Module FPDivision32

From Flocq Require Import BinarySingleNaN Core Digits Operations Round Bracket Sterbenz
                          Binary Round_odd Bits.
Require Archi.
Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Compopts.
Require Import AST.
Require Import Reals.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Floats.
Require Import Op.
Require Import CminorSel.
Require Import OpHelpers.
Require Import ExtFloats.
Require Import DecBoolOps.
Require Import Chunks.
Require Import Builtins.
Require Import Values Globalenvs.
Require Compopts.
Require Import Psatz.
Require Import IEEE754_extra.

From Gappa Require Import Gappa_tactic.

Local Open Scope cminorsel_scope.

Ltac rew_spec :=
  change (SpecFloat.fexp 24 128) with (FLT_exp (-149) 24) in *;
  change (SpecFloat.fexp 53 1024) with (FLT_exp (-1074) 53) in *.
Definition approx_inv b :=
  let invb_s := Eop Oinvfs ((Eop Osingleofintu ((Eletvar 0%nat):::Enil)):::Enil) in
  let invb_d := Eop Ofloatofsingle (invb_s ::: Enil) in
  let b_d := Eop Ofloatoflongu ((Eop Ocast32unsigned ((Eletvar 1%nat):::Enil)):::Enil) in
  let invb_d_var := Eletvar (0%nat) in
  let one := Eop (Ofloatconst Enil in
  let alpha := Eop Ofmsubf (one ::: invb_d_var ::: b_d ::: Enil) in
  let x := Eop Ofmaddf (invb_d_var ::: alpha ::: invb_d_var ::: Enil) in
  Elet b (Elet invb_d x).

Definition approx_inv_thresh := (1/17179869184)%R.

Lemma Rabs_relax:
  forall b b' (INEQ : (b < b')%R) x,
    (-b <= x <= b)%R -> (Rabs x < b')%R.
  apply Rabs_lt.

Theorem approx_inv_correct :
  forall (ge : genv) (sp: val) cmenv memenv
         (le : letenv) (expr_b : expr) (b : int)
         (EVAL_b : eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le expr_b (Vint b))
         (b_nz : ((Int.unsigned b) > 0)%Z),
    exists f : float,
      eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le (approx_inv expr_b) (Vfloat f) /\
        is_finite _ _ f = true /\ (Rabs((B2R _ _ f) - (1 / IZR (Int.unsigned b))) <= approx_inv_thresh)%R.
  intros. unfold approx_inv.
  econstructor. constructor.
  { repeat econstructor.
    { eassumption. }
    { reflexivity. } }
  set (invb_d := (Float.of_single (ExtFloat32.inv (Float32.of_intu b)))).
  set (b' := Int.unsigned b) in *.
  pose proof (Int.unsigned_range b) as RANGE.
  fold b' in RANGE.
  change Int.modulus with 4294967296%Z in RANGE.
  assert (0 <= b' <= Int64.max_unsigned)%Z as b'RANGE.
  { change Int64.max_unsigned with 18446744073709551615%Z.
    lia. }
  assert (1 <= IZR b' <= 4294967295)%R as RANGE'.
  { split.
    { apply IZR_le. lia. }
    apply IZR_le. lia.
  set (b_d := (Float.of_longu (Int64.repr b'))) in *.
  Local Transparent Float.of_longu.
  unfold Float.of_longu in b_d.

  assert(SILLY : (- 2 ^ 24 <= 1 <= 2 ^ 24)%Z) by lia.
  destruct (BofZ_exact 24 128 (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt) (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt) 1 SILLY) as (C0E & C0F & _).
  clear SILLY.

