Module Inliningspec

RTL function inlining: relational specification

Require Import Coqlib Wfsimpl Maps Errors Integers.
Require Import AST Linking.
Require Import Op Registers RTL.
Require Import Inlining.

Soundness of function environments.

A compile-time function environment is compatible with a whole program if the following condition holds.

Definition fenv_compat (p: program) (fenv: funenv) : Prop :=
  forall id f,
  fenv!.id = Some f -> (prog_defmap p)!.id = Some (Gfun (Internal f)).

Lemma funenv_program_compat:
  forall p, fenv_compat p (funenv_program p).
  set (P := fun (dm: QITree.t (globdef fundef unit)) (fenv: funenv) =>
              forall id f,
              fenv!.id = Some f -> dm!.id = Some (Gfun (Internal f))).
  assert (REMOVE: forall dm fenv id g,
             P dm fenv ->
             P (QITree.set id g dm) (QITree.remove id fenv)).
  { unfold P; intros. rewrite QITree.grspec in H0. destruct (QITree.elt_eq id0 id).
    rewrite QITree.gso; auto.
  assert (ADD: forall io dm fenv idg,
             P dm fenv ->
             P (QITree.set (fst idg) (snd idg) dm) (add_globdef io fenv idg)).
  { intros io dm fenv [id g]; simpl; intros.
    destruct g as [ [f|ef] | v]; auto.
    destruct (should_inline io id f); auto.
    red; intros. rewrite ! QITree.gsspec in *.
    destruct (QITree.elt_eq id0 id); auto. inv H0; auto.
  assert (REC: forall p l dm fenv,
            P dm fenv ->
            P (fold_left (fun x idg => QITree.set (fst idg) (snd idg) x) l dm)
              (fold_left (add_globdef p) l fenv)).
  { induction l; simpl; intros.
  - auto.
  - apply IHl. apply ADD; auto.
  intros. apply REC. red; intros. rewrite QITree.gempty in H; discriminate.

Lemma fenv_compat_linkorder:
  forall cunit prog fenv,
  linkorder cunit prog -> fenv_compat cunit fenv -> fenv_compat prog fenv.
  intros; red; intros. apply H0 in H1.
  destruct (prog_defmap_linkorder _ _ _ _ H H1) as (gd' & P & Q).
  inv Q. inv H3. auto.

Properties of shifting

Lemma shiftpos_eq: forall x y, Zpos (shiftpos x y) = (Zpos x + Zpos y) - 1.
  intros. unfold shiftpos. zify. try rewrite Pos2Z.inj_sub. auto.
  zify. lia.

Lemma shiftpos_inj:
  forall x y n, shiftpos x n = shiftpos y n -> x = y.
  assert (Zpos (shiftpos x n) = Zpos (shiftpos y n)) by congruence.
  rewrite ! shiftpos_eq in H0.
  assert (Z.pos x = Z.pos y) by lia.

Lemma shiftpos_diff:
  forall x y n, x <> y -> shiftpos x n <> shiftpos y n.
  intros; red; intros. elim H. eapply shiftpos_inj; eauto.

Lemma shiftpos_above:
  forall x n, Ple n (shiftpos x n).
  intros. unfold Ple; zify. rewrite shiftpos_eq. extlia.

Lemma shiftpos_not_below:
  forall x n, Plt (shiftpos x n) n -> False.
  intros. generalize (shiftpos_above x n). extlia.

Lemma shiftpos_below:
  forall x n, Plt (shiftpos x n) (Pos.add x n).
  intros. unfold Plt; zify. rewrite shiftpos_eq. lia.

Lemma shiftpos_le:
  forall x y n, Ple x y -> Ple (shiftpos x n) (shiftpos y n).
  intros. unfold Ple in *; zify. rewrite ! shiftpos_eq. lia.

Working with the state monad

Remark bind_inversion:
  forall (A B: Type) (f: mon A) (g: A -> mon B)
         (y: B) (s1 s3: state) (i: sincr s1 s3),
  bind f g s1 = R y s3 i ->
  exists x, exists s2, exists i1, exists i2,
  f s1 = R x s2 i1 /\ g x s2 = R y s3 i2.
  unfold bind; intros. destruct (f s1). exists x; exists s'; exists I.
  destruct (g x s'). inv H. exists I0; auto.

