
      apply bpow_lt.
  destruct C3 as (C3R & C3F & C3S).
  set (invb_d := (Bconv 24 128 53 1024 re re Float.of_single_nan mode_NE invb_s)) in *.
  assert ((1/18446744073709551616 <= B2R 53 1024 invb_d <= 1)%R) as invb_d_RANGE.
    rewrite C3R.
    set (r_invb_s := B2R 24 128 invb_s) in *.
  rewrite C2S in C3S.
  rewrite C2R in C3R.
  rewrite C0R in C3R.


Theorem step1_real_inv_longu_correct1 :
  forall b,
    (Int64.unsigned b = 1%Z) ->
    exists f,
    (step1_real_inv_longu (Vlong b)) = Vfloat f /\
        (B2R _ _ f) = 1%R /\
        is_finite _ _ f = true /\
        Bsign _ _ f = false.
  intros b EQ1.
  assert (0 < Int64.unsigned b)%Z as b_RANGE by lia.
  destruct (step1_real_inv_longu_correct b b_RANGE) as (f & C1E & C1R & C1F & C1S).
  rewrite EQ1 in C1R.
  exists f.
  repeat split; try assumption.
  rewrite C1R.

Lemma Bsign_false_nonneg:
  forall prec emax f,
    (Bsign prec emax f) = false -> (0 <= (B2R prec emax f))%R.
  intros until f. intro SIGN.
  destruct f.
  1, 2, 3: cbn; lra.
  apply F2R_ge_0.
  cbn in SIGN.
  rewrite SIGN.

Lemma Znearest_IZR_le :
  forall rnd n x, (IZR n <= x)%R -> (n <= Znearest rnd x)%Z.
  intros until x. intro ORDER.
  pose proof (Znearest_ge_floor rnd x).
  pose proof (Zfloor_le _ _ ORDER) as KK.
  rewrite Zfloor_IZR in KK.

Lemma Znearest_le_IZR :
  forall rnd n x, (x <= IZR n)%R -> (Znearest rnd x <= n)%Z.
  intros until x. intro ORDER.
  pose proof (Znearest_le_ceil rnd x).
  pose proof (Zceil_le _ _ ORDER) as KK.
  rewrite Zceil_IZR in KK.

Definition step1_real_div_longu a b :=
  Val.mulf (Val.maketotal (Val.floatoflongu a)) (step1_real_inv_longu b).

Definition step1_div_longu a b :=
  Val.maketotal (Val.longuoffloat_ne (step1_real_div_longu a b)).

Definition step1_real_quotient (a b : R) :=
             rd ((rd (a)) * (rd (rs (1 / rs (rd (b)))))).
Theorem step1_real_div_longu_correct:
  forall a b,
    (1 < Int64.unsigned b)%Z ->
    exists (q : float),
      (step1_real_div_longu (Vlong a) (Vlong b)) = Vfloat q /\
        (B2R _ _ q) = step1_real_quotient (IZR (Int64.unsigned a))
                                          (IZR (Int64.unsigned b)) /\
        is_finite _ _ q = true /\
        Bsign _ _ q = false.
  intros a b b_NON01.
  assert (0 < Int64.unsigned b)%Z as b_NON0 by lia.
  destruct (step1_real_inv_longu_correct b b_NON0) as (f & C1E & C1R & C1F & C1S).
  unfold step1_real_div_longu.
  rewrite C1E.
  set (b' := Int64.unsigned b) in *.
  Local Transparent Float.mul.
  unfold Float.mul, Float.of_longu.
  split. reflexivity.
  set (a' := Int64.unsigned a) in *.
  set (re := (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt)).

  pose proof (Int64.unsigned_range a) as a_RANGE.
  change Int64.modulus with 18446744073709551616%Z in a_RANGE.
  assert (0 <= IZR a' <= 18446744073709551615)%R as IZR_a_RANGE.
  { split; apply IZR_le; lia. }
  pose proof (Int64.unsigned_range b) as b_RANGE.
  change Int64.modulus with 18446744073709551616%Z in b_RANGE.
  assert (2 <= IZR b' <= 18446744073709551615)%R as IZR_b_RANGE.
  { split; apply IZR_le; lia. }
  pose proof (BofZ_correct 53 1024 re re a') as C2.
  rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C2; cycle 1.
  { clear C2.
    apply Rabs_relax with (b := bpow radix2 64).
    { apply bpow_lt. lia. }
    rew_spec. gappa.
  destruct C2 as (C2R & C2F & C2S).
  rewrite Zlt_bool_false in C2S by lia.

  pose proof (Bmult_correct 53 1024 re re Float.binop_nan mode_NE (BofZ 53 1024 re re a') f) as C3.
  rewrite C1S in C3.
  rewrite C2S in C3.
  rewrite C1F in C3.
  rewrite C2F in C3.
  rewrite C1R in C3.
  rewrite C2R in C3.
  rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C3; cycle 1.
  { apply Rabs_relax with (b := bpow radix2 64).
    { apply bpow_lt ; lia. }
    rew_spec. gappa.
  cbn in C3.
  destruct C3 as (C3R & C3F & C3Sz).
  assert (is_nan 53 1024
          (Bmult 53 1024 re re Float.binop_nan mode_NE
                 (BofZ 53 1024 re re a') f) = false) as NAN.
  { apply is_finite_not_is_nan.
    assumption. }
  pose proof (C3Sz NAN) as C3S.
  clear NAN C3Sz.


Definition smallb_thresh := 4398046511104%Z.

Definition smallb_approx_real_range := 2200000000000%R.
Lemma step1_smallb_real :
  forall a b
    (a_RANGE : (1 <= a <= 18446744073709551615)%R)
    (b_RANGE : (1 <= b <= IZR smallb_thresh)%R),
    (Rabs((step1_real_quotient a b) * b - a) <= smallb_approx_real_range)%R.
  unfold smallb_thresh in b_RANGE.
  unfold smallb_approx_real_range.
  unfold step1_real_quotient.
  set (q := ((rd (a)) * (rd (rs (1 / rs (rd b)))))%R) in *.
  replace ((rd q) *b - a)%R with
     ((rd(q)-q)/q * rd(a) * (1 + (rd (rs (1 / rs (rd b))) - 1/b)/(1/b)) +
  (rd (a)) * ((rd (rs (1 / rs (rd b))) - 1 / b) / (1/b)) +
        (rd(a) - a))%R; cycle 1.
  { unfold q.
    split. lra.
    split. gappa.
  unfold q.

Lemma step1_div_longu_a0 :
  forall b,
    (0 < Int64.unsigned b)%Z ->
    (step1_div_longu (Vlong (Vlong b)) = Vlong
  intros b b_NOT0.
  unfold step1_div_longu.
  unfold step1_real_div_longu.
  destruct (step1_real_inv_longu_correct b b_NOT0) as
    (f & C1E & C1R & C1F & C1S).
  rewrite C1E.
  unfold Float.to_longu_ne, Float.of_longu, Float.mul.
  rewrite Int64.unsigned_zero.
  set (re := (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt)).
  assert (- 2 ^ 53 <= 0 <= 2 ^ 53)%Z as SILLY by lia.
  destruct (BofZ_exact 53 1024 re re 0 SILLY) as (C2R & C2F & C2S).
  pose proof (Bmult_correct 53 1024 re re Float.binop_nan mode_NE
                            (BofZ 53 1024 re re 0) f) as C3.
  rewrite C1F in C3.
  rewrite C2F in C3.
  rewrite C1S in C3.
  rewrite C2S in C3.
  rewrite Z.ltb_irrefl in C3.
  rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C3; cycle 1.
  { clear C3.
    apply Rabs_relax with (b := bpow radix2 64).
    { apply bpow_lt. lia. }
    rewrite Rmult_0_l.
    rew_spec. gappa.
  rewrite C2R in C3.
  rewrite Rmult_0_l in C3.
  destruct C3 as (C3R & C3F & C3Sz).
  change (true && true) with true in C3F.
  change (xorb false false) with false in C3Sz.
  assert (is_nan 53 1024
           (Bmult 53 1024 re re Float.binop_nan mode_NE
                  (BofZ 53 1024 re re 0) f) = false) as NAN.
  { apply is_finite_not_is_nan.
  pose proof (C3Sz NAN) as C3S.
  clear NAN C3Sz.
  pose proof (ZofB_ne_range_correct 53 1024
             (Bmult 53 1024 re re Float.binop_nan mode_NE
                    (BofZ 53 1024 re re 0) f) 0 Int64.max_unsigned) as C4.
  rewrite C3R in C4.
  replace (round radix2 (FLT_exp (- 1074) 53) (round_mode mode_NE) 0)
    with 0%R in C4 by (cbn ; gappa).
  rewrite Znearest_IZR in C4.
  cbn zeta in C4.
  rewrite Z.leb_refl in C4.
  change (0 <=? Int64.max_unsigned)%Z with true in C4.
  rewrite andb_true_r in C4.
  rewrite andb_true_r in C4.
  rewrite C3F in C4.
  rewrite C4.

Lemma step1_div_longu_correct_anyb :
    forall a b
     (b_NOT01 : (1 < Int64.unsigned b)%Z),
    exists (q : int64),
      (step1_div_longu (Vlong a) (Vlong b)) = Vlong q.

  pose proof (Int64.unsigned_range a) as a_RANGE.
  pose proof (Int64.unsigned_range b) as b_RANGE.
  change Int64.modulus with 18446744073709551616%Z in *.
  set (a' := Int64.unsigned a) in *.
  set (b' := Int64.unsigned b) in *.
  assert (0 <= IZR a' <= 18446744073709551615)%R as a_RANGE'.
  { split; apply IZR_le; lia. }
  assert (2 <= IZR b' <= 18446744073709551615)%R as b_RANGE'.
  { split; apply IZR_le; lia. }

  assert (0 < b')%Z as b_NOT0 by lia.
  destruct (Z_le_gt_dec a' 0).
  { assert (a' = 0%Z) as ZERO by lia.
    replace a with; cycle 1.
      unfold a' in ZERO.
      rewrite <- ZERO.
      apply Int64.repr_unsigned.
    apply step1_div_longu_a0.
    exact b_NOT0.

  unfold step1_div_longu.
  unfold step1_real_div_longu.
  destruct (step1_real_inv_longu_correct b b_NOT0) as (f & C1E & C1R & C1F & C1S).
  rewrite C1E.
  unfold Float.of_longu, Float.mul, Float.to_longu_ne.
  set (re := (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt)).
  fold a'.
  fold b' in C1R.
  pose proof (BofZ_correct 53 1024 re re a') as C2.
  rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C2; cycle 1.
  { clear C2.
    apply Rabs_relax with (b := bpow radix2 64).
    { apply bpow_lt. lia. }
    rew_spec. gappa.
  cbn in C2.
  destruct C2 as (C2R & C2F & C2S).
  pose proof (Bmult_correct 53 1024 re re Float.binop_nan mode_NE
                             (BofZ 53 1024 re re a') f) as C3.
  rewrite C2R in C3.
  rewrite C2F in C3.
  rewrite C2S in C3.
  rewrite C1R in C3.
  rewrite C1F in C3.
  rewrite C1S in C3.
  rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C3; cycle 1.
  { clear C3.
    apply Rabs_relax with (b := bpow radix2 64).
    { apply bpow_lt. lia. }
    rew_spec. gappa.
  cbn in C3.
  destruct C3 as (C3R & C3F & _).
  pose proof (ZofB_ne_range_correct 53 1024
               (Bmult 53 1024 re re Float.binop_nan mode_NE
                      (BofZ 53 1024 re re a') f) 0 Int64.max_unsigned) as C4.
  rewrite C3R in C4.
  rewrite C3F in C4.
  cbn zeta in C4.
  rewrite Zle_bool_true in C4 ; cycle 1.
  { clear C4.
    apply Znearest_lub.
    rew_spec. gappa.
  rewrite Zle_bool_true in C4 ; cycle 1.
  { clear C4.
    apply Znearest_glb.
    rew_spec. gappa.
  rewrite C4.