  assert(SILLY : (- 2 ^ 53 <= 1 <= 2 ^ 53)%Z) by lia.
  destruct (BofZ_exact 53 1024 (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt) (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt) 1 SILLY) as (C9E & C9F & _).
  clear SILLY.
  pose proof (BofZ_correct 24 128 (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt) (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt) b') as C1.
  rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C1; cycle 1.
  { clear C1. cbn.
    eapply (Rabs_relax (IZR 4294967296)).
  rewrite Zlt_bool_false in C1 by lia.
  destruct C1 as (C1E & C1F & _).
  Local Transparent Float32.of_intu Float32.of_int Float32.div.
  unfold ExtFloat32.inv,, Float32.of_intu, Float32.of_int, Float32.div in invb_d.
  fold b' in invb_d.
  change (Int.signed (Int.repr 1%Z)) with 1%Z in invb_d.
  pose proof (Bdiv_correct 24 128 (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt) (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt) Float32.binop_nan mode_NE
                      (BofZ 24 128 (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt) (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt) 1)
                      (BofZ 24 128 (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt) (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt) b')) as C2.
  rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C2; cycle 1.
  { clear C2. rewrite C1E.
    apply (Rabs_relax (bpow radix2 10)).
    { cbn; lra. }
    unfold F2R. cbn. unfold F2R. cbn.
  assert (B2R 24 128 (BofZ 24 128 (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt) (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt) b') <> 0%R) as NONZ.
  { clear C2.
    rewrite C1E.
    assert (1 <= round radix2 (FLT_exp (-149) 24) ZnearestE (IZR b'))%R by gappa.
  destruct (C2 NONZ) as (C2E & C2F & _).
  clear C2 NONZ.
  Local Transparent Float.of_single.
  unfold Float.of_single in invb_d.
  pose proof (Bconv_correct 24 128 53 1024 (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt)
              (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt) Float.of_single_nan mode_NE
              (Bdiv 24 128 (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt)
                 (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt) Float32.binop_nan mode_NE
                 (BofZ 24 128 (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt)
                    (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt) 1)
                 (BofZ 24 128 (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt)
                       (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt) b'))) as C3.
  fold invb_d in C3.
  rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C3; cycle 1.
  { clear C3.
    rewrite C2E.
    rewrite C1E.
    rewrite C0E.
    apply (Rabs_relax (bpow radix2 10)).
    { apply bpow_lt; lia. }
  change (is_finite 24 128 (BofZ 24 128 (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt) (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt) 1)) with true in C2F.
  destruct (C3 C2F) as (C3E & C3F & _).
  clear C3.
  unfold Float.fma.
  assert (is_finite _ _ (Float.neg invb_d) = true) as invb_d_F.
  { Local Transparent Float.neg.
    unfold Float.neg.
    rewrite is_finite_Bopp.

  assert(SILLY : (- 2 ^ 53 <= b' <= 2 ^ 53)%Z) by lia.
  destruct (BofZ_exact 53 1024 (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt) (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt) b' SILLY) as (C4E & C4F & _).
  clear SILLY.

  assert (is_finite 53 1024 b_d = true) as b_d_F.
  { unfold b_d.
    rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr by lia.
  assert (is_finite 53 1024 = true) as one_F by reflexivity.
  pose proof (Bfma_correct 53 1024 (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt)
          (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt) Float.fma_nan mode_NE
          (Float.neg invb_d) b_d invb_d_F b_d_F one_F) as C5.
  cbn zeta in C5.
  rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C5; cycle 1.
  { clear C5.
    unfold Float.neg.
    rewrite B2R_Bopp.
    rewrite C3E.
    rewrite C2E.
    rewrite C0E.
    rewrite C1E.
    change (Float.of_int (Int.repr 1)) with (BofZ 53 1024 (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt) (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt) 1).
    rewrite C9E.
    unfold b_d.
    rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr by lia.
    rewrite C4E.
    apply (Rabs_relax (bpow radix2 10)).
    { apply bpow_lt; lia. }
  destruct C5 as (C5E & C5F & _).

  pose proof (Bfma_correct 53 1024 (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt) (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt) Float.fma_nan mode_NE
       (Bfma 53 1024 (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt) (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt) Float.fma_nan mode_NE
             (Float.neg invb_d) b_d invb_d invb_d C5F C3F C3F) as C6.
  cbn zeta in C6.
  rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C6; cycle 1.
  { clear C6.
    rewrite C3E.
    rewrite C2E.
    rewrite C1E.
    rewrite C0E.
    rewrite C5E.
    unfold Float.neg.
    rewrite B2R_Bopp.
    rewrite C3E.
    rewrite C2E.
    rewrite C0E.
    rewrite C1E.
    unfold b_d.
    rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr by lia.
    rewrite C4E.
    change (Float.of_int (Int.repr 1)) with (BofZ 53 1024 (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt) (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt) 1).
    rewrite C9E.
    apply (Rabs_relax (bpow radix2 10)).
    { apply bpow_lt; lia. }
  destruct C6 as (C6E & C6F & _).
  { exact C6F. }
  rewrite C6E.
  rewrite C5E.
  rewrite C3E.
  rewrite C2E.
  rewrite C1E.
  rewrite C0E.
  unfold Float.neg.
  rewrite B2R_Bopp.
  Local Transparent Float.of_int.
  unfold Float.of_int.
  rewrite (Int.signed_repr 1) by (cbn ; lia).
  rewrite C9E.
  rewrite C3E.
  rewrite C2E.
  rewrite C0E.
  rewrite C1E.
  unfold b_d.
  rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr by lia.
  rewrite C4E.
  set (rd := round radix2 (FLT_exp (-1074) 53) ZnearestE) in *.
  set (rs := round radix2 (FLT_exp (-149) 24) ZnearestE) in *.
  set (bi := IZR b') in *.
  set (invb0 := rd (rs (1/ rs bi))%R) in *.
  set (alpha := (- invb0 * bi + 1)%R) in *.
  set (alpha' := ((1/bi - rd (rs (1/ rs bi)))/(1/bi))%R) in *.
  assert (alpha = alpha')%R as expand_alpha.
    unfold alpha, alpha', invb0.
  assert(-1/2097152 <= alpha' <= 1/2097152)%R as alpha_BOUND.
  { unfold alpha', rd, rs.
  set (delta := (rd (rd alpha * invb0 + invb0) - (alpha * invb0 + invb0))%R).
  assert(-1/1125899906842624 <= delta <= 1/1125899906842624)%R as delta_BOUND.
  { unfold delta, invb0. rewrite expand_alpha. unfold rd, rs.
  replace (rd (rd alpha * invb0 + invb0) - 1/bi)%R with
    (delta + ((alpha * invb0 + invb0)-1/bi))%R by (unfold delta; ring).
  replace (alpha * invb0 + invb0 - 1 / bi)%R with (alpha * (invb0 - 1/bi) + (alpha * (1/bi) + invb0 - 1 / bi))%R by ring.
  replace (alpha * (1 / bi) + invb0 - 1 / bi)%R with 0%R; cycle 1.
  { unfold alpha.
  apply Rabs_le.
  unfold invb0, rd, rs, approx_inv_thresh.
  rewrite expand_alpha.