Ltac monadInv1 H :=
  match type of H with
  | (R _ _ _ = R _ _ _) =>
      inversion H; clear H; try subst
  | (ret _ _ = R _ _ _) =>
      inversion H; clear H; try subst
  | (bind ?F ?G ?S = R ?X ?S' ?I) =>
      let x := fresh "x" in (
      let s := fresh "s" in (
      let i1 := fresh "INCR" in (
      let i2 := fresh "INCR" in (
      let EQ1 := fresh "EQ" in (
      let EQ2 := fresh "EQ" in (
      destruct (bind_inversion _ _ F G X S S' I H) as [x [s [i1 [i2 [EQ1 EQ2]]]]];
      clear H;
      try (monadInv1 EQ2)))))))

Ltac monadInv H :=
  match type of H with
  | (ret _ _ = R _ _ _) => monadInv1 H
  | (bind ?F ?G ?S = R ?X ?S' ?I) => monadInv1 H
  | (?F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = R _ _ _) =>
      ((progress simpl in H) || unfold F in H); monadInv1 H
  | (?F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = R _ _ _) =>
      ((progress simpl in H) || unfold F in H); monadInv1 H
  | (?F _ _ _ _ _ _ = R _ _ _) =>
      ((progress simpl in H) || unfold F in H); monadInv1 H
  | (?F _ _ _ _ _ = R _ _ _) =>
      ((progress simpl in H) || unfold F in H); monadInv1 H
  | (?F _ _ _ _ = R _ _ _) =>
      ((progress simpl in H) || unfold F in H); monadInv1 H
  | (?F _ _ _ = R _ _ _) =>
      ((progress simpl in H) || unfold F in H); monadInv1 H
  | (?F _ _ = R _ _ _) =>
      ((progress simpl in H) || unfold F in H); monadInv1 H
  | (?F _ = R _ _ _) =>
      ((progress simpl in H) || unfold F in H); monadInv1 H

Fixpoint mlist_iter2 {A B: Type} (f: A -> B -> mon unit) (l: list (A*B)): mon unit :=
  match l with
  | nil => ret tt
  | (x,y) :: l' => do z <- f x y; mlist_iter2 f l'

Remark mlist_iter2_fold:
  forall (A B: Type) (f: A -> B -> mon unit) l s,
  exists i,
  mlist_iter2 f l s =
  R tt (fold_left (fun a p => match f (fst p) (snd p) a with R _ s2 _ => s2 end) l s) i.
  induction l; simpl; intros.
  exists (sincr_refl s); auto.
  destruct a as [x y]. unfold bind. simpl. destruct (f x y s) as [xx s1 i1].
  destruct (IHl s1) as [i2 EQ]. rewrite EQ. econstructor; eauto.

Lemma ptree_mfold_spec:
  forall (A: Type) (f: positive -> A -> mon unit) t s x s' i,
  ptree_mfold f t s = R x s' i ->
  exists i', mlist_iter2 f (PTree.elements t) s = R tt s' i'.
  destruct (mlist_iter2_fold _ _ f (PTree.elements t) s) as [i' EQ].
  unfold ptree_mfold in H. inv H. rewrite PTree.fold_spec.
  econstructor. eexact EQ.

Relational specification of the translation of moves

Inductive tr_moves (c: code) : node -> list reg -> list reg -> node -> Prop :=
  | tr_moves_cons: forall pc1 src srcs dst dsts pc2 pc3,
      tr_moves c pc1 srcs dsts pc2 ->
      c!pc2 = Some(Iop Omove (src :: nil) dst pc3) ->
      tr_moves c pc1 (src :: srcs) (dst :: dsts) pc3
  | tr_moves_nil: forall srcs dsts pc,
      srcs = nil \/ dsts = nil ->
      tr_moves c pc srcs dsts pc.

Lemma add_moves_unchanged:
  forall srcs dsts pc2 s pc1 s' i pc,
  add_moves srcs dsts pc2 s = R pc1 s' i ->
  Plt pc s.(st_nextnode) \/ Ple s'.(st_nextnode) pc ->
  s'.(st_code)!pc = s.(st_code)!pc.
  induction srcs; simpl; intros.
  monadInv H. auto.
  destruct dsts; monadInv H. auto.
  transitivity (st_code s0)!pc. eapply IHsrcs; eauto. monadInv EQ; simpl. extlia.
  monadInv EQ; simpl. apply PTree.gso.
  inversion INCR0; simpl in *. extlia.

