Module Linear

The Linear intermediate language: abstract syntax and semantcs

The Linear language is a variant of LTL where control-flow is not expressed as a graph of basic blocks, but as a linear list of instructions with explicit labels and ``goto'' instructions.

Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import AST Integers Values Memory Events Globalenvs Smallstep.
Require Import Op Locations LTL Conventions.

Abstract syntax

Definition label := positive.

Inductive instruction: Type :=
  | Lgetstack: slot -> Z -> typ -> mreg -> instruction
  | Lsetstack: mreg -> slot -> Z -> typ -> instruction
  | Lop: operation -> list mreg -> mreg -> instruction
  | Lload: trapping_mode -> memory_chunk -> addressing -> list mreg -> mreg -> instruction
  | Lstore: memory_chunk -> addressing -> list mreg -> mreg -> instruction
  | Lcall: signature -> mreg + qualident -> instruction
  | Ltailcall: signature -> mreg + qualident -> instruction
  | Lbuiltin: external_function -> list (builtin_arg loc) -> builtin_res mreg -> instruction
  | Llabel: label -> instruction
  | Lgoto: label -> instruction
  | Lcond: condition -> list mreg -> label -> instruction
  | Ljumptable: mreg -> list label -> instruction
  | Lreturn: instruction.

Definition code: Type := list instruction.

Record function: Type := mkfunction {
  fn_sig: signature;
  fn_stacksize: Z;
  fn_code: code

Definition fundef := AST.fundef function.

Definition program := AST.program fundef unit.

Definition funsig (fd: fundef) :=
  match fd with
  | Internal f => fn_sig f
  | External ef => ef_sig ef

Definition genv := Genv.t fundef unit.
Definition locset := Locmap.t.

Operational semantics

Looking up labels in the instruction list.

Definition is_label (lbl: label) (instr: instruction) : bool :=
  match instr with
  | Llabel lbl' => if peq lbl lbl' then true else false
  | _ => false

Lemma is_label_correct:
  forall lbl instr,
  if is_label lbl instr then instr = Llabel lbl else instr <> Llabel lbl.
  intros. destruct instr; simpl; try discriminate.
  case (peq lbl l); intro; congruence.

find_label lbl c returns a list of instruction, suffix of the code c, that immediately follows the Llabel lbl pseudo-instruction. If the label lbl is multiply-defined, the first occurrence is retained. If the label lbl is not defined, None is returned.

Fixpoint find_label (lbl: label) (c: code) {struct c} : option code :=
  match c with
  | nil => None
  | i1 :: il => if is_label lbl i1 then Some il else find_label lbl il

Section RELSEM.

Variable ge: genv.

Definition find_function (ros: mreg + qualident) (rs: locset) : option fundef :=
  match ros with
  | inl r => Genv.find_funct ge (rs (R r))
  | inr symb =>
      match Genv.find_symbol ge symb with
      | None => None
      | Some b => Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b

Linear execution states.

Inductive stackframe: Type :=
  | Stackframe:
      forall (f: function) (* calling function *)
             (sp: val) (* stack pointer in calling function *)
             (rs: locset) (* location state in calling function *)
             (c: code), (* program point in calling function *)

Inductive state: Type :=
  | State:
      forall (stack: list stackframe) (* call stack *)
             (f: function) (* function currently executing *)
             (sp: val) (* stack pointer *)
             (c: code) (* current program point *)
             (rs: locset) (* location state *)
             (m: mem), (* memory state *)
  | Callstate:
      forall (stack: list stackframe) (* call stack *)
             (f: fundef) (* function to call *)
             (rs: locset) (* location state at point of call *)
             (m: mem), (* memory state *)
  | Returnstate:
      forall (stack: list stackframe) (* call stack *)
             (rs: locset) (* location state at point of return *)
             (m: mem), (* memory state *)

parent_locset cs returns the mapping of values for locations of the caller function.
Definition parent_locset (stack: list stackframe) : locset :=
  match stack with
  | nil => Locmap.init Vundef
  | Stackframe f sp ls c :: stack' => ls

Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
  | exec_Lgetstack:
      forall s f sp sl ofs ty dst b rs m rs',
      rs' = Locmap.set (R dst) (rs (S sl ofs ty)) (undef_regs (destroyed_by_getstack sl) rs) ->
      step (State s f sp (Lgetstack sl ofs ty dst :: b) rs m)
        E0 (State s f sp b rs' m)
  | exec_Lsetstack:
      forall s f sp src sl ofs ty b rs m rs',
      rs' = Locmap.set (S sl ofs ty) (rs (R src)) (undef_regs (destroyed_by_setstack ty) rs) ->
      step (State s f sp (Lsetstack src sl ofs ty :: b) rs m)
        E0 (State s f sp b rs' m)
  | exec_Lop:
      forall s f sp op args res b rs m v rs',
      eval_operation ge sp op (reglist rs args) m = Some v ->
      rs' = Locmap.set (R res) v (undef_regs (destroyed_by_op op) rs) ->
      step (State s f sp (Lop op args res :: b) rs m)
        E0 (State s f sp b rs' m)
  | exec_Lload:
      forall s f sp trap chunk addr args dst b rs m a v rs',
      eval_addressing ge sp addr (reglist rs args) = Some a ->
      Mem.loadv chunk m a = Some v ->
      rs' = Locmap.set (R dst) v (undef_regs (destroyed_by_load chunk addr) rs) ->
      step (State s f sp (Lload trap chunk addr args dst :: b) rs m)
        E0 (State s f sp b rs' m)
  | exec_Lload_notrap1:
      forall s f sp chunk addr args dst b rs m rs',
      eval_addressing ge sp addr (reglist rs args) = None ->
      rs' = Locmap.set (R dst)
                       (undef_regs (destroyed_by_load chunk addr) rs) ->
      step (State s f sp (Lload NOTRAP chunk addr args dst :: b) rs m)
        E0 (State s f sp b rs' m)
  | exec_Lload_notrap2:
      forall s f sp chunk addr args dst b rs m a rs',
      eval_addressing ge sp addr (reglist rs args) = Some a ->
      Mem.loadv chunk m a = None ->
      rs' = Locmap.set (R dst)
                       (undef_regs (destroyed_by_load chunk addr) rs) ->
      step (State s f sp (Lload NOTRAP chunk addr args dst :: b) rs m)
        E0 (State s f sp b rs' m)
  | exec_Lstore:
      forall s f sp chunk addr args src b rs m m' a rs',
      eval_addressing ge sp addr (reglist rs args) = Some a ->
      Mem.storev chunk m a (rs (R src)) = Some m' ->
      rs' = undef_regs (destroyed_by_store chunk addr) rs ->
      step (State s f sp (Lstore chunk addr args src :: b) rs m)
        E0 (State s f sp b rs' m')
  | exec_Lcall:
      forall s f sp sig ros b rs m f',
      find_function ros rs = Some f' ->
      sig = funsig f' ->
      step (State s f sp (Lcall sig ros :: b) rs m)
        E0 (Callstate (Stackframe f sp rs b:: s) f' rs m)
  | exec_Ltailcall:
      forall s f stk sig ros b rs m rs' f' m',
      rs' = return_regs (parent_locset s) rs ->
      find_function ros rs' = Some f' ->
      sig = funsig f' -> m stk 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m' ->
      step (State s f (Vptr stk (Ltailcall sig ros :: b) rs m)
        E0 (Callstate s f' rs' m')
  | exec_Lbuiltin:
      forall s f sp rs m ef args res b vargs t vres rs' m',
      eval_builtin_args ge rs sp m args vargs ->
      external_call ef ge vargs m t vres m' ->
      rs' = Locmap.setres res vres (undef_regs (destroyed_by_builtin ef) rs) ->
      step (State s f sp (Lbuiltin ef args res :: b) rs m)
         t (State s f sp b rs' m')
  | exec_Llabel:
      forall s f sp lbl b rs m,
      step (State s f sp (Llabel lbl :: b) rs m)
        E0 (State s f sp b rs m)
  | exec_Lgoto:
      forall s f sp lbl b rs m b',
      find_label lbl f.(fn_code) = Some b' ->
      step (State s f sp (Lgoto lbl :: b) rs m)
        E0 (State s f sp b' rs m)
  | exec_Lcond_true:
      forall s f sp cond args lbl b rs m rs' b',
      eval_condition cond (reglist rs args) m = Some true ->
      rs' = undef_regs (destroyed_by_cond cond) rs ->
      find_label lbl f.(fn_code) = Some b' ->
      step (State s f sp (Lcond cond args lbl :: b) rs m)
        E0 (State s f sp b' rs' m)
  | exec_Lcond_false:
      forall s f sp cond args lbl b rs m rs',
      eval_condition cond (reglist rs args) m = Some false ->
      rs' = undef_regs (destroyed_by_cond cond) rs ->
      step (State s f sp (Lcond cond args lbl :: b) rs m)
        E0 (State s f sp b rs' m)
  | exec_Ljumptable:
      forall s f sp arg tbl b rs m n lbl b' rs',
      rs (R arg) = Vint n ->
      list_nth_z tbl (Int.unsigned n) = Some lbl ->
      find_label lbl f.(fn_code) = Some b' ->
      rs' = undef_regs (destroyed_by_jumptable) rs ->
      step (State s f sp (Ljumptable arg tbl :: b) rs m)
        E0 (State s f sp b' rs' m)
  | exec_Lreturn:
      forall s f stk b rs m m', m stk 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m' ->
      step (State s f (Vptr stk (Lreturn :: b) rs m)
        E0 (Returnstate s (return_regs (parent_locset s) rs) m')
  | exec_function_internal:
      forall s f rs m rs' m' stk,
      Mem.alloc m 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = (m', stk) ->
      rs' = undef_regs destroyed_at_function_entry (call_regs rs) ->
      step (Callstate s (Internal f) rs m)
        E0 (State s f (Vptr stk f.(fn_code) rs' m')
  | exec_function_external:
      forall s ef args res rs1 rs2 m t m',
      args = map (fun p => Locmap.getpair p rs1) (loc_arguments (ef_sig ef)) ->
      external_call ef ge args m t res m' ->
      rs2 = Locmap.setpair (loc_result (ef_sig ef)) res (undef_caller_save_regs rs1) ->
      step (Callstate s (External ef) rs1 m)
         t (Returnstate s rs2 m')
  | exec_return:
      forall s f sp rs0 c rs m,
      step (Returnstate (Stackframe f sp rs0 c :: s) rs m)
        E0 (State s f sp c rs m).


Inductive initial_state (p: program): state -> Prop :=
  | initial_state_intro: forall b f m0,
      let ge := Genv.globalenv p in
      Genv.init_mem p = Some m0 ->
      Genv.find_symbol ge p.(prog_main) = Some b ->
      Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f ->
      funsig f = signature_main ->
      initial_state p (Callstate nil f (Locmap.init Vundef) m0).

Inductive final_state: state -> int -> Prop :=
  | final_state_intro: forall rs m retcode,
      Locmap.getpair (map_rpair R (loc_result signature_main)) rs = Vint retcode ->
      final_state (Returnstate nil rs m) retcode.

Definition semantics (p: program) :=
  Semantics step (initial_state p) final_state (Genv.globalenv p).