Definition fp_divu32 a b :=
  let a_var := Eletvar (1%nat) in
  let b_var := Eletvar (0%nat) in
  let a_d := Eop Ofloatoflongu ((Eop Ocast32unsigned (a_var ::: Enil)) ::: Enil) in
  let qr := Eop Olonguoffloat_ne ((Eop Omulf (a_d:::(approx_inv b_var):::Enil)):::Enil) in
  let qr_var := Eletvar 0%nat in
  let rem := Eop Omsubl ((Eop Ocast32unsigned ((Eletvar (2%nat)):::Enil)):::
                         qr_var :::
                         (Eop Ocast32unsigned ((Eletvar (1%nat)):::Enil)):::Enil) in
  let qr_m1 := Eop (Oaddlimm (Int64.repr (-1)%Z)) (qr_var:::Enil) in
  let cases := Eop (Osel (Ccompl0 Clt))
                   (qr_m1 ::: qr_var ::: rem ::: Enil) in
  Eop Olowlong ((Elet a (Elet (lift b) (Elet qr cases))) ::: Enil).

Open Scope Z.

Definition div_approx_reals (a b : Z) (x : R) :=
    let q:=ZnearestE x in
    let r:=a-q*b in
    if r <? 0
    then q-1
    else q.

Lemma floor_ball1:
  forall x : R, forall y : Z,
    (Rabs (x - IZR y) < 1)%R -> Zfloor x = (y-1)%Z \/ Zfloor x = y.
  intros x y BALL.
  apply Rabs_lt_inv in BALL.
  case (Rcompare_spec x (IZR y)); intro CMP.
  - left. apply Zfloor_imp.
    ring_simplify (y-1+1).
    rewrite minus_IZR. lra.
  - subst.
    rewrite Zfloor_IZR. right. reflexivity.
  - right. apply Zfloor_imp.
    rewrite plus_IZR. lra.

Theorem div_approx_reals_correct:
  forall a b : Z, forall x : R,
    b > 0 ->
    (Rabs (x - IZR a/ IZR b) < 1/2)%R ->
    div_approx_reals a b x = (a/b)%Z.
  intros a b x bPOS GAP.
  assert (0 < IZR b)%R by (apply IZR_lt ; lia).
  unfold div_approx_reals.
  pose proof (Znearest_imp2 (fun x => negb (Z.even x)) x) as NEAR.
  assert (Rabs (IZR (ZnearestE x) - IZR a/ IZR b) < 1)%R as BALL.
  { pose proof (Rabs_triang (IZR (ZnearestE x) - x)
                            (x - IZR a/ IZR b)) as TRI.
    ring_simplify (IZR (ZnearestE x) - x + (x - IZR a / IZR b))%R in TRI.
  clear GAP NEAR.
  rewrite Rabs_minus_sym in BALL.
  pose proof (floor_ball1 _ _ BALL) as FLOOR.
  clear BALL.
  rewrite Zfloor_div in FLOOR by lia.
  pose proof (Z_div_mod_eq_full a b) as DIV_MOD.
  assert (0 < b) as bPOS' by lia.
  pose proof (Z.mod_pos_bound a b bPOS') as MOD_BOUNDS.
  case Z.ltb_spec; intro; destruct FLOOR; lia.

Opaque approx_inv.