Lemma add_moves_spec:
  forall srcs dsts pc2 s pc1 s' i c,
  add_moves srcs dsts pc2 s = R pc1 s' i ->
  (forall pc, Ple s.(st_nextnode) pc -> Plt pc s'.(st_nextnode) -> c!pc = s'.(st_code)!pc) ->
  tr_moves c pc1 srcs dsts pc2.
  induction srcs; simpl; intros.
  monadInv H. apply tr_moves_nil; auto.
  destruct dsts; monadInv H. apply tr_moves_nil; auto.
  apply tr_moves_cons with x. eapply IHsrcs; eauto.
  intros. inversion INCR. apply H0; extlia.
  monadInv EQ.
  rewrite H0. erewrite add_moves_unchanged; eauto.
  simpl. apply PTree.gss.
  simpl. extlia.
  inversion INCR; inversion INCR0; simpl in *; extlia.

Relational specification of CFG expansion


Variable fenv: funenv.

Definition context_below (ctx1 ctx2: context): Prop :=
  Ple (Pos.add ctx1.(dreg) ctx1.(mreg)) ctx2.(dreg).

Definition context_stack_call (ctx1 ctx2: context): Prop :=
  ctx1.(mstk) >= 0 /\ ctx1.(dstk) + ctx1.(mstk) <= ctx2.(dstk).

Definition context_stack_tailcall (ctx1: context) (f: function) (ctx2: context) : Prop :=
  ctx2.(dstk) = align ctx1.(dstk) (min_alignment f.(fn_stacksize)).


Variable stacksize: Z.

Inductive tr_instr: context -> node -> instruction -> code -> Prop :=
  | tr_nop: forall ctx pc c s,
      c!(spc ctx pc) = Some (Inop (spc ctx s)) ->
      tr_instr ctx pc (Inop s) c
  | tr_op: forall ctx pc c op args res s,
      Ple res ctx.(mreg) ->
      c!(spc ctx pc) = Some (Iop (sop ctx op) (sregs ctx args) (sreg ctx res) (spc ctx s)) ->
      tr_instr ctx pc (Iop op args res s) c
  | tr_load: forall ctx pc c trap chunk addr args res s,
      Ple res ctx.(mreg) ->
      c!(spc ctx pc) = Some (Iload trap chunk (saddr ctx addr) (sregs ctx args) (sreg ctx res) (spc ctx s)) ->
      tr_instr ctx pc (Iload trap chunk addr args res s) c
  | tr_store: forall ctx pc c chunk addr args src s,
      c!(spc ctx pc) = Some (Istore chunk (saddr ctx addr) (sregs ctx args) (sreg ctx src) (spc ctx s)) ->
      tr_instr ctx pc (Istore chunk addr args src s) c
  | tr_call: forall ctx pc c sg ros args res s,
      Ple res ctx.(mreg) ->
      c!(spc ctx pc) = Some (Icall sg (sros ctx ros) (sregs ctx args) (sreg ctx res) (spc ctx s)) ->
      tr_instr ctx pc (Icall sg ros args res s) c
  | tr_call_inlined:forall ctx pc sg id args res s c f pc1 ctx',
      Ple res ctx.(mreg) ->
      fenv!.id = Some f ->
      c!(spc ctx pc) = Some(Inop pc1) ->
      tr_moves c pc1 (sregs ctx args) (sregs ctx' f.(fn_params)) (spc ctx' f.(fn_entrypoint)) ->
      tr_funbody ctx' f c ->
      ctx'.(retinfo) = Some(spc ctx s, sreg ctx res) ->
      context_below ctx ctx' ->
      context_stack_call ctx ctx' ->
      tr_instr ctx pc (Icall sg (inr _ id) args res s) c
  | tr_tailcall: forall ctx pc c sg ros args,
      c!(spc ctx pc) = Some (Itailcall sg (sros ctx ros) (sregs ctx args)) ->
      ctx.(retinfo) = None ->
      tr_instr ctx pc (Itailcall sg ros args) c
  | tr_tailcall_call: forall ctx pc c sg ros args res s,
      c!(spc ctx pc) = Some (Icall sg (sros ctx ros) (sregs ctx args) res s) ->
      ctx.(retinfo) = Some(s, res) ->
      tr_instr ctx pc (Itailcall sg ros args) c
  | tr_tailcall_inlined: forall ctx pc sg id args c f pc1 ctx',
      fenv!.id = Some f ->
      c!(spc ctx pc) = Some(Inop pc1) ->
      tr_moves c pc1 (sregs ctx args) (sregs ctx' f.(fn_params)) (spc ctx' f.(fn_entrypoint)) ->
      tr_funbody ctx' f c ->
      ctx'.(retinfo) = ctx.(retinfo) ->
      context_below ctx ctx' ->
      context_stack_tailcall ctx f ctx' ->
      tr_instr ctx pc (Itailcall sg (inr _ id) args) c
  | tr_builtin: forall ctx pc c ef args res s,
      match res with BR r => Ple r ctx.(mreg) | _ => True end ->
      c!(spc ctx pc) = Some (Ibuiltin ef (map (sbuiltinarg ctx) args) (sbuiltinres ctx res) (spc ctx s)) ->
      tr_instr ctx pc (Ibuiltin ef args res s) c
  | tr_cond: forall ctx pc cond args s1 s2 c i,
      c!(spc ctx pc) = Some (Icond cond (sregs ctx args) (spc ctx s1) (spc ctx s2) i) ->
      tr_instr ctx pc (Icond cond args s1 s2 i) c
  | tr_jumptable: forall ctx pc r tbl c,
      c!(spc ctx pc) = Some (Ijumptable (sreg ctx r) ( (spc ctx) tbl)) ->
      tr_instr ctx pc (Ijumptable r tbl) c
  | tr_return: forall ctx pc or c,
      c!(spc ctx pc) = Some (Ireturn (option_map (sreg ctx) or)) ->
      ctx.(retinfo) = None ->
      tr_instr ctx pc (Ireturn or) c
  | tr_return_inlined: forall ctx pc or c rinfo,
      c!(spc ctx pc) = Some (inline_return ctx or rinfo) ->
      ctx.(retinfo) = Some rinfo ->
      tr_instr ctx pc (Ireturn or) c
  | tr_assert: forall ctx pc cond args s c,
      c!(spc ctx pc) = Some (Inop (spc ctx s)) ->
      tr_instr ctx pc (Iassert cond args s) c