Definition smallb_approx_range := 4400000000000%Z.
Lemma step1_div_longu_correct :
    forall a b,
    (1 < Int64.unsigned b <= smallb_thresh)%Z ->
    exists (q : int64),
      (step1_div_longu (Vlong a) (Vlong b)) = Vlong q /\
        (Z.abs (Int64.unsigned a - Int64.unsigned b*Int64.unsigned q) <= smallb_approx_range)%Z.
  intros a b b_RANGE.

  pose proof (Int64.unsigned_range a) as a_RANGE.
  change Int64.modulus with 18446744073709551616%Z in a_RANGE.
  set (a' := Int64.unsigned a) in *.
  set (b' := Int64.unsigned b) in *.

  destruct (Z_le_gt_dec a' 0).
  { assert (a' = 0%Z) as ZERO by lia.
    rewrite ZERO.
    rewrite Int64.unsigned_zero.
    replace (Z.abs (0 - b' * 0))%Z with 0%Z by lia.
    replace a with; cycle 1.
      unfold a' in ZERO.
      rewrite <- ZERO.
      apply Int64.repr_unsigned.
    { apply step1_div_longu_a0.
    unfold smallb_approx_range.

  unfold step1_div_longu.
  assert (1 < b')%Z as b_NOT01 by lia.
  destruct (step1_real_div_longu_correct a b b_NOT01) as (q & C1E & C1R & C1F & C1S).
  rewrite C1E. cbn.
  unfold Float.to_longu_ne.
  pose proof (ZofB_ne_range_correct 53 1024 q 0 Int64.max_unsigned) as C2.
  rewrite C1F in C2.

  assert (1 <= IZR a' <= 18446744073709551615)%R as a_RANGE'.
  { split; apply IZR_le; lia. }
  assert (2 <= IZR b' <= IZR smallb_thresh)%R as b_RANGE'.
  { split; apply IZR_le; lia. }
  assert (1 <= IZR b' <= IZR smallb_thresh)%R as b_RANGE'' by lra.
  pose proof (step1_smallb_real (IZR a') (IZR b') a_RANGE' b_RANGE'') as DELTA.
  fold a' in C1R.
  fold b' in C1R.
  rewrite <- C1R in DELTA.

  assert (0 <= B2R _ _ q)%R as q_NONNEG.
  { apply Bsign_false_nonneg. assumption. }
  cbn in C2.
  rewrite Zle_bool_true in C2; cycle 1.
  { apply Znearest_IZR_le. assumption. }
  assert (B2R _ _ q <= 9223376000000000000)%R as q_SMALL.
  { replace (B2R _ _ q) with
      ((IZR a' / IZR b') + (B2R _ _ q * IZR b' - IZR a') / IZR b')%R; cycle 1.
    { field. lra. }
    unfold smallb_approx_real_range in DELTA.
    unfold smallb_thresh in b_RANGE'.
    set (y := (B2R 53 1024 q * IZR b' - IZR a')%R) in *.
  rewrite Zle_bool_true in C2; cycle 1.
  { apply Znearest_le_IZR. lra. }
  cbn in C2.

  change Int64.max_unsigned with 18446744073709551615%Z.
  rewrite C2.

  econstructor. split. reflexivity.
  rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr; cycle 1.
  { split.
    - apply Znearest_IZR_le. lra.
    - apply Znearest_le_IZR.
      change Int64.max_unsigned with 18446744073709551615%Z.
  apply le_IZR.
  rewrite abs_IZR.
  unfold smallb_approx_real_range, smallb_approx_range, smallb_thresh in *.
  rewrite minus_IZR.
  rewrite mult_IZR.
  set (q_r := B2R 53 1024 q) in *.
  assert (Rabs (IZR (ZnearestE q_r) - q_r) <= / 2)%R as NEAR
      by apply Znearest_imp2.
  set (q_i := IZR (ZnearestE q_r)) in *.
  replace (IZR a' - IZR b' * q_i)%R with
    (-(IZR b' * (q_i - q_r)) - (q_r * IZR b' - IZR a'))%R by ring.
  set (delta1 := (q_i - q_r)%R) in *.
  set (delta2 := (q_r * IZR b' - IZR a')%R) in *.

Lemma le_IZR3 :
  forall n m p : Z, (IZR n <= IZR m <= IZR p)%R -> (n <= m <= p)%Z.
  intros ; split ; apply le_IZR ; lra.

Definition mostb_thresh := 18446740000000000000%Z.
Lemma step1_div_longu_correct_mostb :
    forall a b,
      (1 < Int64.unsigned b <= mostb_thresh)%Z ->
    exists (q : int64),
      (step1_div_longu (Vlong a) (Vlong b)) = Vlong q /\
        (Int64.min_signed <= (Int64.unsigned a - Int64.unsigned b*Int64.unsigned q) <= Int64.max_signed)%Z.
  intros a b b_RANGE.

  pose proof (Int64.unsigned_range a) as a_RANGE.
  change Int64.modulus with 18446744073709551616%Z in a_RANGE.
  set (a' := Int64.unsigned a) in *.
  set (b' := Int64.unsigned b) in *.

  destruct (Z_le_gt_dec a' 0).
  { assert (a' = 0%Z) as ZERO by lia.
    rewrite ZERO.
    rewrite Int64.unsigned_zero.
    replace (Z.abs (0 - b' * 0))%Z with 0%Z by lia.
    replace a with; cycle 1.
      unfold a' in ZERO.
      rewrite <- ZERO.
      apply Int64.repr_unsigned.
    { apply step1_div_longu_a0.
    change Int64.min_signed with (-9223372036854775808)%Z.
    change Int64.max_signed with ( 9223372036854775807)%Z.

  unfold step1_div_longu.
  assert (1 < b')%Z as b_NOT01 by lia.
  destruct (step1_real_div_longu_correct a b b_NOT01) as (q & C1E & C1R & C1F & C1S).
  rewrite C1E. cbn.
  unfold Float.to_longu_ne.
  pose proof (ZofB_ne_range_correct 53 1024 q 0 Int64.max_unsigned) as C2.
  rewrite C1F in C2.

  assert (1 <= IZR a' <= 18446744073709551615)%R as a_RANGE'.
  { split; apply IZR_le; lia. }
  assert (2 <= IZR b' <= IZR mostb_thresh)%R as b_RANGE'.
  { split; apply IZR_le; lia. }
  assert (1 <= IZR b' <= IZR mostb_thresh)%R as b_RANGE'' by lra.
  cbn zeta in C2.
  rewrite C2.
  rewrite C1R.
  unfold step1_real_quotient.
  fold a' b'.
  unfold mostb_thresh in *.
  rewrite Zle_bool_true ; cycle 1.
  { apply Znearest_IZR_le.
  rewrite Zle_bool_true ; cycle 1.
  { apply Znearest_le_IZR.
  econstructor; split. reflexivity.
  set (q_r := (rd (rd (IZR a') * rd (rs (1 / rs ( rd (IZR b'))))))%R).
  assert (Rabs (IZR (ZnearestE q_r) - q_r) <= /2)%R as NEAR by apply Znearest_imp2.
  set (delta1 := (IZR (ZnearestE q_r) - q_r)%R) in NEAR.
  apply le_IZR3.
  rewrite minus_IZR.
  rewrite mult_IZR.
  rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr ; cycle 1.
  { split.
    - apply Znearest_IZR_le. unfold q_r.
    - apply Znearest_le_IZR. unfold q_r.
      change Int64.max_unsigned with 18446744073709551615%Z.
  replace (IZR (ZnearestE q_r)) with ((IZR (ZnearestE q_r) - q_r) + q_r)%R by ring.
  fold delta1.
  unfold q_r.
  set (a1 := IZR a') in *.
  set (b1 := IZR b') in *.
  replace (rd (rd a1 * rd (rs (1 / rs (rd b1)))))%R with
    ((((rd (rd a1 * rd (rs (1 / rs (rd b1))))-(a1 * (1 / b1))) / (a1 * (1 / b1)))+1) * (a1 / b1))%R;
    cycle 1.
  { field. lra. }
  set (delta2 := ((rd (rd a1 * rd (rs (1 / rs (rd b1))))-(a1 * (1 / b1))) / (a1 * (1 / b1)))%R) in *.
  (* assert (Rabs (delta2) <= 1/4194304)%R.
  {  unfold delta2. gappa. } *)

  replace (a1 - b1 * (delta1 + (delta2 + 1) * (a1 / b1)))%R with
    (-b1*delta1 - a1*delta2)%R; cycle 1.
  { field. lra. }
  unfold delta2.

Lemma find_quotient:
  forall (a b : Z)
         (b_POS : (0 < b)%Z)
         (qr : R)
         (GAP : (Rabs (IZR a / IZR b - qr) < /2)%R),
    (a / b)%Z =
      let q := ZnearestE qr in
      if (b*q >? a)%Z
      then (q-1)%Z
      else q.
  set (q := ZnearestE qr).
  cbn zeta.
  set (b' := IZR b) in *.
  set (a' := IZR a) in *.
  assert (1 <= b')%R as b_POS'.
  { apply IZR_le.
  pose proof (Znearest_imp2 (fun x : Z => negb (Z.even x)) qr) as ROUND.
  fold q in ROUND.
  set (q' := IZR q) in *.
  pose proof (Rabs_triang (a' / b' - qr)
                          (qr - q'))%R as TRIANGLE.
  replace ((a' / b' - qr) + (qr - q'))%R with
    (a' / b' - q')%R in TRIANGLE by ring.
  rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp in ROUND.
  replace (- (q' - qr))%R with (qr - q')%R in ROUND by ring.
  assert (Z.abs (a - b*q) < b)%Z as DELTA.
  { apply lt_IZR.
    rewrite <- Rabs_Zabs.
    rewrite minus_IZR.
    rewrite mult_IZR.
    fold a' q' b'.
    apply Rmult_lt_reg_r with (r := (/b')%R).
    { apply Rinv_0_lt_compat. lra. }
    rewrite Rinv_r by lra.
    replace (/ b')%R with (/ Rabs(b'))%R ; cycle 1.
    { f_equal.
      apply Rabs_pos_eq. lra. }
    rewrite <- Rabs_Rinv by lra.
    rewrite <- Rabs_mult.
    replace ((a' - b' * q') * / b')%R with (a'/b' - q')%R by (field ; lra).
  pose proof (Zgt_cases (b * q) a)%Z as CASE.
  destruct (_ >? _)%Z.
  { apply Zdiv_unique with (b := (a - (q-1)*b)%Z).
    split; lia.

  apply Zdiv_unique with (b := (a - q*b)%Z).
  split; lia.

Definition step2_real_div_long a b :=
  Val.mulf (Val.maketotal (Val.floatoflong a)) (approx_inv_longu b).

Definition smalla_thresh := 34200000000000%Z.