Theorem fp_divu32_correct :
  forall (ge : genv) (sp: val) cmenv memenv
         (le : letenv) (expr_a expr_b : expr) (a b : int)
         (EVAL_a : eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le expr_a (Vint a))
         (EVAL_b : eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le expr_b (Vint b))
         (b_nz : (Int.unsigned b > 0)%Z),
  eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le (fp_divu32 expr_a expr_b)
            (Vint (Int.divu a b)).
  assert (eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv (Vint b :: Vint a :: le)
                    (Eletvar 0) (Vint b)) as EVAL_b'.
  { constructor. reflexivity. }
  destruct (approx_inv_correct ge sp cmenv memenv (Vint b :: Vint a :: le) (Eletvar 0) b EVAL_b' b_nz) as (inv_b & inv_b_eval & inv_b_finite & inv_b_correct).
  unfold fp_divu32.
  repeat econstructor.
  { exact EVAL_a. }
  { apply eval_lift. exact EVAL_b. }
  exact inv_b_eval.
  cbn. f_equal.
  rewrite <- Float.of_intu_of_longu.
  unfold Float.to_longu_ne.
  rewrite ZofB_ne_range_correct by lia.
  set (prod := (Float.mul (Float.of_intu a) inv_b)).
  pose proof (Int.unsigned_range a) as a_range.
  pose proof (Int.unsigned_range b) as b_range.
  change Int.modulus with 4294967296 in a_range.
  change Int.modulus with 4294967296 in b_range.
  set (prod' := (B2R _ _ prod)).
  set (prod_r := ZnearestE prod') in *.

  Local Transparent Float.mul Float.of_intu.
  unfold Float.mul, Float.of_intu in prod.
  set (a' := Int.unsigned a) in *.
  set (b' := Int.unsigned b) in *.
  assert (IZR_a' : (0 <= IZR a' <= 4294967295)%R).
  { split; apply IZR_le; lia. }
  assert (IZR_b' : (1 <= IZR b' <= 4294967295)%R).
  { split; apply IZR_le; lia. }
  assert (SILLY : -2^53 <= a' <= 2^53).
  { cbn; lia. }
  destruct (BofZ_exact 53 1024 (@eq_refl _ Lt) (@eq_refl _ Lt) a' SILLY) as (C0E & C0F & _).
  clear SILLY.
  pose proof (Bmult_correct 53 1024 (@eq_refl _ Lt) (@eq_refl _ Lt) Float.binop_nan mode_NE
                               (BofZ 53 1024 (@eq_refl _ Lt) (@eq_refl _ Lt)a') inv_b) as C1.
  set (inv_b_r := B2R 53 1024 inv_b) in *.
  assert (INV_RANGE : (1/4294967296 <= 1/IZR b' <= 1)%R).
  { split; unfold Rdiv.
    - apply Rmult_le_compat_l. lra.
      apply Rinv_le. apply IZR_lt. lia.
      apply IZR_le. lia.
    - replace 1%R with (1 / 1)%R at 2 by field.
      apply Rmult_le_compat_l. lra.
      apply Rinv_le. apply IZR_lt. lia.
      apply IZR_le. lia.
  apply Rabs_def2b in inv_b_correct.
  rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C1; cycle 1.
  { clear C1.
    rewrite C0E.
    apply (Rabs_relax (bpow radix2 64)).
    { apply bpow_lt. lia. }
    replace inv_b_r with (1 / IZR b' + (inv_b_r - 1 / IZR b'))%R by ring.
    set (delta := (inv_b_r - 1 / IZR b')%R) in *.
    unfold approx_inv_thresh in inv_b_correct.
    assert (b'_RANGE : (1 <= IZR b' <= 4294967295)%R).
    { split; apply IZR_le; lia.
    assert (a'_RANGE : (0 <= IZR a' <= 4294967295)%R).
    { split; apply IZR_le; lia.
  rewrite C0F in C1.
  cbn in C1.
  rewrite C0E in C1.
  rewrite inv_b_finite in C1.
  fold prod in C1.
  fold prod' in C1.
  destruct C1 as (C1E & C1F & _).
  rewrite C1F. cbn.

  assert(prod'_range : (0 <= prod' <= 17179869181/4)%R).
    rewrite C1E.
    replace inv_b_r with (1/IZR b' + (inv_b_r - 1 / IZR b'))%R by ring.
    assert (a'_RANGE : (0 <= IZR a' <= 4294967295)%R).
    { split; apply IZR_le; lia.
    unfold approx_inv_thresh in inv_b_correct.
    set (true_inv := (1 / IZR b')%R) in *.
    set (delta := (inv_b_r - true_inv)%R) in *.