with tr_funbody: context -> function -> code -> Prop :=
  | tr_funbody_intro: forall ctx f c,
      (forall r, In r f.(fn_params) -> Ple r ctx.(mreg)) ->
      (forall pc i, f.(fn_code)!pc = Some i -> tr_instr ctx pc i c) ->
      ctx.(mstk) = Z.max f.(fn_stacksize) 0 ->
      (min_alignment f.(fn_stacksize) | ctx.(dstk)) ->
      ctx.(dstk) >= 0 -> ctx.(dstk) + ctx.(mstk) <= stacksize ->
      tr_funbody ctx f c.

Definition fenv_agree (fe: funenv) : Prop :=
  forall id f, fe!.id = Some f -> fenv!.id = Some f.


Variable fe: funenv.
Hypothesis FE: fenv_agree fe.

Variable rec: forall fe', (size_fenv fe' < size_fenv fe)%nat -> context -> function -> mon unit.

Hypothesis rec_unchanged:
  forall fe' (L: (size_fenv fe' < size_fenv fe)%nat) ctx f s x s' i pc,
  rec fe' L ctx f s = R x s' i ->
  Ple ctx.(dpc) s.(st_nextnode) ->
  Plt pc ctx.(dpc) ->
  s'.(st_code)!pc = s.(st_code)!pc.

Remark set_instr_other:
  forall pc instr s x s' i pc',
  set_instr pc instr s = R x s' i ->
  pc' <> pc ->
  s'.(st_code)!pc' = s.(st_code)!pc'.
  intros. monadInv H; simpl. apply PTree.gso; auto.

Remark set_instr_same:
  forall pc instr s x s' i c,
  set_instr pc instr s = R x s' i ->
  c!(pc) = s'.(st_code)!pc ->
  c!(pc) = Some instr.
  intros. rewrite H0. monadInv H; simpl. apply PTree.gss.

