Module CSE3

Require Import Coqlib Maps Errors Integers Floats Lattice Kildall.
Require Import AST Linking.
Require Import Memory Registers Op RTL Maps CSE2deps.
Require Import CSE3analysis HashedSet.
Require Import RTLtyping.
Require Compopts.

Local Open Scope error_monad_scope.

Axiom preanalysis : typing_env -> RTL.function -> invariants * analysis_hints.

Record cse3params : Type :=
    { cse3_conditions : bool;
      cse3_operations : bool;
      cse3_trivial_ops: bool;

Section PARAMS.
  Variable params : cse3params.

Section REWRITE.
  Context {ctx : eq_context}.

Definition find_op_in_fmap fmap pc op args :=
  match PMap.get pc fmap with
  | Some rel => rhs_find (ctx:=ctx) pc (SOp op) args rel
  | None => None

Definition find_load_in_fmap fmap pc chunk addr args :=
  match PMap.get pc fmap with
  | Some rel => rhs_find (ctx:=ctx) pc (SLoad chunk addr) args rel
  | None => None

Definition forward_move_b (rb : RB.t) (x : reg) :=
  match rb with
  | None => x
  | Some rel => forward_move (ctx := ctx) rel x

Definition subst_arg (fmap : PMap.t RB.t) (pc : node) (x : reg) : reg :=
  forward_move_b (PMap.get pc fmap) x.

Definition forward_move_l_b (rb : RB.t) (xl : list reg) :=
  match rb with
  | None => xl
  | Some rel => forward_move_l (ctx := ctx) rel xl

Definition subst_args fmap pc xl :=
  forward_move_l_b (PMap.get pc fmap) xl.

Definition find_cond_in_fmap fmap pc cond args :=
  if params.(cse3_conditions)
    match PMap.get pc fmap with
    | Some rel =>
      if is_condition_present (ctx:=ctx) pc rel cond args
      then Some true
        let ncond := negate_condition cond in
        if is_condition_present (ctx:=ctx) pc rel ncond args
        then Some false
        else let args' := subst_args fmap pc args in
             if is_condition_present (ctx:=ctx) pc rel cond args'
             then Some true
             else if is_condition_present (ctx:=ctx) pc rel ncond args'
                  then Some false
                  else None
    | None => None
  else None.

Definition eval_obvious_condition cond args :=
  match args with
  | v1 :: v2 :: nil =>
      if peq v1 v2
        if is_condition_reflexive cond
        then Some true
        else if is_condition_reflexive (negate_condition cond)
             then Some false
             else None
      else None
  | _ => None
Definition param_transf_instr (fmap : PMap.t RB.t)
           (pc: node) (instr: instruction) :=
  match instr with
  | Iop op args dst s =>
    let args' := subst_args fmap pc args in
    match (if (negb params.(cse3_operations) || ((negb params.(cse3_trivial_ops)) && (is_trivial_op op)))
           then None else find_op_in_fmap fmap pc op args') with
    | None => Iop op args' dst s
    | Some src => Iop Omove (src::nil) dst s
  | Iload trap chunk addr args dst s =>
    let args' := subst_args fmap pc args in
    match find_load_in_fmap fmap pc chunk addr args' with
    | None => Iload trap chunk addr args' dst s
    | Some src => Iop Omove (src::nil) dst s
  | Istore chunk addr args src s =>
    Istore chunk addr (subst_args fmap pc args) (subst_arg fmap pc src) s
  | Icall sig ros args dst s =>
    Icall sig ros (subst_args fmap pc args) dst s
  | Itailcall sig ros args =>
    Itailcall sig ros (subst_args fmap pc args)
  | Icond cond args s1 s2 expected =>
      let args' := subst_args fmap pc args in
      match eval_obvious_condition cond args' with
      | Some b => Inop (if b then s1 else s2)
      | None =>
          match find_cond_in_fmap fmap pc cond args with
          | None => Icond cond args' s1 s2 expected
          | Some b => Inop (if b then s1 else s2)
  | Ijumptable arg tbl =>
    Ijumptable (subst_arg fmap pc arg) tbl
  | Ireturn (Some arg) =>
    Ireturn (Some (subst_arg fmap pc arg))
  | _ => instr

Definition param_transf_function (f: function) : res function :=
  do tenv <- type_function f;
  let (invariants, hints) := preanalysis tenv f in
  let ctx := context_from_hints hints in
  if check_inductiveness (ctx:=ctx) f tenv invariants
    OK {| fn_sig := f.(fn_sig);
          fn_params := f.(fn_params);
          fn_stacksize := f.(fn_stacksize);
          fn_code := (param_transf_instr (ctx := ctx) invariants)
          fn_entrypoint := f.(fn_entrypoint) |}
  else Error (msg "cse3: not inductive").

Definition param_transf_fundef (fd: fundef) : res fundef :=
  AST.transf_partial_fundef param_transf_function fd.

Definition param_transf_program (p: program) : res program :=
  transform_partial_program param_transf_fundef p.


Definition cmdline_params (_ : unit) :=
  {| cse3_conditions := Compopts.optim_CSE3_conditions tt;
     cse3_operations := true;
     cse3_trivial_ops:= Compopts.optim_CSE3_trivial_ops tt |}.

Definition transf_program p := param_transf_program (cmdline_params tt) p.