  assert(0 <= prod_r <= 4294967295) as prod_r_range.
  { unfold prod_r.
    rewrite <- (Znearest_IZR (fun x => negb (Z.even x)) 0).
    replace 4294967295 with (ZnearestE (17179869181 / 4)%R); cycle 1.
    { apply Znearest_imp.
      apply Rabs_lt.
    split; apply Znearest_le; lra.

  replace (_ && _ ) with true; cycle 1.
    rewrite andb_true_iff.
    split; apply Zle_imp_le_bool; lia.
  unfold Int.divu.
             (round radix2 (FLT_exp (-1074) 53) ZnearestE (IZR a' * inv_b_r) - (IZR a' * inv_b_r)) <= 1/512)%R as R1 by gappa.

  assert ( (Rabs (B2R 53 1024 prod - IZR (Int.unsigned a) / IZR (Int.unsigned b)) < 1 / 2)%R) as NEAR.
    unfold prod.
    pose proof (Bmult_correct 53 1024 (@eq_refl _ Lt) (@eq_refl _ Lt) Float.binop_nan mode_NE (BofZ 53 1024 (@eq_refl _ Lt) (@eq_refl _ Lt) a') inv_b) as C2.
    rewrite C0E in C2.
    rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C2; cycle 1.
    { clear C2.
      apply (Rabs_relax (bpow radix2 64)).
      { apply bpow_lt. reflexivity. }
      fold inv_b_r.
      replace inv_b_r with (1 / IZR b' + (inv_b_r - 1 / IZR b'))%R by ring.
      set (delta := (inv_b_r - 1 / IZR b')%R) in *.
      unfold approx_inv_thresh in *.
    destruct C2 as (C2E & C2F & _).
    rewrite C2E.
    fold inv_b_r a' b'.
    replace ((round radix2 (FLT_exp (3 - 1024 - 53) 53) (round_mode mode_NE) (IZR a' * inv_b_r)) -
               (IZR a' / IZR b'))%R with
      (((round radix2 (FLT_exp (3 - 1024 - 53) 53) (round_mode mode_NE) (IZR a' * inv_b_r)) -
          (IZR a' * inv_b_r)) +
         (IZR a' * (inv_b_r - 1 / IZR b')))%R by (field ; lra).
    set(delta := (inv_b_r - 1 / IZR b')%R) in *.
    unfold approx_inv_thresh in *.
    assert (Rabs(IZR a' * delta) <= 3/8)%R as R2.
    { apply Rabs_le.
      split; nra.
    rewrite <- C1E.
    rewrite <- C1E in R1.
    pose proof (Rabs_triang (prod' - IZR a' * inv_b_r) (IZR a' * delta))%R.
    replace (prod' - IZR a' * inv_b_r + IZR a' * delta)%R with (prod' - IZR a' / IZR b')%R in H ; cycle 1.
    { unfold delta. field. lra. }
  pose proof (div_approx_reals_correct (Int.unsigned a) (Int.unsigned b) prod' b_nz NEAR) as DIV_CORRECT.
  rewrite <- DIV_CORRECT.

  unfold div_approx_reals in *.
  fold a' b' prod' prod_r.
  unfold Int64.mul.
  rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr by (cbn; lia).
  rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr by (cbn; lia).
  unfold Int64.sub.
  rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr by (cbn; lia).
  rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr by (cbn; nia).
  assert (FMA_RANGE : Int64.min_signed <= a' - prod_r * b' <= Int64.max_signed).
  { cbn.
    unfold prod_r.
    rewrite <- C1E in R1.
    assert (IZR (-9223372036854775808) <= IZR (a' - ZnearestE prod' * b') <= IZR 9223372036854775807)%R.
    2: split; apply le_IZR; lra.
    rewrite minus_IZR.
    rewrite mult_IZR.
    replace (IZR (ZnearestE prod')) with (prod' + (IZR (ZnearestE prod') - prod'))%R by ring.
    pose proof (Znearest_imp2 (fun x => negb (Z.even x)) prod') as R2.
    set (delta1 := (IZR (ZnearestE prod') - prod')%R) in *.
    replace prod' with ((prod' - IZR a' * inv_b_r) + IZR a' * (inv_b_r - 1 / IZR b')
                        + IZR a' / IZR b')%R by (field; lra).
    set (delta2 := (inv_b_r - 1 / IZR b')%R) in *.
    set (delta3 := (prod' - IZR a' * inv_b_r)%R) in *.
    replace (IZR a' - (delta3 + IZR a' * delta2 + IZR a' / IZR b' + delta1) * IZR b')%R with
      (- (delta3 + IZR a' * delta2 + delta1) * IZR b')%R by (field; lra).
    unfold approx_inv_thresh in *.
    assert (Rabs(IZR a' * delta2) <= 1/4)%R as R4.
    { apply Rabs_le.
        nra. }
    set (delta4 := (IZR a' * delta2)%R) in *.
    apply Rabs_def2b in R1.
    apply Rabs_def2b in R2.
    apply Rabs_def2b in R4.
    split; nra.
  fold a' b' prod_r in DIV_CORRECT.