Lemma expand_instr_unchanged:
  forall ctx pc instr s x s' i pc',
  expand_instr fe rec ctx pc instr s = R x s' i ->
  Ple ctx.(dpc) s.(st_nextnode) ->
  Plt pc' s.(st_nextnode) ->
  pc' <> spc ctx pc ->
  s'.(st_code)!pc' = s.(st_code)!pc'.
  generalize set_instr_other; intros A.
  intros. unfold expand_instr in H; destruct instr; eauto.
(* call *)
  destruct (can_inline fe s1). eauto.
  monadInv H. unfold inline_function in EQ. monadInv EQ.
  transitivity (s2.(st_code)!pc'). eauto.
  transitivity (s5.(st_code)!pc'). eapply add_moves_unchanged; eauto.
    left. inversion INCR5. inversion INCR3. monadInv EQ1; simpl in *. extlia.
  transitivity (s4.(st_code)!pc'). eapply rec_unchanged; eauto.
    simpl. monadInv EQ; simpl. monadInv EQ1; simpl. extlia.
    simpl. monadInv EQ1; simpl. auto.
  monadInv EQ; simpl. monadInv EQ1; simpl. auto.
(* tailcall *)
  destruct (can_inline fe s1).
  destruct (retinfo ctx) as [[rpc rreg]|]; eauto.
  monadInv H. unfold inline_tail_function in EQ. monadInv EQ.
  transitivity (s2.(st_code)!pc'). eauto.
  transitivity (s5.(st_code)!pc'). eapply add_moves_unchanged; eauto.
    left. inversion INCR5. inversion INCR3. monadInv EQ1; simpl in *. extlia.
  transitivity (s4.(st_code)!pc'). eapply rec_unchanged; eauto.
    simpl. monadInv EQ; simpl. monadInv EQ1; simpl. extlia.
    simpl. monadInv EQ1; simpl. auto.
  monadInv EQ; simpl. monadInv EQ1; simpl. auto.
(* return *)
  destruct (retinfo ctx) as [[rpc rreg]|]; eauto.

Lemma iter_expand_instr_unchanged:
  forall ctx pc l s x s' i,
  mlist_iter2 (expand_instr fe rec ctx) l s = R x s' i ->
  Ple ctx.(dpc) s.(st_nextnode) ->
  Plt pc s.(st_nextnode) ->
  ~In pc ( (spc ctx) ( (@fst _ _) l)) ->
  list_norepet ( (@fst _ _) l) ->
  s'.(st_code)!pc = s.(st_code)!pc.
  induction l; simpl; intros.
  (* base case *)
  monadInv H. auto.
  (* inductive case *)
  destruct a as [pc1 instr1]; simpl in *.
  monadInv H. inv H3.
  transitivity ((st_code s0)!pc).
  eapply IHl; eauto. destruct INCR; extlia. destruct INCR; extlia.
  eapply expand_instr_unchanged; eauto.

Lemma expand_cfg_rec_unchanged:
  forall ctx f s x s' i pc,
  expand_cfg_rec fe rec ctx f s = R x s' i ->
  Ple ctx.(dpc) s.(st_nextnode) ->
  Plt pc ctx.(dpc) ->
  s'.(st_code)!pc = s.(st_code)!pc.
  intros. unfold expand_cfg_rec in H. monadInv H. inversion EQ.
  transitivity ((st_code s0)!pc).
  exploit ptree_mfold_spec; eauto. intros [INCR' ITER].
  eapply iter_expand_instr_unchanged; eauto.
    subst s0; auto.
    subst s0; simpl. extlia.
    red; intros. exploit list_in_map_inv; eauto. intros [pc1 [A B]].
    subst pc. unfold spc in H1. eapply shiftpos_not_below; eauto.
    apply PTree.elements_keys_norepet.
  subst s0; auto.

Hypothesis rec_spec:
  forall fe' (L: (size_fenv fe' < size_fenv fe)%nat) ctx f s x s' i c,
  rec fe' L ctx f s = R x s' i ->
  fenv_agree fe' ->
  Ple (ctx.(dpc) + max_pc_function f) s.(st_nextnode) ->
  ctx.(mreg) = max_reg_function f ->
  Ple (Pos.add ctx.(dreg) ctx.(mreg)) s.(st_nextreg) ->
  ctx.(mstk) >= 0 ->
  ctx.(mstk) = Z.max (fn_stacksize f) 0 ->
  (min_alignment (fn_stacksize f) | ctx.(dstk)) ->
  ctx.(dstk) >= 0 ->
  s'.(st_stksize) <= stacksize ->
  (forall pc, Ple ctx.(dpc) pc -> Plt pc s'.(st_nextnode) -> c!pc = s'.(st_code)!pc) ->
  tr_funbody ctx f c.

Remark min_alignment_pos:
  forall sz, min_alignment sz > 0.
  intros; unfold min_alignment.
  destruct (zle sz 1). lia. destruct (zle sz 2). lia. destruct (zle sz 4); lia.