Lemma step2_real_div_long_smalla_correct :
    forall (a b : int64)
           (a_SMALL : (Z.abs (Int64.signed a) <= smalla_thresh)%Z)
           (b_NOT0 : (0 < Int64.unsigned b)%Z),
    exists (q : float),
      (step2_real_div_long (Vlong a) (Vlong b)) = Vfloat q /\
        (Rabs ((B2R _ _ q) - (IZR (Int64.signed a)) / (IZR (Int64.unsigned b))) <= (32767/65536))%R /\
      is_finite _ _ q = true.
  unfold step2_real_div_long.
  destruct (approx_inv_longu_correct_rel b b_NOT0) as (f & C0E & C0F & C0R).
  rewrite C0E.
  split. reflexivity.
  Local Transparent Float.of_long.
  unfold Float.mul, Float.of_long.
  set (re := (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt)) in *.
  pose proof (Int64.unsigned_range b) as b_RANGE.
  change Int64.modulus with 18446744073709551616%Z in b_RANGE.
  set (a' := Int64.signed a) in *.
  set (b' := Int64.unsigned b) in *.
  assert (1 <= IZR b' <= 18446744073709551615)%R as b_RANGE'.
  { split; apply IZR_le; lia.
  assert(Rabs (IZR a') <= IZR smalla_thresh)%R as a_RANGE'.
  { rewrite Rabs_Zabs.
    apply IZR_le.
  assert (- 2 ^ 53 <= a' <= 2 ^ 53)%Z as SILLY.
  { unfold smalla_thresh in a_SMALL.
    apply Z.abs_le.
  destruct (BofZ_exact 53 1024 re re (Int64.signed a) SILLY) as (C1R & C1F & C1S).
  fold a' in C1R, C1F, C1S.
  pose proof (Bmult_correct 53 1024 re re Float.binop_nan mode_NE (BofZ 53 1024 re re a') f) as C2.
  rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C2 ; cycle 1.
  { clear C2.
    apply Rabs_relax with (b := bpow radix2 53).
    { apply bpow_lt. lia. }
    rewrite C1R.
    unfold approx_inv_rel_thresh in C0R.
    replace (B2R 53 1024 f) with
      ((1/IZR b') * ((IZR b' * B2R 53 1024 f - 1) + 1))%R ; cycle 1.
    { field. lra. }
    unfold smalla_thresh in *.
    rew_spec. gappa.
  rewrite C0F in C2.
  rewrite C1R in C2.
  rewrite C1F in C2.
  rewrite C1S in C2.
  cbn in C2.
  destruct C2 as (C2R & C2F & _).
  2: exact C2F.
  rewrite C2R.
  replace (IZR a' * (B2R 53 1024 f))%R with
    ((IZR a'/IZR b') * ((IZR b' * B2R 53 1024 f - 1) + 1))%R ; cycle 1.
  { field. lra. }
  set (delta1 := (IZR b' * B2R 53 1024 f - 1)%R) in *.
  set (q1 := (IZR a' / IZR b' * (delta1 + 1))%R).
  replace (rd q1) with (((rd q1) - q1) + q1)%R by ring.
  set (delta2 := ((rd q1) - q1)%R).
  unfold q1.
  replace (delta2 + IZR a' / IZR b' * (delta1 + 1) - IZR a' / IZR b')%R with
    (delta2 + (IZR a' / IZR b') * delta1)%R by ring.
  unfold delta2.
  unfold q1.
  unfold approx_inv_rel_thresh in *.
  unfold smalla_thresh in *.

Definition step2_div_long' a b :=
  Val.maketotal (Val.longoffloat_ne (step2_real_div_long a b)).

Definition step2_div_long a b :=
  let q := step2_div_long' a b in (Val.cmpl_bool Clt (Val.subl a (Val.mull q b)) (Vlong
             (Val.addl q (Vlong Int64.mone)) q Tlong.

Lemma function_ite :
  forall {A B : Type} (fn : A->B) (b : bool) (x y: A),
    fn (if b then x else y) = (if b then fn x else fn y).
  destruct b; reflexivity.

Lemma normalize_ite :
  forall ty (b : bool) x y,
    Val.normalize (if b then x else y) ty =
      (if b then Val.normalize x ty else Val.normalize y ty).
  destruct b; reflexivity.

Lemma int64_mul_signed_unsigned:
    forall x y : int64,
      Int64.mul x y = Int64.repr (Int64.signed x * Int64.unsigned y).
  unfold Int64.mul.
  apply Int64.eqm_samerepr.
  apply Int64.eqm_mult.
  - apply Int64.eqm_sym.
    apply Int64.eqm_signed_unsigned.
  - apply Int64.eqm_refl.

Lemma int64_eqm_signed_repr:
  forall z : Z, Int64.eqm z (Int64.signed (Int64.repr z)).
  apply Int64.eqm_trans with (y := Int64.unsigned (Int64.repr z)).
  - apply Int64.eqm_unsigned_repr.
  - apply Int64.eqm_sym.
    apply Int64.eqm_signed_unsigned.

Lemma signed_repr_sub:
  forall x y,
    Int64.repr (Int64.signed (Int64.repr x) - y) =
    Int64.repr (x - y).
  apply Int64.eqm_samerepr.
  apply Int64.eqm_sub.
  - apply Int64.eqm_sym.
    apply int64_eqm_signed_repr.
  - apply Int64.eqm_refl.

Lemma signed_repr_sub2:
  forall x y,
    Int64.repr (x - Int64.signed (Int64.repr y)) =
    Int64.repr (x - y).
  apply Int64.eqm_samerepr.
  apply Int64.eqm_sub.
  - apply Int64.eqm_refl.
  - apply Int64.eqm_sym.
    apply int64_eqm_signed_repr.
Lemma step2_div_long_smalla_correct :
    forall a b
      (a_SMALL : (Z.abs (Int64.signed a) <= smalla_thresh)%Z)
      (b_NOT0 : (0 < Int64.unsigned b)%Z)
      (b_NOT_VERY_BIG : (Int64.unsigned b <= Int64.max_signed)%Z),
      step2_div_long (Vlong a) (Vlong b) = Vlong (Int64.repr (Int64.signed a / Int64.unsigned b))%Z.
  pose proof (Int64.unsigned_range b) as b_RANGE.
  change Int64.modulus with 18446744073709551616%Z in b_RANGE.
  set (a' := (Int64.signed a)) in *.
  set (b' := (Int64.unsigned b)) in *.
  assert (Rabs (IZR a') <= IZR smalla_thresh)%R as a_RANGE'.
  { rewrite Rabs_Zabs.
    apply IZR_le.
  assert (1 <= IZR b' <= 18446744073709551615)%R as b_RANGE'.
  { split; apply IZR_le; lia.
  destruct (step2_real_div_long_smalla_correct a b a_SMALL b_NOT0) as (q & C1R & C1E & C1F).
  fold a' b' in C1E.
  assert ((Int64.min_signed <=? ZnearestE (B2R 53 1024 q))=true)%Z as q_LOW.
  { apply Zle_imp_le_bool.
    change Int64.min_signed with (-9223372036854775808)%Z.
    apply Znearest_lub.
    set (q' := B2R 53 1024 q) in *.
    replace q' with (IZR a' / IZR b' + (q' - IZR a' / IZR b'))%R by ring.
    unfold smalla_thresh in a_RANGE'.
  assert ((ZnearestE (B2R 53 1024 q) <=? Int64.max_signed)=true)%Z as q_HIGH.
  { apply Zle_imp_le_bool.
    change Int64.max_signed with (9223372036854775807)%Z.
    apply Znearest_glb.
    set (q' := B2R 53 1024 q) in *.
    replace q' with (IZR a' / IZR b' + (q' - IZR a' / IZR b'))%R by ring.
    unfold smalla_thresh in a_RANGE'.
  unfold step2_div_long, step2_div_long'.
  rewrite C1R.
  unfold Float.to_long_ne.
  rewrite (ZofB_ne_range_correct 53 1024 q Int64.min_signed Int64.max_signed).
  rewrite C1F.
  rewrite q_LOW.
  rewrite q_HIGH.
  rewrite normalize_ite.
  rewrite <- (function_ite Vlong).
  set (q' := B2R 53 1024 q) in *.
  fold a'.
  assert (Int64.signed (Int64.repr (ZnearestE q')) = ZnearestE q') as q_SIGNED.
  { apply Int64.signed_repr.
    split; lia.
  rewrite Int64.add_signed.
  rewrite q_SIGNED.
  rewrite Int64.signed_mone.
  rewrite Int64.signed_zero.
  rewrite <- (function_ite Int64.repr).
  replace (ZnearestE q' + -1)%Z with (ZnearestE q' - 1)%Z by ring.
  set (q'' := (ZnearestE q')) in *.
  fold a'.
  rewrite int64_mul_signed_unsigned.
  rewrite q_SIGNED.
  fold b'.

  rewrite Int64.sub_signed.
  fold a'.
  rewrite signed_repr_sub2.

  assert ((Rabs (IZR a' / IZR b' - q') < / 2)%R) as HALF.
  { replace (IZR a' / IZR b' - q')%R with
      (-(q' - IZR a' / IZR b'))%R by ring.
    rewrite Rabs_Ropp.
  pose proof (find_quotient a' b' b_NOT0 q' HALF) as QUOTIENT.
  fold q'' in QUOTIENT.
  cbn zeta in QUOTIENT.

  assert (b' <> 0)%Z as NONZ by lia.
  pose proof (Zmod_eq_full a' b' NONZ) as MOD.
  assert (b' > 0)%Z as b_GT0 by lia.
  pose proof (Z_mod_lt a' b' b_GT0) as MOD_LT.
  destruct (Z_lt_dec a' (b' * q'')) as [LT | GE].
  { replace (b' * q'' >? a')%Z with true in QUOTIENT by lia.
    replace q'' with (1 + (a' / b'))%Z by lia.
    replace (a' - (1 + a' / b') * b')%Z
      with ((a' - a' / b' * b')-b')%Z by ring.
    rewrite <- MOD.
    rewrite Int64.signed_repr; cycle 1.
    { change Int64.min_signed with (-9223372036854775808)%Z in *.
      change Int64.max_signed with (9223372036854775807)%Z in *.
    rewrite zlt_true by lia.
  replace (b' * q'' >? a')%Z with false in QUOTIENT by lia.
  rewrite <- QUOTIENT.
  replace (a' / b' * b' - a')%Z with (-(a' - a' / b' * b'))%Z by ring.
  rewrite <- MOD.
  rewrite Int64.signed_repr ; cycle 1.
  { change Int64.min_signed with (-9223372036854775808)%Z in *.
    change Int64.max_signed with (9223372036854775807)%Z in *.
  rewrite zlt_false by lia.

Definition twostep_div_longu a b :=
  let q1 := step1_div_longu a b in
  let q2 := step2_div_long (Val.subl a (Val.mull b q1)) b in
  Val.addl q1 q2.

Lemma unsigned_repr_sub :
  forall a b,
    Int64.repr (a - b) = Int64.repr (a - Int64.unsigned (Int64.repr b)).
  apply Int64.eqm_samerepr.
  apply Int64.eqm_sub.
  - apply Int64.eqm_refl.
  - apply Int64.eqm_unsigned_repr.