  pose proof (Zlt_cases (a' - prod_r * b') 0) as CMP.
  destruct (Z.ltb (a' - prod_r * b') 0).
  - replace ( (Int64.repr (a' - prod_r * b')) with true; cycle 1.
    { unfold
      change (Int64.signed with 0.
      rewrite Int64.signed_repr by exact FMA_RANGE.
      rewrite zlt_true by lia.
    rewrite Int64.add_signed.
    rewrite (Int64.signed_repr prod_r) by (cbn ; lia).
    rewrite Int64.signed_repr by (cbn ; lia).
    unfold Int64.loword.
    rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr. reflexivity.
    2: cbn; lia.
    replace (prod_r + (-1)) with (prod_r - 1) by lia.
    rewrite DIV_CORRECT.
    apply Z.div_pos; lia.
  - replace ( (Int64.repr (a' - prod_r * b')) with false; cycle 1.
    { unfold
      change (Int64.signed with 0.
      rewrite Int64.signed_repr by exact FMA_RANGE.
      rewrite zlt_false by lia.
    unfold Int64.loword.
    rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr by (cbn; lia).

Definition e_msubl a b c := Eop Omsub (a ::: b ::: c ::: Enil).
Definition fp_modu32 a b := Elet a (Elet (lift b) (e_msubl (Eletvar 1%nat) (Eletvar 0%nat)
                                                    (fp_divu32 (Eletvar 1%nat) (Eletvar 0%nat)))).

Theorem fp_modu32_correct :
  forall (ge : genv) (sp: val) cmenv memenv
         (le : letenv) (expr_a expr_b : expr) (a b : int)
         (EVAL_a : eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le expr_a (Vint a))
         (EVAL_b : eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le expr_b (Vint b))
         (b_nz : (Int.unsigned b > 0)%Z),
  eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le (fp_modu32 expr_a expr_b)
            (Vint (Int.modu a b)).
  rewrite Int.modu_divu; cycle 1.
  { intro Z.
    rewrite Int.unsigned_zero in b_nz.
  unfold fp_modu32.
  Local Opaque fp_divu32.
  repeat (econstructor + apply eval_lift + eassumption).
  { apply fp_divu32_correct;
    repeat (econstructor + apply eval_lift + eassumption).
  rewrite Int.mul_commut.

Definition e_is_neg a := Eop (Ocmp (Ccompimm Clt (a ::: Enil).
Definition e_xorw a b := Eop Oxor (a ::: b ::: Enil).
Definition e_ite c vc v1 v2 := Eop (Osel c) (v1 ::: v2 ::: vc ::: Enil).
Definition e_neg a := Eop Oneg (a ::: Enil).
Definition e_abs a := Eop (Oabsdiffimm (a ::: Enil).

Definition fp_divs32 a b :=
  Elet a (Elet (lift b)
    (Elet (fp_divu32 (e_abs (Eletvar (1%nat))) (e_abs (Eletvar (0%nat))))
          (e_ite (Ccompu0 Cne) (e_xorw (e_is_neg (Eletvar 2%nat))
                                            (e_is_neg (Eletvar 1%nat)))
                 (e_neg (Eletvar 0%nat)) (Eletvar 0%nat)))).

Lemma nonneg_signed_unsigned:
  forall x (x_NONNEG : Int.signed x >= 0),
    (Int.signed x) = (Int.unsigned x).
  pose proof (Int.unsigned_range x).
  unfold Int.signed in *.
  destruct zlt. reflexivity.
  change Int.modulus with 4294967296%Z in *.
  change Int.half_modulus with 2147483648%Z in *.

Lemma int_min_signed_unsigned :
  (- Int.min_signed < Int.max_unsigned)%Z.

Lemma int_divs_divu :
  forall a b
    (b_NOT0 : Int.signed b <> 0),
    Int.divs a b = if xorb ( a
                           ( b
                   then Int.neg (Int.divu (ExtValues.int_abs a)
                                          (ExtValues.int_abs b))
                   else Int.divu (ExtValues.int_abs a) (ExtValues.int_abs b).
  unfold Int.divs, Int.divu,, ExtValues.int_abs.
  pose proof (Int.signed_range a) as a_RANGE.
  pose proof (Int.signed_range b) as b_RANGE.
  change (Int.signed with 0%Z.
  destruct zlt.
  - cbn. rewrite (Z.abs_neq (Int.signed a)) by lia.
    rewrite (Int.unsigned_repr (- Int.signed a)); cycle 1.
    { pose proof int_min_signed_unsigned. lia. }