Ltac inv_incr :=
  match goal with
  | [ H: sincr _ _ |- _ ] => destruct H; inv_incr
  | _ => idtac

Lemma expand_instr_spec:
  forall ctx pc instr s x s' i c,
  expand_instr fe rec ctx pc instr s = R x s' i ->
  (forall r, instr_defs instr = Some r -> Ple r ctx.(mreg)) ->
  Plt (spc ctx pc) s.(st_nextnode) ->
  Ple (ctx.(dreg) + ctx.(mreg)) s.(st_nextreg) ->
  ctx.(mstk) >= 0 -> ctx.(dstk) >= 0 ->
  s'.(st_stksize) <= stacksize ->
  (forall pc', Ple s.(st_nextnode) pc' -> Plt pc' s'.(st_nextnode) -> c!pc' = s'.(st_code)!pc') ->
  c!(spc ctx pc) = s'.(st_code)!(spc ctx pc) ->
  tr_instr ctx pc instr c.
  intros until c; intros EXP DEFS OPC OREG STK1 STK2 STK3 S1 S2.
  generalize set_instr_same; intros BASE.
  unfold expand_instr in EXP; destruct instr; simpl in DEFS;
  try (econstructor; eauto; fail).
(* call *)
  destruct (can_inline fe s1) as [|id f P Q].
  (* not inlined *)
  eapply tr_call; eauto.
  (* inlined *)
  subst s1.
  monadInv EXP. unfold inline_function in EQ; monadInv EQ.
  set (ctx' := callcontext ctx x1 x2 (max_reg_function f) (fn_stacksize f) n r).
  inversion EQ0; inversion EQ1; inversion EQ. inv_incr.
  apply tr_call_inlined with (pc1 := x0) (ctx' := ctx') (f := f); auto.
  eapply BASE; eauto.
  eapply add_moves_spec; eauto.
    intros. rewrite S1. eapply set_instr_other; eauto. unfold node; extlia.
    extlia. extlia.
  eapply rec_spec; eauto.
    red; intros. rewrite QITree.grspec in H. destruct (QITree.elt_eq id0 id); try discriminate. auto.
    simpl. subst s2; simpl in *; extlia.
    simpl. subst s3; simpl in *; extlia.
    simpl. extlia.
    simpl. apply align_divides. apply min_alignment_pos.
    assert (dstk ctx + mstk ctx <= dstk ctx'). simpl. apply align_le. apply min_alignment_pos. lia.
    intros. simpl in H. rewrite S1.
    transitivity (s1.(st_code)!pc0). eapply set_instr_other; eauto. unfold node in *; extlia.
    eapply add_moves_unchanged; eauto. unfold node in *; extlia. extlia.
  red; simpl. subst s2; simpl in *. extlia.
  red; simpl. split. auto. apply align_le. apply min_alignment_pos.
(* tailcall *)
  destruct (can_inline fe s1) as [|id f P Q].
  (* not inlined *)
  destruct (retinfo ctx) as [[rpc rreg] | ] eqn:?.
  (* turned into a call *)
  eapply tr_tailcall_call; eauto.
  (* preserved *)
  eapply tr_tailcall; eauto.
  (* inlined *)
  subst s1.
  monadInv EXP. unfold inline_function in EQ; monadInv EQ.
  set (ctx' := tailcontext ctx x1 x2 (max_reg_function f) (fn_stacksize f)) in *.
  inversion EQ0; inversion EQ1; inversion EQ. inv_incr.
  apply tr_tailcall_inlined with (pc1 := x0) (ctx' := ctx') (f := f); auto.
  eapply BASE; eauto.
  eapply add_moves_spec; eauto.
    intros. rewrite S1. eapply set_instr_other; eauto. unfold node; extlia. extlia. extlia.
  eapply rec_spec; eauto.
    red; intros. rewrite QITree.grspec in H. destruct (QITree.elt_eq id0 id); try discriminate. auto.
    simpl. subst s3; simpl in *. subst s2; simpl in *. extlia.
    simpl. subst s3; simpl in *; extlia.
    simpl. extlia.
    simpl. apply align_divides. apply min_alignment_pos.
    assert (dstk ctx <= dstk ctx'). simpl. apply align_le. apply min_alignment_pos. lia.
    intros. simpl in H. rewrite S1.
    transitivity (s1.(st_code))!pc0. eapply set_instr_other; eauto. unfold node in *; extlia.
    eapply add_moves_unchanged; eauto. unfold node in *; extlia. extlia.
  red; simpl.
subst s2; simpl in *; extlia.
  red; auto.
(* builtin *)
  eapply tr_builtin; eauto. destruct b; eauto.
(* return *)
  destruct (retinfo ctx) as [[rpc rreg] | ] eqn:?.
  (* inlined *)
  eapply tr_return_inlined; eauto.
  (* unchanged *)
  eapply tr_return; eauto.