Lemma unsigned_repr_add :
  forall a b,
    Int64.repr (a + b) = Int64.repr (a + Int64.unsigned (Int64.repr b)).
  apply Int64.eqm_samerepr.
  apply Int64.eqm_add.
  - apply Int64.eqm_refl.
  - apply Int64.eqm_unsigned_repr.
Lemma twostep_div_longu_smallb_correct :
    forall a b
      (b_RANGE : (1 < Int64.unsigned b <= smallb_thresh)%Z),
          (twostep_div_longu (Vlong a) (Vlong b)) =
            (Val.maketotal (Val.divlu (Vlong a) (Vlong b))).
  unfold twostep_div_longu.
  destruct (step1_div_longu_correct a b b_RANGE) as (q1 & C1R & C1E).
  rewrite C1R.
  set (q1' := Int64.unsigned q1) in *.
  set (b' := Int64.unsigned b) in *.
  set (a' := Int64.unsigned a) in *.
  assert ( Z.abs (Int64.signed (Int64.sub a (Int64.mul b q1))) <= smalla_thresh)%Z as r1_SMALL.
  { unfold smalla_thresh, smallb_approx_range in *.
    unfold Int64.sub, Int64.mul.
    fold q1' b' a'.
    rewrite <- unsigned_repr_sub.
    rewrite Int64.signed_repr ; cycle 1.
    { change Int64.min_signed with (-9223372036854775808)%Z.
      change Int64.max_signed with (9223372036854775807)%Z.
  assert (0 < b')%Z as b_NOT0 by lia.
  assert (b' <= Int64.max_signed)%Z as b_NOTBIG.
  { change Int64.max_signed with (9223372036854775807)%Z.
    unfold smallb_thresh in b_RANGE.
  rewrite (step2_div_long_smalla_correct (Int64.sub a (Int64.mul b q1)) b r1_SMALL b_NOT0 b_NOTBIG).
  unfold Int64.add, Int64.sub, Int64.mul, Int64.divu.
  fold q1' b' a'.
  rewrite <- unsigned_repr_sub.
  rewrite <- unsigned_repr_add.
  rewrite Int64.signed_repr ; cycle 1.
    change Int64.min_signed with (-9223372036854775808)%Z.
    change Int64.max_signed with (9223372036854775807)%Z.
    unfold smallb_approx_range in *.
  rewrite Z.add_comm.
  rewrite <- Z.div_add by lia.
  replace (a' - b' * q1' + q1' * b')%Z with a' by ring.
  rewrite Int64.eq_false ; cycle 1.
  { intro Z. unfold b' in b_NOT0. rewrite Z in b_NOT0.
    rewrite Int64.unsigned_zero in b_NOT0.

Lemma step2_real_div_long_bigb_correct :
    forall (a b : int64)
           (b_BIG : ((Int64.unsigned b) > smallb_thresh)%Z),
    exists (q : float),
      (step2_real_div_long (Vlong a) (Vlong b)) = Vfloat q /\
        (Rabs ((B2R _ _ q) - (IZR (Int64.signed a)) / (IZR (Int64.unsigned b))) <= (32767/65536))%R /\
      is_finite _ _ q = true.
  unfold step2_real_div_long.
  assert (0 < Int64.unsigned b)%Z as b_NOT0 by (unfold smallb_thresh in *; lia).
  destruct (approx_inv_longu_correct_rel b b_NOT0) as (f & C0E & C0F & C0R).
  rewrite C0E.
  split. reflexivity.
  Local Transparent Float.of_long.
  unfold Float.mul, Float.of_long.
  set (re := (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt)) in *.
  pose proof (Int64.unsigned_range b) as b_RANGE.
  change Int64.modulus with 18446744073709551616%Z in b_RANGE.
  pose proof (Int64.signed_range a) as a_RANGE.
  set (a' := Int64.signed a) in *.
  set (b' := Int64.unsigned b) in *.
  assert (IZR (1 + smallb_thresh) <= IZR b' <= 18446744073709551615)%R as b_RANGE'.
  { split; apply IZR_le; lia.
  assert(IZR Int64.min_signed <= IZR a' <= IZR Int64.max_signed)%R as a_RANGE'.
  { split; apply IZR_le; lia.
  change Int64.min_signed with (-9223372036854775808)%Z in a_RANGE'.
  change Int64.max_signed with (9223372036854775807)%Z in a_RANGE'.
  pose proof (BofZ_correct 53 1024 re re a') as C1.
  rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C1 ; cycle 1.
  { clear C1.
    apply Rabs_relax with (b := bpow radix2 64).
    { apply bpow_lt; lia. }
    rew_spec. gappa.
  cbn in C1.
  destruct C1 as (C1R & C1F & C1S).

  unfold smallb_thresh in b_RANGE'; cbn in b_RANGE'.

  pose proof (Bmult_correct 53 1024 re re Float.binop_nan mode_NE (BofZ 53 1024 re re a') f) as C2.
  rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C2 ; cycle 1.
  { clear C2.
    apply Rabs_relax with (b := bpow radix2 53).
    { apply bpow_lt. lia. }
    rewrite C1R.
    unfold approx_inv_rel_thresh in C0R.
    replace (B2R 53 1024 f) with
      ((1/IZR b') * ((IZR b' * B2R 53 1024 f - 1) + 1))%R ; cycle 1.
    { field. lra. }
    rew_spec. gappa.
  rewrite C0F in C2.
  rewrite C1R in C2.
  rewrite C1F in C2.
  rewrite C1S in C2.
  cbn in C2.
  destruct C2 as (C2R & C2F & _).
  2: exact C2F.
  rewrite C2R.
  set (f' := (B2R 53 1024 f)) in *.
  replace (rd(rd (IZR a') * f') - IZR a' / IZR b')%R with
    ((rd(rd (IZR a') * f') - IZR a' * f') + IZR a' / IZR b' * (IZR b' * f' - 1))%R ; cycle 1.
  { field. lra. }
  unfold approx_inv_rel_thresh in *.
Lemma step2_div_long_bigb_correct :
    forall a b
           (b_BIG : ((Int64.unsigned b) > smallb_thresh)%Z)
           (b_NOT_TOO_BIG : ((Int64.unsigned b) <= Int64.max_signed)%Z),
      step2_div_long (Vlong a) (Vlong b) = Vlong (Int64.repr (Int64.signed a / Int64.unsigned b))%Z.
  pose proof (Int64.unsigned_range b) as b_RANGE.
  change Int64.modulus with 18446744073709551616%Z in b_RANGE.
  pose proof (Int64.signed_range a) as a_RANGE.
  set (a' := (Int64.signed a)) in *.
  set (b' := (Int64.unsigned b)) in *.
  assert (IZR (1 + smallb_thresh) <= IZR b' <= 18446744073709551615)%R as b_RANGE'.
  { split; apply IZR_le; lia.
  assert(IZR Int64.min_signed <= IZR a' <= IZR Int64.max_signed)%R as a_RANGE'.
  { split; apply IZR_le; lia.
  unfold smallb_thresh in *; cbn in b_RANGE'.
  change Int64.min_signed with (-9223372036854775808)%Z in *.
  change Int64.max_signed with (9223372036854775807)%Z in *.
  assert (0 < b')%Z as b_NOT0 by lia.

  destruct (step2_real_div_long_bigb_correct a b b_BIG) as (q & C1R & C1E & C1F).
  fold a' b' in C1E.
  assert ((Int64.min_signed <=? ZnearestE (B2R 53 1024 q))=true)%Z as q_LOW.
  { apply Zle_imp_le_bool.
    change Int64.min_signed with (-9223372036854775808)%Z.
    apply Znearest_lub.
    set (q' := B2R 53 1024 q) in *.
    replace q' with (IZR a' / IZR b' + (q' - IZR a' / IZR b'))%R by ring.
  assert ((ZnearestE (B2R 53 1024 q) <=? Int64.max_signed)=true)%Z as q_HIGH.
  { apply Zle_imp_le_bool.
    change Int64.max_signed with (9223372036854775807)%Z.
    apply Znearest_glb.
    set (q' := B2R 53 1024 q) in *.
    replace q' with (IZR a' / IZR b' + (q' - IZR a' / IZR b'))%R by ring.
  unfold step2_div_long, step2_div_long'.
  rewrite C1R.
  unfold Float.to_long_ne.
  rewrite (ZofB_ne_range_correct 53 1024 q Int64.min_signed Int64.max_signed).
  rewrite C1F.
  rewrite q_LOW.
  rewrite q_HIGH.
  rewrite normalize_ite.
  rewrite <- (function_ite Vlong).
  set (q' := B2R 53 1024 q) in *.
  fold a'.
  assert (Int64.signed (Int64.repr (ZnearestE q')) = ZnearestE q') as q_SIGNED.
  { apply Int64.signed_repr.
    split; lia.
  rewrite Int64.add_signed.
  rewrite q_SIGNED.
  rewrite Int64.signed_mone.
  rewrite Int64.signed_zero.
  rewrite <- (function_ite Int64.repr).
  replace (ZnearestE q' + -1)%Z with (ZnearestE q' - 1)%Z by ring.
  set (q'' := (ZnearestE q')) in *.
  fold a'.
  rewrite int64_mul_signed_unsigned.
  rewrite q_SIGNED.
  fold b'.

  rewrite Int64.sub_signed.
  fold a'.
  rewrite signed_repr_sub2.

  assert ((Rabs (IZR a' / IZR b' - q') < / 2)%R) as HALF.
  { replace (IZR a' / IZR b' - q')%R with
      (-(q' - IZR a' / IZR b'))%R by ring.
    rewrite Rabs_Ropp.
  pose proof (find_quotient a' b' b_NOT0 q' HALF) as QUOTIENT.
  fold q'' in QUOTIENT.
  cbn zeta in QUOTIENT.

  assert (b' <> 0)%Z as NONZ by lia.
  pose proof (Zmod_eq_full a' b' NONZ) as MOD.
  assert (b' > 0)%Z as b_GT0 by lia.
  pose proof (Z_mod_lt a' b' b_GT0) as MOD_LT.
  destruct (Z_lt_dec a' (b' * q'')) as [LT | GE].
  { replace (b' * q'' >? a')%Z with true in QUOTIENT by lia.
    replace q'' with (1 + (a' / b'))%Z by lia.
    replace (a' - (1 + a' / b') * b')%Z
      with ((a' - a' / b' * b')-b')%Z by ring.
    rewrite <- MOD.
    rewrite Int64.signed_repr; cycle 1.
    { change Int64.min_signed with (-9223372036854775808)%Z in *.
      change Int64.max_signed with (9223372036854775807)%Z in *.
    rewrite zlt_true by lia.
  replace (b' * q'' >? a')%Z with false in QUOTIENT by lia.
  rewrite <- QUOTIENT.
  replace (a' / b' * b' - a')%Z with (-(a' - a' / b' * b'))%Z by ring.
  rewrite <- MOD.
  rewrite Int64.signed_repr ; cycle 1.
  { change Int64.min_signed with (-9223372036854775808)%Z in *.
    change Int64.max_signed with (9223372036854775807)%Z in *.
  rewrite zlt_false by lia.

Definition step2_real_div_longu a b :=
  Val.mulf (Val.maketotal (Val.floatoflongu a)) (approx_inv_longu b).

Definition step2_div_longu' a b :=
  Val.maketotal (Val.longuoffloat_ne (step2_real_div_longu a b)).

Definition step2_div_longu a b :=
  let q := step2_div_longu' a b in (Val.cmpl_bool Cgt (Val.subl (Val.mull q b) a) (Vlong
             (Val.addl q (Vlong Int64.mone)) q Tlong.