    destruct zlt.
    + rewrite (Z.abs_neq (Int.signed b)) by lia.
      rewrite Int.unsigned_repr ; cycle 1.
      { pose proof int_min_signed_unsigned. lia. }
      rewrite <- (Z.opp_involutive (Int.signed b)) at 1.
      rewrite Z.quot_opp_r by lia.
      rewrite <- (Z.opp_involutive (Int.signed a)) at 1.
      rewrite Z.quot_opp_l by lia.
      rewrite Z.quot_div_nonneg by lia.
      rewrite Z.opp_involutive.
    + rewrite (Z.abs_eq (Int.signed b)) by lia.
      rewrite Int.unsigned_repr ; cycle 1.
      { pose proof Int.max_signed_unsigned. lia. }
      rewrite <- (Z.opp_involutive (Int.signed a)) at 1.
      rewrite Z.quot_opp_l by lia.
      rewrite Z.quot_div_nonneg by lia.
      rewrite Int.neg_repr.
  - cbn. rewrite (Z.abs_eq (Int.signed a)) by lia.
    rewrite (Int.unsigned_repr (Int.signed a)); cycle 1.
    { pose proof Int.max_signed_unsigned. lia. }
    destruct zlt.
    + rewrite (Z.abs_neq (Int.signed b)) by lia.
      rewrite Int.unsigned_repr ; cycle 1.
      { pose proof int_min_signed_unsigned. lia. }
      rewrite Int.neg_repr.
      rewrite <- (Z.opp_involutive (Int.signed b)) at 1.
      rewrite Z.quot_opp_r by lia.
      rewrite Z.quot_div_nonneg by lia.
    + rewrite (Z.abs_eq (Int.signed b)) by lia.
      rewrite Int.unsigned_repr ; cycle 1.
      { pose proof Int.max_signed_unsigned. lia. }
      rewrite Z.quot_div_nonneg by lia.

Lemma nonzero_unsigned_signed :
  forall b, Int.unsigned b > 0 -> Int.signed b <> 0.
  intros b GT EQ.
  rewrite Int.unsigned_signed in GT.
  unfold in GT.
  rewrite Int.signed_zero in GT.
  destruct zlt in GT; lia.

Theorem fp_divs32_correct :
  forall (ge : genv) (sp: val) cmenv memenv
         (le : letenv) (expr_a expr_b : expr) (a b : int)
         (EVAL_a : eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le expr_a (Vint a))
         (EVAL_b : eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le expr_b (Vint b))
         (b_nz : (Int.unsigned b > 0)%Z),
  eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le (fp_divs32 expr_a expr_b)
            (Vint (Int.divs a b)).
  unfold fp_divs32.
  Local Opaque fp_divu32.
  repeat (econstructor + apply eval_lift + eassumption).
  apply fp_divu32_correct.
  all: repeat (econstructor + apply eval_lift + eassumption).
  { unfold ExtValues.int_absdiff, ExtValues.Z_abs_diff.
    rewrite Int.signed_zero. rewrite Z.sub_0_r.
    rewrite Int.unsigned_repr.
    { pose proof (nonzero_unsigned_signed b b_nz).
    pose proof Int.max_signed_unsigned.
    pose proof int_min_signed_unsigned.
    pose proof (Int.signed_range b).
  rewrite int_divs_divu ; cycle 1.
  { apply nonzero_unsigned_signed. assumption. }
  unfold, ExtValues.int_abs, ExtValues.int_absdiff, ExtValues.Z_abs_diff.
  change (Int.signed with 0%Z.
  repeat rewrite Z.sub_0_r.
  destruct zlt; destruct zlt; reflexivity.

Lemma int_mods_modu :
  forall a b
    (b_NOT0 : Int.signed b <> 0),
    Int.mods a b = if a
                   then Int.neg (Int.modu (ExtValues.int_abs a)
                                          (ExtValues.int_abs b))
                   else Int.modu (ExtValues.int_abs a) (ExtValues.int_abs b).
  unfold Int.mods, Int.modu,, ExtValues.int_abs.
  pose proof (Int.signed_range a) as a_RANGE.
  pose proof (Int.signed_range b) as b_RANGE.
  change (Int.signed with 0%Z.
  destruct zlt.
  - cbn. rewrite (Z.abs_neq (Int.signed a)) by lia.
    rewrite (Int.unsigned_repr (- Int.signed a)); cycle 1.
    { pose proof int_min_signed_unsigned. lia. }