Lemma iter_expand_instr_spec:
  forall ctx l s x s' i c,
  mlist_iter2 (expand_instr fe rec ctx) l s = R x s' i ->
  list_norepet ( (@fst _ _) l) ->
  (forall pc instr r, In (pc, instr) l -> instr_defs instr = Some r -> Ple r ctx.(mreg)) ->
  (forall pc instr, In (pc, instr) l -> Plt (spc ctx pc) s.(st_nextnode)) ->
  Ple (ctx.(dreg) + ctx.(mreg)) s.(st_nextreg) ->
  ctx.(mstk) >= 0 -> ctx.(dstk) >= 0 ->
  s'.(st_stksize) <= stacksize ->
  (forall pc', Ple s.(st_nextnode) pc' -> Plt pc' s'.(st_nextnode) -> c!pc' = s'.(st_code)!pc') ->
  (forall pc instr, In (pc, instr) l -> c!(spc ctx pc) = s'.(st_code)!(spc ctx pc)) ->
  forall pc instr, In (pc, instr) l -> tr_instr ctx pc instr c.
  induction l; simpl; intros.
  (* base case *)
  (* inductive case *)
  destruct a as [pc1 instr1]; simpl in *. inv H0. monadInv H. inv_incr.
  assert (A: Ple ctx.(dpc) s0.(st_nextnode)).
    assert (B: Plt (spc ctx pc) (st_nextnode s)) by eauto.
    unfold spc in B. generalize (shiftpos_above pc (dpc ctx)). extlia.
  destruct H9. inv H.
  (* same pc *)
  eapply expand_instr_spec; eauto.
    transitivity ((st_code s')!pc').
    apply H7. auto. extlia.
    eapply iter_expand_instr_unchanged; eauto.
    red; intros. rewrite list_map_compose in H9. exploit list_in_map_inv; eauto.
    intros [[pc0 instr0] [P Q]]. simpl in P.
    assert (Plt (spc ctx pc0) (st_nextnode s)) by eauto. extlia.
  transitivity ((st_code s')!(spc ctx pc)).
    eapply H8; eauto.
    eapply iter_expand_instr_unchanged; eauto.
    assert (Plt (spc ctx pc) (st_nextnode s)) by eauto. extlia.
    red; intros. rewrite list_map_compose in H. exploit list_in_map_inv; eauto.
    intros [[pc0 instr0] [P Q]]. simpl in P.
    assert (pc = pc0) by (eapply shiftpos_inj; eauto). subst pc0.
    elim H12. change pc with (fst (pc, instr0)). apply List.in_map; auto.
  (* older pc *)
  inv_incr. eapply IHl; eauto.
  intros. eapply Pos.lt_le_trans. eapply H2. right; eauto. extlia.
  intros; eapply Ple_trans; eauto.
  intros. apply H7; auto. extlia.

Lemma expand_cfg_rec_spec:
  forall ctx f s x s' i c,
  expand_cfg_rec fe rec ctx f s = R x s' i ->
  Ple (ctx.(dpc) + max_pc_function f) s.(st_nextnode) ->
  ctx.(mreg) = max_reg_function f ->
  Ple (ctx.(dreg) + ctx.(mreg)) s.(st_nextreg) ->
  ctx.(mstk) >= 0 ->
  ctx.(mstk) = Z.max (fn_stacksize f) 0 ->
  (min_alignment (fn_stacksize f) | ctx.(dstk)) ->
  ctx.(dstk) >= 0 ->
  s'.(st_stksize) <= stacksize ->
  (forall pc', Ple ctx.(dpc) pc' -> Plt pc' s'.(st_nextnode) -> c!pc' = s'.(st_code)!pc') ->
  tr_funbody ctx f c.
  intros. unfold expand_cfg_rec in H. monadInv H. inversion EQ.
  intros. rewrite H1. eapply max_reg_function_params; eauto.
  intros. exploit ptree_mfold_spec; eauto. intros [INCR' ITER].
  eapply iter_expand_instr_spec; eauto.
    apply PTree.elements_keys_norepet.
    intros. rewrite H1. eapply max_reg_function_def with (i := instr); eauto.
    eapply PTree.elements_complete; eauto.
    assert (Ple pc0 (max_pc_function f)).
      eapply max_pc_function_sound. eapply PTree.elements_complete; eauto.
      eapply Pos.lt_le_trans. apply shiftpos_below. subst s0; simpl; extlia.
  subst s0; simpl; auto.
  intros. apply H8; auto. subst s0; simpl in H11; extlia.
  intros. apply H8. apply shiftpos_above.
  assert (Ple pc0 (max_pc_function f)).
    eapply max_pc_function_sound. eapply PTree.elements_complete; eauto.
  eapply Pos.lt_le_trans. apply shiftpos_below. inversion i; extlia.
  apply PTree.elements_correct; auto.
  auto. auto. auto.
  inversion INCR0. subst s0; simpl in STKSIZE; extlia.