Lemma step2_real_div_longu_bigb_correct :
    forall (a b : int64)
           (b_BIG : ((Int64.unsigned b) > smallb_thresh)%Z),
    exists (q : float),
      (step2_real_div_longu (Vlong a) (Vlong b)) = Vfloat q /\
        (Rabs ((B2R _ _ q) - (IZR (Int64.unsigned a)) / (IZR (Int64.unsigned b))) <= (32767/65536))%R /\
      is_finite _ _ q = true.
  unfold step2_real_div_longu.
  assert (0 < Int64.unsigned b)%Z as b_NOT0 by (unfold smallb_thresh in *; lia).
  destruct (approx_inv_longu_correct_rel b b_NOT0) as (f & C0E & C0F & C0R).
  rewrite C0E.
  split. reflexivity.
  Local Transparent Float.of_longu.
  unfold Float.mul, Float.of_longu.
  set (re := (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt)) in *.
  pose proof (Int64.unsigned_range b) as b_RANGE.
  pose proof (Int64.unsigned_range a) as a_RANGE.
  change Int64.modulus with 18446744073709551616%Z in *.
  set (a' := Int64.unsigned a) in *.
  set (b' := Int64.unsigned b) in *.
  assert (IZR (1 + smallb_thresh) <= IZR b' <= 18446744073709551615)%R as b_RANGE'.
  { split; apply IZR_le; lia.
  assert(0 <= IZR a' <= 18446744073709551615)%R as a_RANGE'.
  { split; apply IZR_le; lia.
  pose proof (BofZ_correct 53 1024 re re a') as C1.
  rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C1 ; cycle 1.
  { clear C1.
    apply Rabs_relax with (b := bpow radix2 64).
    { apply bpow_lt; lia. }
    rew_spec. gappa.
  cbn in C1.
  destruct C1 as (C1R & C1F & C1S).

  unfold smallb_thresh in b_RANGE'; cbn in b_RANGE'.

  pose proof (Bmult_correct 53 1024 re re Float.binop_nan mode_NE (BofZ 53 1024 re re a') f) as C2.
  rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C2 ; cycle 1.
  { clear C2.
    apply Rabs_relax with (b := bpow radix2 53).
    { apply bpow_lt. lia. }
    rewrite C1R.
    unfold approx_inv_rel_thresh in C0R.
    replace (B2R 53 1024 f) with
      ((1/IZR b') * ((IZR b' * B2R 53 1024 f - 1) + 1))%R ; cycle 1.
    { field. lra. }
    rew_spec. gappa.
  rewrite C0F in C2.
  rewrite C1R in C2.
  rewrite C1F in C2.
  rewrite C1S in C2.
  cbn in C2.
  destruct C2 as (C2R & C2F & _).
  2: exact C2F.
  rewrite C2R.
  set (f' := (B2R 53 1024 f)) in *.
  replace (rd(rd (IZR a') * f') - IZR a' / IZR b')%R with
    ((rd(rd (IZR a') * f') - IZR a' * f') + IZR a' / IZR b' * (IZR b' * f' - 1))%R ; cycle 1.
  { field. lra. }
  unfold approx_inv_rel_thresh in *.

Lemma repr_unsigned_mul:
  forall a b,
    (Int64.repr (Int64.unsigned (Int64.repr a) * b)) = Int64.repr (a * b).
  apply Int64.eqm_samerepr.
  apply Int64.eqm_mult.
  - apply Int64.eqm_sym. apply Int64.eqm_unsigned_repr.
  - apply Int64.eqm_refl.

Lemma repr_unsigned_sub:
  forall a b,
    (Int64.repr (Int64.unsigned (Int64.repr a) - b)) = Int64.repr (a - b).
  apply Int64.eqm_samerepr.
  apply Int64.eqm_sub.
  - apply Int64.eqm_sym. apply Int64.eqm_unsigned_repr.
  - apply Int64.eqm_refl.

Lemma repr_unsigned_add:
  forall a b,
    (Int64.repr (Int64.unsigned (Int64.repr a) + b)) = Int64.repr (a + b).
  apply Int64.eqm_samerepr.
  apply Int64.eqm_add.
  - apply Int64.eqm_sym. apply Int64.eqm_unsigned_repr.
  - apply Int64.eqm_refl.
Lemma step2_div_longu_bigb_correct :
  forall a b
           (b_BIG : ((Int64.unsigned b) > smallb_thresh)%Z)
           (b_NOT_TOO_BIG : ((Int64.unsigned b) <= Int64.max_signed)%Z),
      step2_div_longu (Vlong a) (Vlong b) = Vlong (Int64.repr (Int64.unsigned a / Int64.unsigned b))%Z.
  pose proof (Int64.unsigned_range b) as b_RANGE.
  pose proof (Int64.unsigned_range a) as a_RANGE.
  change Int64.modulus with 18446744073709551616%Z in *.
  set (a' := (Int64.unsigned a)) in *.
  set (b' := (Int64.unsigned b)) in *.
  assert (IZR (1 + smallb_thresh) <= IZR b' <= 18446744073709551615)%R as b_RANGE'.
  { split; apply IZR_le; lia.
  assert(0 <= IZR a' <= 18446744073709551615)%R as a_RANGE'.
  { split; apply IZR_le; lia.
  unfold smallb_thresh in *; cbn in b_RANGE'.
  assert (0 < b')%Z as b_NOT0 by lia.

  destruct (step2_real_div_longu_bigb_correct a b b_BIG) as (q & C1R & C1E & C1F).
  fold a' b' in C1E.

  assert ((0 <=? ZnearestE (B2R 53 1024 q))=true)%Z as q_LOW.
  { apply Zle_imp_le_bool.
    set (q' := B2R 53 1024 q) in *.
    assert (-32767 / 65536 <= q')%R as LOWROUND.
    { replace q' with (IZR a' / IZR b' + (q' - IZR a' / IZR b'))%R by ring.
    destruct (Rcase_abs q').
    { replace (ZnearestE q') with 0%Z. lia.
      apply Znearest_imp.
      apply Rabs_lt.
      split; lra.
    apply Znearest_lub.
  assert ((ZnearestE (B2R 53 1024 q) <=? Int64.max_unsigned)=true)%Z as q_HIGH.
  { apply Zle_imp_le_bool.
    change Int64.max_unsigned with (18446744073709551615)%Z.
    apply Znearest_glb.
    set (q' := B2R 53 1024 q) in *.
    replace q' with (IZR a' / IZR b' + (q' - IZR a' / IZR b'))%R by ring.
  unfold step2_div_longu, step2_div_longu'.
  rewrite C1R.
  unfold Float.to_longu_ne.
  rewrite (ZofB_ne_range_correct 53 1024 q _ _).
  rewrite C1F.
  rewrite q_LOW.
  rewrite q_HIGH.
  rewrite normalize_ite.
  rewrite <- (function_ite Vlong).
  set (q' := B2R 53 1024 q) in *.
  fold a'.
  rewrite Int64.signed_zero.
  set (q'' := (ZnearestE q')) in *.
  assert ((Rabs (IZR a' / IZR b' - q') < / 2)%R) as HALF.
  { replace (IZR a' / IZR b' - q')%R with
      (-(q' - IZR a' / IZR b'))%R by ring.
    rewrite Rabs_Ropp.
  pose proof (find_quotient a' b' b_NOT0 q' HALF) as QUOTIENT.
  fold q'' in QUOTIENT.
  cbn zeta in QUOTIENT.

  assert (b' <> 0)%Z as NONZ by lia.
  pose proof (Zmod_eq_full a' b' NONZ) as MOD.
  assert (b' > 0)%Z as b_GT0 by lia.
  pose proof (Z_mod_lt a' b' b_GT0) as MOD_LT.
  destruct (Z_lt_dec a' (b' * q'')) as [LT | GE].
  { replace (b' * q'' >? a')%Z with true in QUOTIENT by lia.
    unfold Int64.sub, Int64.mul.
    fold a' b'.
    replace q'' with (1 + a'/b')%Z by lia.
    rewrite repr_unsigned_mul.
    rewrite repr_unsigned_sub.
    replace ((1 + a' / b') * b' - a')%Z with (b' - (a' - a' / b' * b'))%Z by ring.
    rewrite <- MOD.
    rewrite Int64.signed_repr ; cycle 1.
    { change Int64.max_signed with 9223372036854775807%Z in *.
      change Int64.min_signed with (-9223372036854775808)%Z in *.
    rewrite zlt_true by lia.
    replace q'' with (1 + (a' / b'))%Z by lia.
    apply Int64.eqm_samerepr.
    apply Int64.eqm_trans with (y := ((1 + a' / b') + (-1))%Z).
    { apply Int64.eqm_add.
      apply Int64.eqm_sym.
      apply Int64.eqm_unsigned_repr.
      rewrite Int64.unsigned_mone.
      replace (-1)%Z with (0 - 1)%Z by ring.
      apply Int64.eqm_add.
      exists 1%Z.
      apply Int64.eqm_refl.
    replace (1 + a' / b' + -1)%Z with (a'/b')%Z by ring.
    apply Int64.eqm_refl.
  replace (b' * q'' >? a')%Z with false in QUOTIENT by lia.
  rewrite <- QUOTIENT.
  unfold Int64.sub, Int64.mul.
  fold a' b'.
  rewrite repr_unsigned_mul.
  rewrite repr_unsigned_sub.
  replace (a' / b' * b' - a')%Z with (- (a' mod b'))%Z by lia.
  rewrite Int64.signed_repr ; cycle 1.
  { change Int64.max_signed with 9223372036854775807%Z in *.
    change Int64.min_signed with (-9223372036854775808)%Z in *.
  rewrite zlt_false by lia.

Lemma one_bigb_div :
  forall a b
     (b_RANGE : (9223372036854775808 <= b < 18446744073709551616)%Z)
     (ORDER : (b <= a < 18446744073709551616)%Z),
  (a / b = 1)%Z.
  assert (((a - b) / b) = 0)%Z as ZERO.
  { apply Zdiv_small. lia.
  replace a with (1 * b + (a - b))%Z by ring.
  rewrite Z.div_add_l by lia.
  rewrite ZERO.

Lemma repr_unsigned_sub2:
  forall a b,
    (Int64.repr (a - Int64.unsigned (Int64.repr b))) = Int64.repr (a - b).
  apply Int64.eqm_samerepr.
  apply Int64.eqm_sub.
  - apply Int64.eqm_refl.
  - apply Int64.eqm_sym. apply Int64.eqm_unsigned_repr.

Lemma repr_unsigned_add2:
  forall a b,
    (Int64.repr (a + Int64.unsigned (Int64.repr b))) = Int64.repr (a + b).
  apply Int64.eqm_samerepr.
  apply Int64.eqm_add.
  - apply Int64.eqm_refl.
  - apply Int64.eqm_sym. apply Int64.eqm_unsigned_repr.
Lemma twostep_div_longu_mostb_correct :
    forall a b
      (b_RANGE : (1 < Int64.unsigned b <= Int64.max_signed)%Z),
          (twostep_div_longu (Vlong a) (Vlong b)) =
            (Val.maketotal (Val.divlu (Vlong a) (Vlong b))).
  destruct (Z_le_gt_dec (Int64.unsigned b) smallb_thresh).
  { apply twostep_div_longu_smallb_correct. lia. }
  set (a' := Int64.unsigned a).
  set (b' := Int64.unsigned b).
  assert (0 < b')%Z as b_NOT0 by lia.
  rewrite Int64.eq_false ; cycle 1.
  { intro Z. unfold b' in b_NOT0. rewrite Z in b_NOT0.
    rewrite Int64.unsigned_zero in b_NOT0.

  unfold twostep_div_longu.
  assert (1 < Int64.unsigned b <= mostb_thresh)%Z as MOST_B.
  { unfold mostb_thresh.
    change Int64.max_signed with 9223372036854775807%Z in b_RANGE.
  destruct (step1_div_longu_correct_mostb a b MOST_B) as
    (q & step1_REW & step1_RANGE).
  rewrite step1_REW.
  rewrite step2_div_long_bigb_correct; cycle 1.
  1, 2: lia.

  unfold Int64.sub, Int64.mul.
  rewrite repr_unsigned_sub2.
  rewrite Int64.signed_repr by lia.
  unfold Int64.add, Int64.divu.
  fold a' b'.
  set (q' := Int64.unsigned q) in *.
  rewrite repr_unsigned_add2.
  rewrite <- Z.div_add_l by lia.
  f_equal. f_equal.