    destruct (zlt (Int.signed b) 0%Z).
    + rewrite (Z.abs_neq (Int.signed b)) by lia.
      rewrite Int.unsigned_repr ; cycle 1.
      { pose proof int_min_signed_unsigned. lia. }
      rewrite <- (Z.opp_involutive (Int.signed b)) at 1.
      rewrite Z.rem_opp_r by lia.
      rewrite <- (Z.opp_involutive (Int.signed a)) at 1.
      rewrite Z.rem_opp_l by lia.
      rewrite Z.rem_mod_nonneg by lia.
      rewrite Int.neg_repr.
    + rewrite (Z.abs_eq (Int.signed b)) by lia.
      rewrite Int.unsigned_repr ; cycle 1.
      { pose proof Int.max_signed_unsigned. lia. }
      rewrite <- (Z.opp_involutive (Int.signed a)) at 1.
      rewrite Z.rem_opp_l by lia.
      rewrite Z.rem_mod_nonneg by lia.
      rewrite Int.neg_repr.
  - cbn. rewrite (Z.abs_eq (Int.signed a)) by lia.
    rewrite (Int.unsigned_repr (Int.signed a)); cycle 1.
    { pose proof Int.max_signed_unsigned. lia. }
    destruct (zlt (Int.signed b) 0%Z).
    + rewrite (Z.abs_neq (Int.signed b)) by lia.
      rewrite Int.unsigned_repr ; cycle 1.
      { pose proof int_min_signed_unsigned. lia. }
      rewrite <- (Z.opp_involutive (Int.signed b)) at 1.
      rewrite Z.rem_opp_r by lia.
      rewrite Z.rem_mod_nonneg by lia.
    + rewrite (Z.abs_eq (Int.signed b)) by lia.
      rewrite Int.unsigned_repr ; cycle 1.
      { pose proof Int.max_signed_unsigned. lia. }
      rewrite Z.rem_mod_nonneg by lia.

Definition fp_mods32z a b :=
  Elet a (Elet (lift b)
    (Elet (fp_modu32 (e_abs (Eletvar (1%nat))) (e_abs (Eletvar (0%nat))))
          (e_ite (Ccomp0 Clt) (Eletvar 2%nat)
                 (e_neg (Eletvar 0%nat)) (Eletvar 0%nat)))).

Theorem fp_mods32z_correct :
  forall (ge : genv) (sp: val) cmenv memenv
         (le : letenv) (expr_a expr_b : expr) (a b : int)
         (EVAL_a : eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le expr_a (Vint a))
         (EVAL_b : eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le expr_b (Vint b))
         (b_nz : (Int.unsigned b > 0)%Z),
  eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le (fp_mods32z expr_a expr_b)
            (Vint (Int.mods a b)).
  unfold fp_mods32z.
  Local Opaque fp_modu32.
  repeat (econstructor + apply eval_lift + eassumption).
  apply fp_modu32_correct.
  all: repeat (econstructor + apply eval_lift + eassumption).
  { unfold ExtValues.int_absdiff, ExtValues.Z_abs_diff.
    rewrite Int.signed_zero. rewrite Z.sub_0_r.
    rewrite Int.unsigned_repr.
    { pose proof (nonzero_unsigned_signed b b_nz).
    pose proof Int.max_signed_unsigned.
    pose proof int_min_signed_unsigned.
    pose proof (Int.signed_range b).
  rewrite int_mods_modu ; cycle 1.
  { apply nonzero_unsigned_signed. assumption. }
  unfold, ExtValues.int_abs, ExtValues.int_absdiff, ExtValues.Z_abs_diff.
  change (Int.signed with 0%Z.
  repeat rewrite Z.sub_0_r.
  destruct zlt; reflexivity.

Definition e_msub a b c := Eop Omsub (a ::: b ::: c ::: Enil).

Definition fp_mods32 a b :=
  Elet a (Elet (lift b)
    (Elet (fp_divs32 (Eletvar (1%nat)) (Eletvar (0%nat)))
          (e_msub (Eletvar 2%nat) (Eletvar 1%nat) (Eletvar 0%nat)))).

Theorem fp_mods32_correct :
  forall (ge : genv) (sp: val) cmenv memenv
         (le : letenv) (expr_a expr_b : expr) (a b : int)
         (EVAL_a : eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le expr_a (Vint a))
         (EVAL_b : eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le expr_b (Vint b))
         (b_nz : (Int.unsigned b > 0)%Z),
  eval_expr ge sp cmenv memenv le (fp_mods32 expr_a expr_b)
            (Vint (Int.mods a b)).
  rewrite Int.mods_divs.
  unfold fp_mods32.
  Local Opaque fp_divs32.
  repeat (econstructor + apply eval_lift + eassumption).
  { apply fp_divs32_correct;
    repeat (econstructor + apply eval_lift + eassumption).
  rewrite Int.mul_commut.