Lemma expand_cfg_unchanged:
  forall fe ctx f s x s' i pc,
  expand_cfg fe ctx f s = R x s' i ->
  Ple ctx.(dpc) s.(st_nextnode) ->
  Plt pc ctx.(dpc) ->
  s'.(st_code)!pc = s.(st_code)!pc.
  intros fe0; pattern fe0. apply well_founded_ind with (R := ltof _ size_fenv).
  apply well_founded_ltof.
  intros. unfold expand_cfg in H0. rewrite unroll_Fixm in H0.
  eapply expand_cfg_rec_unchanged; eauto. assumption.

Lemma expand_cfg_spec:
  forall fe ctx f s x s' i c,
  expand_cfg fe ctx f s = R x s' i ->
  fenv_agree fe ->
  Ple (ctx.(dpc) + max_pc_function f) s.(st_nextnode) ->
  ctx.(mreg) = max_reg_function f ->
  Ple (ctx.(dreg) + ctx.(mreg)) s.(st_nextreg) ->
  ctx.(mstk) >= 0 ->
  ctx.(mstk) = Z.max (fn_stacksize f) 0 ->
  (min_alignment (fn_stacksize f) | ctx.(dstk)) ->
  ctx.(dstk) >= 0 ->
  s'.(st_stksize) <= stacksize ->
  (forall pc', Ple ctx.(dpc) pc' -> Plt pc' s'.(st_nextnode) -> c!pc' = s'.(st_code)!pc') ->
  tr_funbody ctx f c.
  intros fe0; pattern fe0. apply well_founded_ind with (R := ltof _ size_fenv).
  apply well_founded_ltof.
  intros. unfold expand_cfg in H0. rewrite unroll_Fixm in H0.
  eapply expand_cfg_rec_spec; eauto.
  simpl. intros. eapply expand_cfg_unchanged; eauto. assumption.



Relational specification of the translation of a function

Inductive tr_function: program -> function -> function -> Prop :=
  | tr_function_intro: forall p fenv f f' ctx,
      fenv_compat p fenv ->
      tr_funbody fenv f'.(fn_stacksize) ctx f f'.(fn_code) ->
      ctx.(dstk) = 0 ->
      ctx.(retinfo) = None ->
      f'.(fn_sig) = f.(fn_sig) ->
      f'.(fn_params) = sregs ctx f.(fn_params) ->
      f'.(fn_entrypoint) = spc ctx f.(fn_entrypoint) ->
      0 <= fn_stacksize f' < Ptrofs.max_unsigned ->
      tr_function p f f'.

Lemma tr_function_linkorder:
  forall cunit prog f f',
  linkorder cunit prog ->
  tr_function cunit f f' ->
  tr_function prog f f'.
  intros. inv H0. econstructor; eauto. eapply fenv_compat_linkorder; eauto.

Lemma transf_function_spec:
  forall cunit f f',
  transf_function (funenv_program cunit) f = OK f' ->
  tr_function cunit f f'.
  intros. unfold transf_function in H.
  set (fenv := funenv_program cunit) in *.
  destruct (expand_function fenv f initstate) as [ctx s i] eqn:?.
  destruct (zlt (st_stksize s) Ptrofs.max_unsigned); inv H.
  monadInv Heqr. set (ctx := initcontext x x0 (max_reg_function f) (fn_stacksize f)) in *.
Opaque initstate.
  destruct INCR3. inversion EQ1. inversion EQ.
  apply tr_function_intro with fenv ctx; auto.
  apply funenv_program_compat.
  eapply expand_cfg_spec with (fe := fenv); eauto.
    red; auto.
    unfold ctx; rewrite <- H1; rewrite <- H2; rewrite <- H3; simpl. extlia.
    unfold ctx; rewrite <- H0; rewrite <- H1; simpl. extlia.
    simpl. extlia.
    simpl. apply Z.divide_0_r.
    simpl. lia.
  simpl. lia.
  simpl. split; auto. destruct INCR2. destruct INCR1. destruct INCR0. destruct INCR.
  simpl. change 0 with (st_stksize initstate). lia.