Definition full2_div_longu a b m :=
  let is_big := Val.cmpl_bool Clt b (Vlong in
  let is_one := Val.cmplu_bool (Mem.valid_pointer m) Cle b (Vlong in
  let is_special := Val.or (Val.of_optbool is_big) (Val.of_optbool is_one) in
  let if_big := Val.longofintu (Val.of_optbool (Val.cmplu_bool (Mem.valid_pointer m) Cge a b)) in
  let if_special := is_big if_big a Tlong in (Val.cmp_bool Cne is_special (Vint
             (twostep_div_longu a b) Tlong.

Lemma full2_div_longu_correct :
  forall a b m
           (b_NOT0 : (0 < Int64.unsigned b)%Z),
      full2_div_longu (Vlong a) (Vlong b) m = Vlong (Int64.repr (Int64.unsigned a / Int64.unsigned b))%Z.

  Local Opaque twostep_div_longu.
  unfold full2_div_longu.
  unfold, Int64.ltu.
  pose proof (Int64.unsigned_range a).
  pose proof (Int64.unsigned_range b).
  set (a' := Int64.unsigned a) in *.
  set (b' := Int64.unsigned b) in *.
  rewrite Int64.signed_zero.
  rewrite Int64.unsigned_one.
  destruct zlt.
  { replace (Val.cmp_bool Cne
       (Val.or Vtrue
          (if negb (if zlt 1 b' then true else false) then Vtrue else Vfalse))
       (Vint with (Some true) ; cycle 1.
    { destruct zlt; reflexivity.
    destruct zlt; cbn.
    { rewrite Zdiv_small by lia.
    rewrite one_bigb_div.
      change Int64.modulus with 18446744073709551616%Z in *.
      split. 2: lia.
      unfold b'.
      rewrite Int64.unsigned_signed.
      rewrite Int64.signed_zero.
      rewrite zlt_true by lia.
      pose proof (Int64.signed_range b).
      change Int64.min_signed with (-9223372036854775808)%Z in *.
      change Int64.max_signed with (9223372036854775807)%Z in *.
      change Int64.modulus with 18446744073709551616%Z in *.
    change Int64.modulus with 18446744073709551616%Z in *.
  destruct zlt; cbn.
  { change (negb (Int.eq (Int.or with false.
    rewrite twostep_div_longu_mostb_correct.
      unfold Int64.eq.
      fold b'.
      rewrite Int64.unsigned_zero.
      rewrite zeq_false by lia.
    change Int64.modulus with 18446744073709551616%Z in *.
    split. lia.
    rewrite Int64.unsigned_signed.
    rewrite Int64.signed_zero.
    rewrite zlt_false by lia.
    pose proof (Int64.signed_range b).
    change Int64.min_signed with (-9223372036854775808)%Z in *.
    change Int64.max_signed with (9223372036854775807)%Z in *.
    change Int64.modulus with 18446744073709551616%Z in *.
  change (negb (Int.eq (Int.or with true.
  replace b' with 1%Z by lia.
  rewrite Z.div_1_r.
  unfold a'.
  rewrite Int64.repr_unsigned.

Definition step2_mod_long a b :=
  let q := step2_div_long' a b in
  let r := Val.subl a (Val.mull q b) in (Val.cmpl_bool Clt r (Vlong
             (Val.addl r b) r Tlong.

Definition twostep_mod_longu a b :=
  let q1 := step1_div_longu a b in
  step2_mod_long (Val.subl a (Val.mull b q1)) b.

Lemma vlong_eq: forall a b, (Vlong a) = (Vlong b) -> a = b.
  intros a b EQ.

Lemma move_repr_in_mod :
  forall a b c,
    Int64.repr (a - b * c)%Z =
      Int64.repr (a - b * Int64.unsigned (Int64.repr c))%Z.
  apply Int64.eqm_samerepr.
  auto 10 with ints.

Lemma twostep_mod_longu_mostb_correct :
    forall a b
      (b_RANGE : (1 < Int64.unsigned b <= Int64.max_signed)%Z),
          (twostep_mod_longu (Vlong a) (Vlong b)) =
            (Val.maketotal (Val.modlu (Vlong a) (Vlong b))).
  Local Transparent twostep_div_longu.
  pose proof (twostep_div_longu_mostb_correct a b b_RANGE) as div_correct.
  unfold twostep_div_longu, twostep_mod_longu, step2_div_long, step2_mod_long in *.
  set (q1 := (step1_div_longu (Vlong a) (Vlong b))) in *.
  set (q2 := (step2_div_long' (Val.subl (Vlong a) (Val.mull (Vlong b) q1)) (Vlong b))) in *.
  cbn in div_correct.
  unfold Int64.eq in *.
  change (Int64.unsigned with 0%Z in *.
  rewrite zeq_false by lia.
  rewrite zeq_false in div_correct by lia.
  cbn in div_correct.
  destruct q1 as [ | | q1l | | | ] ; cbn in *; try discriminate.
  destruct q2 as [ | | q2l | | | ] ; cbn in *; try discriminate.
  rewrite <- (function_ite Vlong).
  rewrite <- (function_ite Vlong) in div_correct.
  cbn. cbn in div_correct.
  unfold, Int64.sub, Int64.mul, Int64.add, Int64.divu, Int64.modu in *.
  set (a' := Int64.unsigned a) in *.
  set (b' := Int64.unsigned b) in *.
  set (q1' := Int64.unsigned q1l) in *.
  set (q2' := Int64.unsigned q2l) in *.
  change (Int64.signed with 0%Z in *.
  replace (Int64.repr
                  (Int64.repr (a' - Int64.unsigned (Int64.repr (b' * q1')))) -
                  Int64.unsigned (Int64.repr (q2' * b'))))
    with (Int64.repr (a' - (b' * q1') - (q2' * b')))%Z in * ; cycle 1.
    apply Int64.eqm_samerepr.
    apply Int64.eqm_sub; auto with ints.
  replace (a' - b' * q1' - q2' * b')%Z with (a' - b' * (q1' + q2'))%Z in * by ring.
  apply vlong_eq in div_correct.
  rewrite Z.mod_eq by lia.
  rewrite (move_repr_in_mod a' b' (a' / b'))%Z.
  rewrite <- div_correct.
  clear div_correct.
  rewrite <- (move_repr_in_mod a' b')%Z.
  destruct zlt as [NEG | POS].
  2: reflexivity.
  rewrite repr_unsigned_add.
  replace (a' - b' * (q1' + q2') + b')%Z with (a' - b' * (q1' + q2' - 1))%Z by ring.
  apply Int64.eqm_samerepr.
  assert (Int64.eqm (Int64.unsigned (Int64.repr (q2' + Int64.unsigned Int64.mone)))
                    (q2' -1))%Z as EQM.
  { apply Int64.eqm_trans with (y := (q2' + Int64.unsigned Int64.mone)%Z).
    apply Int64.eqm_sym.
    apply Int64.eqm_unsigned_repr.
    apply Int64.eqm_add.
    apply Int64.eqm_refl.
    exists (1)%Z.
  replace (q1' + q2' - 1)%Z with (q1' + (q2' - 1))%Z by ring.
  auto with ints.
Definition full2_mod_longu a b m :=
  let is_big := Val.cmpl_bool Clt b (Vlong in
  let is_one := Val.cmplu_bool (Mem.valid_pointer m) Cle b (Vlong in
  let is_special := Val.or (Val.of_optbool is_big) (Val.of_optbool is_one) in
  let if_big := (Val.cmplu_bool (Mem.valid_pointer m) Cge a b) (Val.subl a b) a Tlong in
  let if_special := is_big if_big (Vlong Tlong in (Val.cmp_bool Cne is_special (Vint
             (twostep_mod_longu a b) Tlong.

Lemma full2_mod_longu_correct :
  forall a b m
           (b_NOT0 : (0 < Int64.unsigned b)%Z),
      full2_mod_longu (Vlong a) (Vlong b) m = Vlong (Int64.repr ((Int64.unsigned a) mod (Int64.unsigned b)))%Z.

  Local Opaque twostep_mod_longu.
  unfold full2_mod_longu.
  unfold, Int64.ltu.
  pose proof (Int64.unsigned_range a).
  pose proof (Int64.unsigned_range b).
  set (a' := Int64.unsigned a) in *.
  set (b' := Int64.unsigned b) in *.
  rewrite Int64.signed_zero.
  rewrite Int64.unsigned_one.
  destruct zlt.
  { replace (Val.cmp_bool Cne
       (Val.or Vtrue
          (if negb (if zlt 1 b' then true else false) then Vtrue else Vfalse))
       (Vint with (Some true) ; cycle 1.
    { destruct zlt; reflexivity.
    rewrite Z.mod_eq by lia.
    destruct zlt; cbn.
    { rewrite Zdiv_small by lia.
      replace (a' - b' * 0)%Z with a' by ring.
      unfold a'.
      rewrite Int64.repr_unsigned.
    rewrite one_bigb_div.
    { unfold Int64.sub.
      fold a' b'.
      repeat f_equal. ring.
      change Int64.modulus with 18446744073709551616%Z in *.
      split. 2: lia.
      unfold b'.
      rewrite Int64.unsigned_signed.
      rewrite Int64.signed_zero.
      rewrite zlt_true by lia.
      pose proof (Int64.signed_range b).
      change Int64.min_signed with (-9223372036854775808)%Z in *.
      change Int64.max_signed with (9223372036854775807)%Z in *.
      change Int64.modulus with 18446744073709551616%Z in *.
    change Int64.modulus with 18446744073709551616%Z in *.
  destruct zlt; cbn.
  { change (negb (Int.eq (Int.or with false.
    rewrite twostep_mod_longu_mostb_correct.
      unfold Int64.eq.
      fold b'.
      rewrite Int64.unsigned_zero.
      rewrite zeq_false by lia.
    change Int64.modulus with 18446744073709551616%Z in *.
    split. lia.
    rewrite Int64.unsigned_signed.
    rewrite Int64.signed_zero.
    rewrite zlt_false by lia.
    pose proof (Int64.signed_range b).
    change Int64.min_signed with (-9223372036854775808)%Z in *.
    change Int64.max_signed with (9223372036854775807)%Z in *.
    change Int64.modulus with 18446744073709551616%Z in *.
  change (negb (Int.eq (Int.or with true.
  replace b' with 1%Z by lia.
  rewrite Z.mod_1_r.

Open Scope cminorsel_scope.
Definition e_invfs a := Eop Oinvfs (a ::: Enil).
Definition e_float_of_longu a := Eop Ofloatoflongu (a ::: Enil).
Definition e_float_of_long a := Eop Ofloatoflong (a ::: Enil).
Definition e_float_of_single a := Eop Ofloatofsingle (a ::: Enil).
Definition e_single_of_float a := Eop Osingleoffloat (a ::: Enil).
Definition e_long_of_float_ne a := Eop Olongoffloat_ne (a ::: Enil).
Definition e_longu_of_float_ne a := Eop Olonguoffloat_ne (a ::: Enil).
Definition e_mulf a b := Eop Omulf (a ::: b ::: Enil).
Definition e_float_const c := Eop (Ofloatconst c) Enil.
Definition e_fmaddf a b c := Eop Ofmaddf (a ::: b ::: c ::: Enil).
Definition e_fmsubf a b c := Eop Ofmsubf (a ::: b ::: c ::: Enil).
Definition e_addlimm a b := Eop (Oaddlimm b) (a ::: Enil).
Definition e_msubl a b c := Eop Omsubl (a ::: b ::: c ::: Enil).
Definition e_ite ty c vc v1 v2 := Eop (Osel c ty) (v1 ::: v2 ::: vc ::: Enil).
Definition e_cmplimm c v n := Eop (Ocmp (Ccomplimm c n)) (v ::: Enil).
Definition e_cmpluimm c v n := Eop (Ocmp (Ccompluimm c n)) (v ::: Enil).
Definition e_addl a b := Eop Oaddl (a ::: b ::: Enil).
Definition e_or a b := Eop Oor (a ::: b ::: Enil).
Definition e_cast32unsigned a := Eop Ocast32unsigned (a ::: Enil).
Definition e_cmplu c a b := Eop (Ocmp (Ccomplu c)) (a ::: b ::: Enil).

Definition a_var1 := Eletvar (4%nat).
Definition a_d_var1 := Eletvar (3%nat).
Definition b_var1 := Eletvar (2%nat).
Definition b_d_var1 := Eletvar (1%nat).
Definition binv_d_var1 := Eletvar (0%nat).

Definition e_setup1 a b rest :=
  Elet a (Elet (e_float_of_longu (Eletvar 0%nat))
    (Elet (lift (lift b)) (Elet (e_float_of_longu (Eletvar 0%nat))
      (Elet (e_float_of_single (e_invfs (e_single_of_float (Eletvar 0%nat))))
Definition e_step1 := e_longu_of_float_ne (e_mulf a_d_var1 binv_d_var1).

Lemma e_step1_correct :
  forall (ge : genv) (sp: val) cmenv memenv (le : letenv)
         (expr_a : expr) (a : int64) (EVAL_a : eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le expr_a (Vlong a))
         (expr_b : expr) (b : int64) (EVAL_b : eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le expr_b (Vlong b)),
         (eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le (e_setup1 expr_a expr_b (e_step1))
                    (step1_div_longu (Vlong a) (Vlong b))).
  unfold e_setup1, step1_div_longu.
  repeat econstructor.
  { eassumption. }
  { cbn. apply eval_lift. apply eval_lift. eassumption. }

Definition e_setup2 a b rest := (e_setup1 a b (Elet e_step1 rest)).

Definition a_var2 := Eletvar (5%nat).
Definition a_d_var2 := Eletvar (4%nat).
Definition b_var2 := Eletvar (3%nat).
Definition b_d_var2 := Eletvar (2%nat).
Definition binv_d_var2 := Eletvar (1%nat).
Definition step1_var2 := Eletvar (0%nat).

Definition e_step2 := e_msubl a_var2 b_var2 step1_var2.

Definition e_setup3 a b rest := (e_setup2 a b (Elet e_step2 rest)).

Definition a_var3 := Eletvar (6%nat).
Definition a_d_var3 := Eletvar (5%nat).
Definition b_var3 := Eletvar (4%nat).
Definition b_d_var3 := Eletvar (3%nat).
Definition binv_d_var3 := Eletvar (2%nat).
Definition step1_var3 := Eletvar (1%nat).
Definition step2_var3 := Eletvar (0%nat).

Definition e_step3 :=
       (e_mulf (e_float_of_long step2_var3)
             (e_fmsubf (e_float_const
                b_d_var3 )

Lemma e_step3_correct :
  forall (ge : genv) (sp: val) cmenv memenv (le : letenv)
         (expr_a : expr) (a : int64) (EVAL_a : eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le expr_a (Vlong a))
         (expr_b : expr) (b : int64) (EVAL_b : eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le expr_b (Vlong b)),
         (eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le (e_setup3 expr_a expr_b (e_step3))
           (step2_div_long' (Val.subl (Vlong a) (Val.mull (Vlong b) (step1_div_longu (Vlong a) (Vlong b)))) (Vlong b))).
unfold e_setup2, e_setup1, e_step2, step2_div_long', step2_real_div_long, approx_inv_longu.
repeat (econstructor + apply eval_lift + eassumption).

Definition e_setup4 a b rest := (e_setup3 a b (Elet e_step3 rest)).

Definition a_var4 := Eletvar (7%nat).
Definition a_d_var4 := Eletvar (6%nat).
Definition b_var4 := Eletvar (5%nat).
Definition b_d_var4 := Eletvar (4%nat).
Definition binv_d_var4 := Eletvar (3%nat).
Definition step1_var4 := Eletvar (2%nat).
Definition step2_var4 := Eletvar (1%nat).
Definition step3_var4 := Eletvar (0%nat).

Definition e_step4 :=
  e_ite Tlong (Ccompl0 Clt) (e_msubl step2_var4 step3_var4 b_var4)
             (e_addlimm step3_var4 Int64.mone) step3_var4.

Lemma e_step4_correct :
  forall (ge : genv) (sp: val) cmenv memenv (le : letenv)
         (expr_a : expr) (a : int64) (EVAL_a : eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le expr_a (Vlong a))
         (expr_b : expr) (b : int64) (EVAL_b : eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le expr_b (Vlong b)),
         (eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le (e_setup4 expr_a expr_b (e_step4))
           (step2_div_long (Val.subl (Vlong a) (Val.mull (Vlong b) (step1_div_longu (Vlong a) (Vlong b)))) (Vlong b))).
unfold e_setup2, e_setup1, e_step2, step2_div_long, step2_div_long', step2_real_div_long, approx_inv_longu, step1_div_longu.
repeat (econstructor + apply eval_lift + eassumption).

Definition e_setup5 a b rest := (e_setup4 a b (Elet e_step4 rest)).

Definition a_var5 := Eletvar (8%nat).
Definition a_d_var5 := Eletvar (7%nat).
Definition b_var5 := Eletvar (6%nat).
Definition b_d_var5 := Eletvar (5%nat).
Definition binv_d_var5 := Eletvar (4%nat).
Definition step1_var5 := Eletvar (3%nat).
Definition step2_var5 := Eletvar (2%nat).
Definition step3_var5 := Eletvar (1%nat).
Definition step4_var5 := Eletvar (0%nat).

Definition e_step5 := e_addl step1_var5 step4_var5.

Lemma e_step5_correct :
  forall (ge : genv) (sp: val) cmenv memenv (le : letenv)
         (expr_a : expr) (a : int64) (EVAL_a : eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le expr_a (Vlong a))
         (expr_b : expr) (b : int64) (EVAL_b : eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le expr_b (Vlong b)),
         (eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le (e_setup5 expr_a expr_b (e_step5))
           (twostep_div_longu (Vlong a) (Vlong b))).
  Local Transparent twostep_div_longu.
  repeat unfold e_setup2, e_setup1, e_step2, step2_div_long, step2_div_long', step2_real_div_long, approx_inv_longu, step1_div_longu, twostep_div_longu.
repeat (econstructor + apply eval_lift + eassumption).

Definition e_setup6 a b rest := (e_setup5 a b (Elet e_step5 rest)).

Definition a_var6 := Eletvar (9%nat).
Definition a_d_var6 := Eletvar (8%nat).
Definition b_var6 := Eletvar (7%nat).
Definition b_d_var6 := Eletvar (6%nat).
Definition binv_d_var6 := Eletvar (5%nat).
Definition step1_var6 := Eletvar (4%nat).
Definition step2_var6 := Eletvar (3%nat).
Definition step3_var6 := Eletvar (2%nat).
Definition step4_var6 := Eletvar (1%nat).
Definition twostep_var6 := Eletvar (0%nat).

Definition e_step6 := e_cmplimm Clt b_var6

Definition e_setup7 a b rest := e_setup6 a b (Elet e_step6 rest).

Definition a_var7 := Eletvar (10%nat).
Definition a_d_var7 := Eletvar (9%nat).
Definition b_var7 := Eletvar (8%nat).
Definition b_d_var7 := Eletvar (7%nat).
Definition binv_d_var7 := Eletvar (6%nat).
Definition step1_var7 := Eletvar (5%nat).
Definition step2_var7 := Eletvar (5%nat).
Definition step3_var7 := Eletvar (3%nat).
Definition step4_var7 := Eletvar (2%nat).
Definition twostep_var7 := Eletvar (1%nat).
Definition is_big_var7 := Eletvar (0%nat).

Definition e_is_one := e_cmpluimm Cle b_var7
Definition e_is_special := e_or is_big_var7 e_is_one.
Definition e_if_big := e_cast32unsigned (e_cmplu Cge a_var7 b_var7).
Definition e_if_special := e_ite Tlong (Ccompu0 Cne) is_big_var7 e_if_big a_var7.
Definition e_step7 := e_ite Tlong (Ccompu0 Cne) e_is_special e_if_special twostep_var7.

Lemma e_step7_correct :
  forall (ge : genv) (sp: val) cmenv memenv (le : letenv)
         (expr_a : expr) (a : int64) (EVAL_a : eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le expr_a (Vlong a))
         (expr_b : expr) (b : int64) (EVAL_b : eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le expr_b (Vlong b)),
         (eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le (e_setup7 expr_a expr_b (e_step7))
           (full2_div_longu (Vlong a) (Vlong b) memenv)).
  Local Transparent full2_div_longu.
  repeat unfold e_setup2, e_setup1, e_step2, step2_div_long, step2_div_long', step2_real_div_long, approx_inv_longu, step1_div_longu, twostep_div_longu, full2_div_longu.
  repeat (econstructor + apply eval_lift + eassumption).
  repeat f_equal.
  destruct ( b; cbn; change (Int.eq with false; change (Int.eq with true; cbn; reflexivity.

Definition fp_divu64 a b := e_setup7 a b e_step7.

Theorem fp_divu64_correct :
  forall (ge : genv) (sp: val) cmenv memenv
         (le : letenv) (expr_a expr_b : expr) (a b : int64)
         (EVAL_a : eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le expr_a (Vlong a))
         (EVAL_b : eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le expr_b (Vlong b))
         (b_nz : (Int64.unsigned b > 0)%Z),
  eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le (fp_divu64 expr_a expr_b)
            (Vlong (Int64.divu a b)).
  unfold Int64.divu.
  rewrite <- full2_div_longu_correct with (m := memenv) by lia.
  apply e_step7_correct; assumption.

Definition fp_modu64 a b := Elet a (Elet (lift b) (e_msubl (Eletvar 1%nat) (Eletvar 0%nat)
                                                    (fp_divu64 (Eletvar 1%nat) (Eletvar 0%nat)))).

Theorem fp_modu64_correct :
  forall (ge : genv) (sp: val) cmenv memenv
         (le : letenv) (expr_a expr_b : expr) (a b : int64)
         (EVAL_a : eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le expr_a (Vlong a))
         (EVAL_b : eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le expr_b (Vlong b))
         (b_nz : (Int64.unsigned b > 0)%Z),
  eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le (fp_modu64 expr_a expr_b)
            (Vlong (Int64.modu a b)).
  rewrite Int64.modu_divu; cycle 1.
  { intro Z.
    rewrite Int64.unsigned_zero in b_nz.
  unfold fp_modu64.
  Local Opaque fp_divu64.
  repeat (econstructor + apply eval_lift + eassumption).
  { apply fp_divu64_correct;
    repeat (econstructor + apply eval_lift + eassumption).
  rewrite Int64.mul_commut.

Definition e_is_negl a := Eop (Ocmp (Ccomplimm Clt (a ::: Enil).
Definition e_xorw a b := Eop Oxor (a ::: b ::: Enil).
Definition e_negl a := Eop Onegl (a ::: Enil).
Definition e_absl a := Eop (Oabsdifflimm (a ::: Enil).

Definition fp_divs64 a b :=
  Elet a (Elet (lift b)
    (Elet (fp_divu64 (e_absl (Eletvar (1%nat))) (e_absl (Eletvar (0%nat))))
          (e_ite Tlong (Ccompu0 Cne) (e_xorw (e_is_negl (Eletvar 2%nat))
                                            (e_is_negl (Eletvar 1%nat)))
                 (e_negl (Eletvar 0%nat)) (Eletvar 0%nat)))).

Lemma nonneg_signed_unsigned:
  forall x (x_NONNEG : (Int64.signed x >= 0)%Z),
    (Int64.signed x) = (Int64.unsigned x).
  pose proof (Int64.unsigned_range x).
  unfold Int64.signed in *.
  destruct zlt. reflexivity.
  change Int64.modulus with 18446744073709551616%Z in *.
  change Int64.half_modulus with 9223372036854775808%Z in *.

Lemma long_min_signed_unsigned :
  (- Int64.min_signed < Int64.max_unsigned)%Z.

Lemma long_divs_divu :
  forall a b
    (b_NOT0 : (Int64.signed b <> 0)%Z),
    Int64.divs a b = if xorb ( a
                           ( b
                   then Int64.neg (Int64.divu (ExtValues.long_abs a)
                                          (ExtValues.long_abs b))
                   else Int64.divu (ExtValues.long_abs a) (ExtValues.long_abs b).
  unfold Int64.divs, Int64.divu,, ExtValues.long_abs.
  pose proof (Int64.signed_range a) as a_RANGE.
  pose proof (Int64.signed_range b) as b_RANGE.
  change (Int64.signed with 0%Z.
  destruct zlt.
  - cbn. rewrite (Z.abs_neq (Int64.signed a)) by lia.
    rewrite (Int64.unsigned_repr (- Int64.signed a)); cycle 1.
    { pose proof long_min_signed_unsigned. lia. }

    destruct zlt.
    + rewrite (Z.abs_neq (Int64.signed b)) by lia.
      rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr ; cycle 1.
      { pose proof long_min_signed_unsigned. lia. }
      rewrite <- (Z.opp_involutive (Int64.signed b)) at 1.
      rewrite Z.quot_opp_r by lia.
      rewrite <- (Z.opp_involutive (Int64.signed a)) at 1.
      rewrite Z.quot_opp_l by lia.
      rewrite Z.quot_div_nonneg by lia.
      rewrite Z.opp_involutive.
    + rewrite (Z.abs_eq (Int64.signed b)) by lia.
      rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr ; cycle 1.
      { pose proof Int64.max_signed_unsigned. lia. }
      rewrite <- (Z.opp_involutive (Int64.signed a)) at 1.
      rewrite Z.quot_opp_l by lia.
      rewrite Z.quot_div_nonneg by lia.
      rewrite Int64.neg_repr.
  - cbn. rewrite (Z.abs_eq (Int64.signed a)) by lia.
    rewrite (Int64.unsigned_repr (Int64.signed a)); cycle 1.
    { pose proof Int64.max_signed_unsigned. lia. }
    destruct zlt.
    + rewrite (Z.abs_neq (Int64.signed b)) by lia.
      rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr ; cycle 1.
      { pose proof long_min_signed_unsigned. lia. }
      rewrite Int64.neg_repr.
      rewrite <- (Z.opp_involutive (Int64.signed b)) at 1.
      rewrite Z.quot_opp_r by lia.
      rewrite Z.quot_div_nonneg by lia.
    + rewrite (Z.abs_eq (Int64.signed b)) by lia.
      rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr ; cycle 1.
      { pose proof Int64.max_signed_unsigned. lia. }
      rewrite Z.quot_div_nonneg by lia.

Lemma nonzero_unsigned_signed :
  forall b, (Int64.unsigned b > 0 -> Int64.signed b <> 0)%Z.
  intros b GT EQ.
  rewrite Int64.unsigned_signed in GT.
  unfold in GT.
  rewrite Int64.signed_zero in GT.
  destruct zlt in GT; lia.

Theorem fp_divs64_correct :
  forall (ge : genv) (sp: val) cmenv memenv
         (le : letenv) (expr_a expr_b : expr) (a b : int64)
         (EVAL_a : eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le expr_a (Vlong a))
         (EVAL_b : eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le expr_b (Vlong b))
         (b_nz : (Int64.unsigned b > 0)%Z),
  eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le (fp_divs64 expr_a expr_b)
            (Vlong (Int64.divs a b)).
  unfold fp_divs64.
  Local Opaque fp_divu64.
  repeat (econstructor + apply eval_lift + eassumption).
  apply fp_divu64_correct.
  all: repeat (econstructor + apply eval_lift + eassumption).
  { unfold ExtValues.long_absdiff, ExtValues.Z_abs_diff.
    rewrite Int64.signed_zero. rewrite Z.sub_0_r.
    rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr.
    { pose proof (nonzero_unsigned_signed b b_nz).
    pose proof Int64.max_signed_unsigned.
    pose proof long_min_signed_unsigned.
    pose proof (Int64.signed_range b).
  rewrite long_divs_divu ; cycle 1.
  { apply nonzero_unsigned_signed. assumption. }
  unfold, ExtValues.long_abs, ExtValues.long_absdiff, ExtValues.Z_abs_diff.
  change (Int64.signed with 0%Z.
  repeat rewrite Z.sub_0_r.
  destruct zlt; destruct zlt; reflexivity.

Lemma long_mods_modu :
  forall a b
    (b_NOT0 : (Int64.signed b <> 0)%Z),
    Int64.mods a b = if a
                   then Int64.neg (Int64.modu (ExtValues.long_abs a)
                                          (ExtValues.long_abs b))
                   else Int64.modu (ExtValues.long_abs a) (ExtValues.long_abs b).
  unfold Int64.mods, Int64.modu,, ExtValues.long_abs.
  pose proof (Int64.signed_range a) as a_RANGE.
  pose proof (Int64.signed_range b) as b_RANGE.
  change (Int64.signed with 0%Z.
  destruct zlt.
  - cbn. rewrite (Z.abs_neq (Int64.signed a)) by lia.
    rewrite (Int64.unsigned_repr (- Int64.signed a)); cycle 1.
    { pose proof long_min_signed_unsigned. lia. }

    destruct (zlt (Int64.signed b) 0%Z).
    + rewrite (Z.abs_neq (Int64.signed b)) by lia.
      rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr ; cycle 1.
      { pose proof long_min_signed_unsigned. lia. }
      rewrite <- (Z.opp_involutive (Int64.signed b)) at 1.
      rewrite Z.rem_opp_r by lia.
      rewrite <- (Z.opp_involutive (Int64.signed a)) at 1.
      rewrite Z.rem_opp_l by lia.
      rewrite Z.rem_mod_nonneg by lia.
      rewrite Int64.neg_repr.
    + rewrite (Z.abs_eq (Int64.signed b)) by lia.
      rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr ; cycle 1.
      { pose proof Int64.max_signed_unsigned. lia. }
      rewrite <- (Z.opp_involutive (Int64.signed a)) at 1.
      rewrite Z.rem_opp_l by lia.
      rewrite Z.rem_mod_nonneg by lia.
      rewrite Int64.neg_repr.
  - cbn. rewrite (Z.abs_eq (Int64.signed a)) by lia.
    rewrite (Int64.unsigned_repr (Int64.signed a)); cycle 1.
    { pose proof Int64.max_signed_unsigned. lia. }
    destruct (zlt (Int64.signed b) 0%Z).
    + rewrite (Z.abs_neq (Int64.signed b)) by lia.
      rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr ; cycle 1.
      { pose proof long_min_signed_unsigned. lia. }
      rewrite <- (Z.opp_involutive (Int64.signed b)) at 1.
      rewrite Z.rem_opp_r by lia.
      rewrite Z.rem_mod_nonneg by lia.
    + rewrite (Z.abs_eq (Int64.signed b)) by lia.
      rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr ; cycle 1.
      { pose proof Int64.max_signed_unsigned. lia. }
      rewrite Z.rem_mod_nonneg by lia.

Definition fp_mods64z a b :=
  Elet a (Elet (lift b)
    (Elet (fp_modu64 (e_absl (Eletvar (1%nat))) (e_absl (Eletvar (0%nat))))
          (e_ite Tlong (Ccompl0 Clt) (Eletvar 2%nat)
                 (e_negl (Eletvar 0%nat)) (Eletvar 0%nat)))).

Theorem fp_mods64z_correct :
  forall (ge : genv) (sp: val) cmenv memenv
         (le : letenv) (expr_a expr_b : expr) (a b : int64)
         (EVAL_a : eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le expr_a (Vlong a))
         (EVAL_b : eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le expr_b (Vlong b))
         (b_nz : (Int64.unsigned b > 0)%Z),
  eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le (fp_mods64z expr_a expr_b)
            (Vlong (Int64.mods a b)).
  unfold fp_mods64z.
  Local Opaque fp_modu64.
  repeat (econstructor + apply eval_lift + eassumption).
  apply fp_modu64_correct.
  all: repeat (econstructor + apply eval_lift + eassumption).
  { unfold ExtValues.long_absdiff, ExtValues.Z_abs_diff.
    rewrite Int64.signed_zero. rewrite Z.sub_0_r.
    rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr.
    { pose proof (nonzero_unsigned_signed b b_nz).
    pose proof Int64.max_signed_unsigned.
    pose proof long_min_signed_unsigned.
    pose proof (Int64.signed_range b).
  rewrite long_mods_modu ; cycle 1.
  { apply nonzero_unsigned_signed. assumption. }
  unfold, ExtValues.long_abs, ExtValues.long_absdiff, ExtValues.Z_abs_diff.
  change (Int64.signed with 0%Z.
  repeat rewrite Z.sub_0_r.
  destruct zlt; reflexivity.

Definition fp_mods64 a b :=
  Elet a (Elet (lift b)
    (Elet (fp_divs64 (Eletvar (1%nat)) (Eletvar (0%nat)))
          (e_msubl (Eletvar 2%nat) (Eletvar 1%nat) (Eletvar 0%nat)))).

Theorem fp_mods64_correct :
  forall (ge : genv) (sp: val) cmenv memenv
         (le : letenv) (expr_a expr_b : expr) (a b : int64)
         (EVAL_a : eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le expr_a (Vlong a))
         (EVAL_b : eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le expr_b (Vlong b))
         (b_nz : (Int64.unsigned b > 0)%Z),
  eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le (fp_mods64 expr_a expr_b)
            (Vlong (Int64.mods a b)).
  rewrite Int64.mods_divs.
  unfold fp_mods64.
  Local Opaque fp_divs64.
  repeat (econstructor + apply eval_lift + eassumption).
  { apply fp_divs64_correct;
    repeat (econstructor + apply eval_lift + eassumption).
  rewrite Int64.mul_commut.